Donald Trump

Sorry, I reckon he is and is well deep into the Q stuff.

And, nowt wrong with that, it’s always a personal choice.

Very comfortable in your hate mob, aren't you? Regardless of me despising the political view of both American party leadership, you can't help but have the need for either/ or lesser of two evils thinking.

Personal choice for you, too.
Sorry, I reckon he is and is well deep into the Q stuff.

And, nowt wrong with that, it’s always a personal choice.
There’s a fuck-ton wrong with being into the Q stuff. People make wrong personal choices all the time. Anyhow I’m guessing even he sees through most . . . well, some . . . errrr, okay, bits . . . of Q.
If one’s politics steer firmly in the direction of “I support only those people/parties that support A, B & C, and who/which also stand steadfast against X, Y & Z” then it will ALWAYS be impossible to wholeheartedly support ANY MAJOR PARTY.

By their nature, in a duopoly a party can only be a major party if they can attract the votes of 40-55% of the population they seek to serve. In a slightly more fractured political environment, one might reasonably expect 10-25%. In a system where there are multiple small parties that seek to stop any majority vote do as to have minority power within a coalition, this might reasonably be single to low double digits.

None of these structures necessarily creates a better outcome, but they do ALL create a COMPROMISE from any rigid dogma or manifesto.

Therein lies the problem for those who seek absolutes in their politics, unless they like dictatorships in which they agree on every issue with the dictator him or her self.

In the absence of a dictator, compromise is needed to cobble together the votes of a somewhat disparate population with views that inhabit various positions on the spectrum of each issue under discussion. In the case of the Democrats, it’s cobbling together ENOUGH far left talking points and policies to appease that cohort. For the Republicans, it has traditional meant the same for the ultra conservative and evangelical voter. However, in recent years it has meant being the figurehead of the MAGA contingent of the party, as they seek to wield outsized power within the party and politicians fear reprisal from them and their leader. Accordingly, it has not been a population-wide compromise that’s been needed, but the compromise of your basic political beliefs to reflect the beliefs of their leader. This has led to the concerns that Trump might be the actual first coming of the wet dream of the American Bund from the 30’s, and thus our first dictatorial

Either way, compromise has to happen, and zealots, or those for whom absolute adherence to their ideas is required, will never be happy with their political environment or the outcome of most elections. It’s virtually impossible, unless you elect that dictator that either follows your beliefs, or whose beliefs you strictly follow.

Personally, there are many positions I would steal from both traditional parties in the American duopoly, and could easily vote for a Lincolnesque Republican who built a team of rivals, as Obama vainly attempted. Sadly, even that is seen as nakedly political and shouted down by BOTH sides.

This creates the conundrum of how to attract the idealistic voter with little to no room for compromise? You really can’t, other than pointing out how “the other guy” will be much worse for you than anything I would go, even if it’s not exactly what you want. To my mind, that’s the best we can do in a complex, multi-racial, financially disparate, and culturally broad population, while hoping you can appeal to enough of them to both win the election AND THEN ATTEMPT TO SERVE THEIR INTERESTS.

Unfortunately, in modern politics, the second (caps) part is the area where both political parties often fail miserably as the forces of unelected power (against which @Bigga often rails) assert their undue, often overarching, influence.

Beyond human scale?
I hope not.

A Titanic-sized turn required to achieve?
Absolutely, even if the desire is both present and well-supported.

Not a chance today, but tomorrow is another day and we can only step into our collective futures with the hope of that more perfect union coming to fruition.

Now, back to beating up on that Orange Clown who is ruining my adopted country!!! NO COMPROMISE THERE!!

My girlfriend is mates with a well-known and respected male news broadcaster, whose judgement on matters of politics I would always respect, who said over lunch when they met up earlier this week that it’s inevitable that Trump will win, which both surprised and troubled me.

I simply can’t see it myself, just because it would require him to gain votes from 2020, but what the fuck do I know?

Absolutely insane, if true.
My girlfriend is mates with a well-known and respected male news broadcaster, whose judgement on matters of politics I would always respect, who said over lunch when they met up earlier this week that it’s inevitable that Trump will win, which both surprised and troubled me.

I simply can’t see it myself, just because it would require him to gain votes from 2020, but what the fuck do I know?

Absolutely insane, if true.

Or it would require Biden to lose votes from 2020 in the swing states?

Seems insane after January 6th but that was a long time ago in some people's minds.
Or it would require Biden to lose votes from 2020 in the swing states?

Seems insane after January 6th but that was a long time ago in some people's minds.
The Israel situation will definitely cost Biden votes, but surely not so many as won’t vote for Trump who did before January 6th and his conviction.

Whatever the outcome, the divisions will continue to grow. Either way, it’s going to be grim after the election.
Don't speak for me. Your "disreputable sources" is coming from your MSM taking position who curates what you see.
I wasn't speaking for you. You're perfectly capable of speaking for yourself but as they think you are a Trumper they wouldn't believe you denying it.

They tend to catch up 6 months later rather than, actually, do investigative reporting. You love your 'entertainer' Rachel Maddows of the world.
You're mixing me up with BlueMoonAcrossThePond. I've had a conversation with you before about infotainment news formats and was critical of Maddow's reliability as a source because of format of her show.

To move away from this, Democracy Now, and The intercept I would generally consider reputable. I haven't read intercept in a while though. Greyzone and Jimmy Dore I wouldn't, most of the Young Turks spin-offs and breakaways are infotainment.

"Illogical" is allowing those medium to give you 'news' whilst they deny they're a journalistic outlet in court.

Go away.

This is again mixing me up with BlueMoonAcrossThePond.

Get well soon.
My girlfriend is mates with a well-known and respected male news broadcaster, whose judgement on matters of politics I would always respect, who said over lunch when they met up earlier this week that it’s inevitable that Trump will win, which both surprised and troubled me.

I simply can’t see it myself, just because it would require him to gain votes from 2020, but what the fuck do I know?

Absolutely insane, if true.
The insane bit is that the party has endorsed him. But this nation elected a man cut from the same cloth so who are we to comment.
The insane bit is that the party has endorsed him. But this nation elected a man cut from the same cloth so who are we to comment.
They are cut from similar cloth, but not quite the same. And Johnson was forced from office as a consequence of his reprehensible conduct and is now unelectable.

Whereas Trump could be re-elected following far worse conduct than throwing a party during Covid. It’s not even close.

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