Donald Trump

Out of honest curiosity... with all of Bigga's previous posts available to read... and given his predictable interaction with you - why on earth haven't you put him on ignore?
Because I don’t want to close my mind to alternative thought, while reserving the right to ignore any post or respond appropriately.

In America, we have about 70,000,000 voters who have reality and truth on “Ignore” and look where that has got us!
Because I don’t want to close my mind to alternative thought, while reserving the right to ignore any post or respond appropriately.

In America, we have about 70,000,000 voters who have reality and truth on “Ignore” and look where that has got us!
Probably going to be another 10 - 15 Million on top of that number come November. Truly unbelievable. I'm not keen on Biden and if he runs he's absolute toast as I think Harris will be too. It just looks like the Dems have no one. Beggars belief that folk actually want him to be like Victor Orban or even Putin and run the country with an Iron Fist.
It’s always that one party.

I think it could be argued that before and during WWII the Allies were murderous cunts. While before and during WWII the Nazis and Japanese were murderous cunts.

Maybe her only point is that war and power is horrible? If so I could see the argument. But if she is trying to deny the acts of the Nazis then cuckoo.
Probably going to be another 10 - 15 Million on top of that number come November. Truly unbelievable. I'm not keen on Biden and if he runs he's absolute toast as I think Harris will be too. It just looks like the Dems have no one. Beggars belief that folk actually want him to be like Victor Orban or even Putin and run the country with an Iron Fist.
I can’t see any way Trump gets to 85M votes, but I share the Biden despair. Spent the morning reading the NYT and reviewing a few recent opinion pieces. Dowd, Carville and even George Clooney have written eloquently on where we are and what we need.

Trump has, quite correctly, stayed out of the public eye to let Biden swing in the wind, knowing that the upcoming RNC in Milwaukee and his VP pick will only serve to give him another bump in the polls, as every Convention does.

Meanwhile, in Chicago, the local leadership is busy trying to deny picketing permits from the Friends of Lebanon and tidy up and block off the streets around the west side, where the United Center is located!

I don’t wish ill on anyone, but if Biden doesn’t come to his senses and drop out for the good of the country and his own personal legacy, then I hope the gods do intervene before it’s too late.

I’m not the billionaire class that would love Trump to become Supreme Leader, but just an hourly worker who is looking to have a decent retirement in 4 years. The last thing I need is for Trump to blow up this country right before I’m supposed to enjoy my golden years!!! I don’t want to be forced to leave the f’ing country, but if I do, I won’t look back!

Carville has a great idea. 4 town halls, with 8 potential nominees (2 at each), hosted by Bill Clinton & Barack Obama. Each host gets to ask each candidate 10 questions and they have 3 minutes to answer the questions WITHOUT REFERENCE TO ANY OTHER CANDIDATE.

It would not be debates, it would be an opportunity for “compare and contrast” of 8 candidates. Then, at the Convention, delegates would all be released to cast their votes based on input from their constituencies. The top 2 delegate counts would be the ticket, unless someone decided they didn’t want VP, then it drops to next vote getter.

The 4 town halls could be the week before the Convention (Mon-Thurs) and could be hosted by MSNBC, the recognized liberal news channel.


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