Donald Trump

He really does sound like a self-important, pompous little prick. But as you say, you have friends from all sorts of backgrounds with widely varying political outlooks.
I’m not little.
He really does sound like a self-important, pompous little prick. But as you say, you have friends from all sorts of backgrounds with widely varying political outlooks.
I've no idea who people are discussing here but if it's someone who GDM knows off the forum then, like me, he's probably a right ****!
Can't take anyone relying on betting numbers this far out seriously. Harris hasn't even given a speech as candidate yet, let alone organise her campaign, start attacking Trump and picking a VP.

So far the only people she's attracted are people who supported Biden and Never-Trumpers. We know she polls very well in all the demographics Biden was losing ground on, but she's not had a chance to make her pitch to them yet.

Also when people talk about the betting markets being more accurate than the polls, they're talking about the betting markets on the day of the election. Before that they're moving all over the place, Trump was the odds-on favourite for 2020 for about 3 years and 10 months.
Yes the betting can be wrong. I think Leave was around 7/1 on Brexit day and I think Trump when facing Clinton was huge odds as well. However it is usually a lot more accurate than reporters trying to inject drama into a situation. In the recent French elections the Far Right was close to 100/1 to take power but the media reported it as if their defeat was hugely unexpected.
The thread seems to have gone off on a bit of a tangent.
Are we in agreement that Trump’s a **** and everyone who would consider voting for him given a chance is probably a **** as well. Either that or terminally stupid.
I would surmise that 98% of contributions to this thread would concur with your analysis.
Probably worth a bet on Harris then. I can see the Trump campaign imploding over the next 3 months if Harris plays her cards right.
Not for me at 2.8/1. However, when Biden fumbled badly in that debate and their was a clamour for him to step down both Biden and Harris were available at around 7/1 on Betfair. For those certain that Biden would be forced out then 7/1 on Harris was an absolute steal. Sadly, I was not brave enough.
Looking at Harris on Betfair some brave souls have managed to bet on her at 100/1 plus (probably a couple of years ago I would imagine).
For Trump, highest price bet was 20/1 probably when he was in all his court cases.
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The thread seems to have gone off on a bit of a tangent.
Are we in agreement that Trump’s a **** and everyone who would consider voting for him given a chance is probably a **** as well. Either that or terminally stupid.
That's a bit of a simplification. I've had, and continue to have discussions with my (American) daughter-in-law's family, who I consider sane, sensible and quite intelligent. The younger ones are anti-Trump but also were worried about Biden. One of the older ones said to me "I don't like Trump but I prefer him to Biden". It wasn't a great choice, a bit like having to choose between Johnson or Corbyn. At least we had other choices.

Incidentally, one of the guys injured in the shooting is a close friend of my daughter-in-law's uncle, and my son played in a band with him. He's actually a Democrat and is in hospital with a Secret Service guard on his room, which seems a bit OTT but is probably more to protect him from the media than anything else.
That's a bit of a simplification. I've had, and continue to have discussions with my (American) daughter-in-law's family, who I consider sane, sensible and quite intelligent. The younger ones are anti-Trump but also were worried about Biden. One of the older ones said to me "I don't like Trump but I prefer him to Biden". It wasn't a great choice, a bit like having to choose between Johnson or Corbyn. At least we had other choices.

Incidentally, one of the guys injured in the shooting is a close friend of my daughter-in-law's uncle, and my son played in a band with him. He's actually a Democrat and is in hospital with a Secret Service guard on his room, which seems a bit OTT but is probably more to protect him from the media than anything else.
I very much appreciate open-mindedness and the understanding that someone disagreeing with you in good faith on a subject does not make them a bad person.

But do you genuinely think that someone that would vote for Trump now, after everything that has come before, and everything that he and the MAGA apparatus surrounding him are indicating they would undertake if they were to regain the presidency, knowing who Trump is, what he has done, and what he represents, should be treated as a reasonable person that merely has a different political view?

I think this argument was more reasonable during the 2016 campaign, when his true nature (and the nature of the apparatus building around him) was less understood by many outside of those that had direct connections to him or those that knew people that had interacted with him over the decades (especially those living in NYC). But that “fog of war”, for lack of a better phrase, has well and truly lifted over the past eight years—no rational, intelligent person should be confused about what supporting Trump represents.

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