Donald Trump

Fucking hell ......

He really has no idea. Some time ago he asked “Where is her husband, why is he not with her?” The answer came back “He is in Africa, serving with our armed forces.” Trumped!
(He is a volunteer reservist and is required to do a tour of duty every so often.)
Noooo! You are not as dense as you pretend to be. Is this what you are resting your faulty argument on?

“We're still waiting on 20 member states to meet their NATO commitments and spend at least 2 percent on defense. And 2 percent is a very low number. The number really should be 4 percent,” Trump said."

THe above is what anyone with a modicum of common sense can spot for what it is: A negotiation tactic . I suppose common sense sometimes goes missing with people suffering from TDS.

You say negotiation. I say sales pitch. He was trying to get more arms sales into the US military complex.

But it doesn’t change the fact there is no mandate to spend that much.

What are your thoughts on Iceland being in NATO yet have no military at all. 0% spending. Would you kick them out of NATO or be fine with Russia invading them?

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