Donald Trump

Wonder if there is another tv debate scheduled?
There is technically one scheduled but, with Biden dropping out, that is likely defunct.

And I think it is very unlikely Trump agrees to debate Harris at all, given she would eviscerate him on stage, and the entire spectacle would just further highlight that he is now the old, feeble candidate in the race, after spending months making the election a referendum on Biden’s age.
Political reporting and commentating tends to be hyperbole on steroids. The betting, cold hard cash, suggests Trump is 60% and Harris is 40%. It's going to be very, very close regardless of what any of the political experts may tell you.

Edit: That's 60% chance of winning not % of vote.
Probably worth a bet on Harris then. I can see the Trump campaign imploding over the next 3 months if Harris plays her cards right.
So he is just a deranged twat on here?

Wouldn’t be the first to have an alter-ego on Bluemoon, I suppose.

Have you also been to games with Dax, by any chance?

Edit: To be fair to you, I just discovered quite a few of his posts from the last few days have been removed by the mods, so you probably haven’t seen the evidence of his recent rampage on here.
I suppose if you know someone personally then it can temper your views on them on here, but I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds, with widely varying political outlooks and my life is all the richer for that, so I therefore don’t naturally recoil when someone posts something I disagree with.

He’s also a very generous and welcoming individual but I understand why you might not see that based on his posting output. As you say, it’s not always easy to tell the entirety of someone’s character based on what they post online.

As a centrist I also think, in general terms, ‘the left’ on here give as good as they get and they also have safety in numbers to rely upon.
Political reporting and commentating tends to be hyperbole on steroids. The betting, cold hard cash, suggests Trump is 60% and Harris is 40%. It's going to be very, very close regardless of what any of the political experts may tell you.

Edit: That's 60% chance of winning not % of vote.

Can't take anyone relying on betting numbers this far out seriously. Harris hasn't even given a speech as candidate yet, let alone organise her campaign, start attacking Trump and picking a VP.

So far the only people she's attracted are people who supported Biden and Never-Trumpers. We know she polls very well in all the demographics Biden was losing ground on, but she's not had a chance to make her pitch to them yet.

Also when people talk about the betting markets being more accurate than the polls, they're talking about the betting markets on the day of the election. Before that they're moving all over the place, Trump was the odds-on favourite for 2020 for about 3 years and 10 months.
I suppose if you know someone personally then it can temper your views on them on here, but I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds and with widely varying political outlooks and my life is all the richer for that, so I therefore don’t naturally recoil when someone posts something I disagree with.

He’s also a very generous and welcoming individual but I understand why you might not see that based on his posting output. As you say, it’s not always easy to tell the entirety of someone’s character based on what they post online.

As a centrist I also think, in general terms, ‘the left’ on here give as good as they get and they also have safety in numbers to rely upon.
I am absolutely happy with and welcome opposing views. I don’t recoil at opposing views or good faith disagreements. You and I have had many, so you should know that about me.

What I can’t abide is someone acting in bad faith when sharing their views or being an outright **** in debate (and I use “debate” very loosely to describe the posts that have since been removed).

And he has been acting in that way toward many of us for awhile now, hence my surprise that someone like you, who I respect as someone that never stoops to that sort of behaviour, would indicate he is not like that off the forum.

But, as I do have great respect for you, I will accept your character reference and assume that his recent actions were down to external factors and not a reflection of his actual character, and will refrain from saying anything more, unless he continues down that path.
I am absolutely happy with and welcome opposing views. I don’t recoil at opposing views or good faith disagreements. You and I have had many, so you should know that about me.

What I can’t abide is someone acting in bad faith when sharing their views or being an outright **** in debate (and I use “debate” very loosely to describe the posts that have since been removed).

And he has been acting in that way toward many of us for awhile now, hence my surprise that someone like you, who I respect as someone that never stoops to that sort of behaviour, would indicate he is not like that off the forum.

But, as I do have great respect for you, I will assume that his recent actions were down to external factors and not a reflection of his actual character, and will refrain from saying anything more, unless he continues down that path.
If you’re suggesting that I’m a brilliant judge of character, then you’d be absolutely fucking spot on! :-)
So he is just a deranged twat on here?

Wouldn’t be the first to have an alter-ego on Bluemoon, I suppose.

Have you also been to games with Dax, by any chance?

Edit: To be fair to you, I just discovered quite a few of his posts from the last few days have been removed by the mods, so you probably haven’t seen the evidence of his recent rampage on here.

I suppose if you know someone personally then it can temper your views on them on here, but I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds, with widely varying political outlooks and my life is all the richer for that, so I therefore don’t naturally recoil when someone posts something I disagree with.

He’s also a very generous and welcoming individual but I understand why you might not see that based on his posting output. As you say, it’s not always easy to tell the entirety of someone’s character based on what they post online.

As a centrist I also think, in general terms, ‘the left’ on here give as good as they get and they also have safety in numbers to rely upon.
He really does sound like a self-important, pompous little prick. But as you say, you have friends from all sorts of backgrounds with widely varying political outlooks.
Political reporting and commentating tends to be hyperbole on steroids. The betting, cold hard cash, suggests Trump is 60% and Harris is 40%. It's going to be very, very close regardless of what any of the political experts may tell you.

Edit: That's 60% chance of winning not % of vote.
That's because she doesn't have the nomination yet. If one team has reached the final and a better team still has a semi-final to play, then the one that reached the final tends to be the favourite. When the better team gets through their semi, they suddenly become the favourite.

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