Donald Trump

:) Me? I don't know and I don't care very much. But you do accept they must have some?

Edit: Actually, what you say makes it worse. I don't know the turnout but say it's 50%, the fact that 75% of the electorate either vote for Trump or can't be arsed to vote against him doesn't paint much of a rosy picture for the Democrats and how they are perceived.
You can ask them as several reporters have tried to do but there are NO coherent answers. Even those Maga people in congress just waffle and rant and talk nonsense. Have you ever heard a cogent argument from any of them? I would love to understand them but they can’t tell you what their grievances are.
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:) I would say it is less likely that the German population were reasonable and rational up to the 1930s, became unreasonable and irrational for a decade and then became reasonable and rational again in 1945 than that they were always reasonable and rational people who accepted what was going on, to the extent they knew about it, because, at the beginning, the political alternative didn't address their grievances and, at the end, because they were in a state of war and all populations rally in wartime?

Anyway, I am no psychologist. I just feel that there must be more going on in the US than unreasonable, irrational, stupid and confused people voting for Trump. More than that I don't care, really.
So we agree there is a point at which original “genuine grievances” are no longer a permissible reason to support an obviously bad actor?

If so, where exactly would you place that point?

Are people still supporting Trump right now, today, before or after that point?

I will say, though, perhaps you and I have different definitions of “reasonable and rational” based on your answer to my “Germans supporting Hitler” question, so perhaps this exercise is futile. :-)
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I'm not sure why there are many comments about the Secret Service Director - it's clearly untenable to stay.

I think staying for the Congress hearings was a better action than quitting before them, obviously opened her to personal attack by idiots but it would have been much easier to quit immediately.
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So we agree there is a point at which original “genuine grievances” are no longer a permissible reason to support an obviously bad actor?

If so, where exactly would you place that point?

Are people still supporting Trump right now, today, before or after that point?

I will say, though, perhaps you and I have different definitions of “reasonable and rational” based on your answer to my “Germans supporting Hitler” question, so perhaps this exercise is futile. :-)

For 1930s/40s Germany, I would suggest that, with human nature the way it is, it was when it became clear they were losing the war and the horrors of what happened internally became apparent.

You seem to think that tipping point should have been reached with Republicans (and, for that matter, people who don't vote) in the US. That's fine. You live there. I am not so sure. I am not so sure that point will be reached, tbh. I was just raising the question, what are the reasons why it hasn't / won't? I don't buy the unreasonable, irrational, stupid and confused argument, personally.

But wtf do I know?
For 1930s/40s Germany, I would suggest that, with human nature the way it is, it was when it became clear they were losing the war and the horrors of what happened internally became apparent.

You seem to think that tipping point should have been reached with Republicans (and, for that matter, people who don't vote) in the US. That's fine. You live there. I am not so sure. I am not so sure that point will be reached, tbh. I was just raising the question, what are the reasons why it hasn't / won't? I don't buy the unreasonable, irrational, stupid and confused argument, personally.

But wtf do I know?
So, just to make sure I understand your stance: you believe those people currently supporting, aiding, and planning to vote for Trump (and MAGA more generally) in the upcoming general election are acting rationally and reasonably?
I agree there. Some of it was repulsive, especially from the likes of MTG.

But that’s was always going to be the case. And of all the committee grillings, this was probably the most appropriate one for it, if there is such a status, unfortunately.
I just had to Google who MTG was, and fucking hell I'm sorry I did.

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