Donald Trump

First, he needs to be Secretary of State, where he can be the face of the USA to our foreign friends. He is articulate, smart and progressive, while also able to discuss foreign policy with one arm and leg tied behind his back after serving on the front lines.
I would add he also has a good line of zingers which would resonate in a debate.
I would add he also has a good line of zingers which would resonate in a debate.
He is both thoughtful and forceful when challenged on his core competencies. In short, don’t fuck with him!

I think we need to see him doing big, positive things for 4 years and he will play second fiddle to no-one. To see him on an international stage, looking presidential, would help make the “gay thing” a nothing in 4 yrs!
Can someone explain why Trump is allowed to use funds raised for his campaign to pay for his personal and company legal bills? Seems bizarre
I hope Buttigieg gets the nod personally but theres no way the loons there would vote for a gay man, they cant even bring themselves to vote for a woman yet
The loons aren't voting for anyone not named Trump so Buttigieg is fine.

It doesn't matter now anyhow. There isn't anyone at this late date who can galvanize the blue electorate, let alone the whole electorate. I said from the very beginning that for blues this was all about voter turnout. Well, now, it doesn't matter because turnout for a crippled candidate will always be lower, and every single Democrat is now crippled, whether its Biden or someone else who has no time (not to mention money) to run a strategic let alone aggressive campaign. And every day the party isn't galvanized behind one person -- any person -- is another day closer to Trump winning, almost by default, because even though his base has probably dwindled in numbers, they are 100% going to show up, and Democrats now aren't, unless the "issues" become the candidate, which they often don't.

I also said after Biden was elected that he should announce that he'll be a one-term President shortly into his term so Democrats could plan for a transition, although I knew that risked party unification (if Biden was a lame duck, progressives might not be willing to work with him). Now we see the consequences, though it's fair to say the consequences might have also been bad had he pre-announced it as well.
Can someone explain why Trump is allowed to use funds raised for his campaign to pay for his personal and company legal bills? Seems bizarre
He isn't.

Hence the hush money court case he's trying to get thrown out thanks to his mates on SCOTUS arguing the payments were official acts therefore he's immune.
Seems like Putin's messenger boy is about to deliver orders to his errand boy....

Scoop: Trump will meet with Hungary's Viktor Orban in Florida on Thursday, per sources.

Orban also paid a visit to Xi Jinping in China this week, following a trip to Azerbaijan earlier.

He adores Orban for the way he runs Hungary. There's no two ways about it this is how he wants to run America if he gets in.
While we are snidely denigrating America, tell your friend that America is not now, nor has it even been, a democracy…or read a book. But, that money is speech in America and bribery is allowed now!

The Founding Fathers were dead set AGAINST a democracy because they feared the autocratic leader that declared himself King. Therefore, they created a separate, but equal, three branches of government to create checks and balances. The one branch which had been considered apolitical (Judicial) and thus the overseer of the political branch (Legislative) has become a political club of the far right, while the other two branches (Legislative & Executive) are strongly contested along increasingly divided political lines.

Unfortunately, we have recently discovered that a SCOTUS (Judicial Branch) that has accepted bribes, but believes itself to be above the law, has now created (out of thin air) an Executive Branch that has broad immunity from prosecution, and is thus LITERALLY above the law, no matter the level of corruption or deceit, if undertaken as part of the presidency. Indeed, if Keir Starmer had a 12 year old daughter and Trump came to England on a state visit, Trump could fuck her and claim immunity from prosecution, rather than becoming a convicted pedophile! All part of his gig as President!

All Hail, King Donald the First!

In related news, the Supremes, feeling like they’re on a roll, CODIFIED LEGAL BRIBERY FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS!!!

If I tell Senator (or President!) that if they do what I ask of them I will give them a healthy “tip” for their efforts, that is now perfectly legal! I’m sure it has nothing to do with Kennedy and Scalia, and now Alito and Thomas sucking down MAJOR RIGHT WING DONOR GIFTS AND LOAN PAYOFFS!!


Trumps immunity stops at the outer limits of any other country. The crime mentioned here taking place in UK would be prosecuted.
While we are snidely denigrating America, tell your friend that America is not now, nor has it even been, a democracy…
I disagree with the "America isn't a democracy" point of view. America, in my view, is a democratic republic and as such is both a democracy and a republic.

See, for example:

I have heard this point of view for decades though - my boy scout leader from ages bygone used to proclaim that America is a republic, not a democracy.

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