Donald Trump

Let me ask you this, 60'000 - 70'000 voters in these swing states are going to decide the next president. If they are progressives or anyone who thinks Biden is helping to murder Tens of thousands of children ( Which he is) they are staying away from the ballot box. I'm not buying into we'll still vote for Biden because he'll slaughter less than Trump.
I’m sorry — what’s your question again?
Do you think Biden is complicit in murdering children?
Yes. So are you. Unless you’re down there shielding them with your body. Are you?

Stupid fucking questions like this are why you got Brexit — boiling down decades of complexity and multiple thread outcomes to a few words and telling people to answer yes or no.
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The US has always paid for IDF. Why have voters just begun to notice? The problem didn’t start with Biden; every president since 1948 has been complicit.
Tbh I think it has something to do with 17'000 kids being blown to bits inside a few months.
Tbh I think it has something to do with 17'000 kids being blown to bits inside a few months.
You’re missing the point. The IDF and others have been killing and expelling the Palestinians all the time. For example: Up to 3,000 people murdered by IDF in 1982 at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps over 2 or 3 days.
The question was “Why have the US voters not noticed before?”
Refer to Wiki.
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If “We, the People” wanted 8 parties, we could have them, and there have been some interesting 3rd party candidates, but in America, SCOTUS has deemed money to be “free speech.” More accurately, the money used to project a viewpoint is considered essential to allowing free speech.

That’s not the MSM’s fault, but they do report it.

This is where I have problems with discussions on here (and not just you, specifically…your first comment, which serves as the foundation of the point you want to make, is an unjustified leap and characterization that poisons the tree from which you seek to extract the fruit.

I have not expressed what does and doesn’t bother me, because I haven’t poured my heart and soul out onto BM on these issues, so please don’t pretend to understand, or encapsulate, my complex feelings in a sound bite that suits your own personal purpose. It helps no-one, least of all you, because you CANNOT know.

I have my own feelings about the $1Trillion military budget and the level (and make-up) of social services in America, regardless of foreign aid to Ukraine or Israel or anyone else. It’s not a simplistic either-or question.

I don’t believe the two horse system is done and the lack of critical mass reached by any third party alternative in 2024 proves this, regardless of your understanding (or reflection) of my views.

Again, you’ve assumed you know my forefathers now. Stick to what you know and support it with evidence, rather than telling me who I am and what I believe, obviously or upon reflection, and you’d do much better having a two way communication of worth.

We might be, but I’m not sure it has anything to do with anything under discussion by me.

I think nationalism is on the rise because economic malaise during a period of demonization of “other” is a powerful, almost primal, pretext for anger…even when there is no cause and effect established.

Humans are simple creatures, yet have such complex emotions, which can often be easily manipulated.

Dad lost his job.
Immigration is up dramatically.
The High Street looks very different.
I know why Dad lost his job.


Pendulums swing and politicians (and evil) seeks to exploit the weakness that comes from those swings.

People with intelligence, conscience and beliefs are not easily swayed by the manipulators, but they’re both impossible to miss and hard to not be affected by.

Donald Trump is a perfect example of this.

To any sane, rational person, he looks and sounds like a buffoon, but bring enough manipulation to bear in the pursuit of elevating him in the consciousness of mostly dimple, poorly educated people with a weak belief structure and you can manufacture a President…possibly twice!

Simple and complex in the same moment about the same issue, which is why the human animal can be such a conundrum.

Be well, Find peace. Enjoy it.

You appear to have multiple areas of angst in your life, but if you relieve yourself of the burden of having to fix them yourself (or for others), I think you might find both greater balance on issues of importance and greater serenity in your life.

All the best. Take good care.
One of your better post CB.
One of the better posts in here, in general.

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