Donald Trump

Worth noting it's not just trump that finds it hard to accept an election result nowadays although admittedly he's the only one to mobilise armed red necks. The good liberal folk of the world find it just as tough to accept results that don't go their way and ascribe any such outcome as russian interference or because of lies etc.
Its true and yet the distinction makes a huge deal.But it ties in with my question "where does legitimacy lay within the US"? When the election results are so often challenged, it also becomes an easier to sell the idea of needing to force the matter.
Its true and yet the distinction makes a huge deal.But it ties in with my question "where does legitimacy lay within the US"? When the election results are so often challenged, it also becomes an easier to sell the idea of needing to force the matter.
Exactly that. Part of the general deterioration in manners in politics (UK is as bad or getting there). The gentle de-legitimisation of electoral results by pretty much everyone opens the door to normalising the response of trump and maga loons.
If he wins then America just has to deal with it like they did last time.

The big risk is if he losses by 1 or 2 states and 1 or 2 GOP controlled states declare Trump the winner when he has lost. For whatever reason and if it goes to SCOTUS they will back it up.

At that point the gloves are off.
this is indeed the kind of scenario, or "road map", that would concern me the most. At the end, all that it would require is some challenge, some delay, a favorable SC ruling and the "trump army" then helping to enforcing what can be given the appearance of legitimacy.

Thats even besides what we might fear the Trump army could do on the ground during the voting to skew the matter to the favor of "their champion".

Before i made these considerations, i had the impression that we were heading to al ellection that would go "the normal way" whatever the outcome. Now i'm getting more convinced that its everything but that what we are likely going to get, we probably "aint seen nothing yet".
this is indeed the kind of scenario, or "road map", that would concern me the most. At the end, all that it would require is some challenge, some delay, a favorable SC ruling and the "trump army" then helping to enforcing what can be given the appearance of legitimacy.

Thats even besides what we might fear the Trump army could do on the ground during the voting to skew the matter to the favor of "their champion".

Before i made these considerations, i had the impression that we were heading to al ellection that would go "the normal way" whatever the outcome. Now i'm getting more convinced that its everything but that what we are likely going to get, we probably "aint seen nothing yet".
The usual Republican vote blocking will be in full force this time.
Its true and yet the distinction makes a huge deal.But it ties in with my question "where does legitimacy lay within the US"? When the election results are so often challenged, it also becomes an easier to sell the idea of needing to force the matter.
But they’re not often challenged.

Apart from last time, and the idiot's false claims that the election was stolen from him, the only other occasion was in 2000, when Al Gore took the Florida - and only Florida - result appeal, before backing down, in the interests of the country.

I’m old enough to remember all the US presidential elections since 1972, and those are the only two that I can recall.
But they’re not often challenged.

Apart from last time, and the idiot's false claims that the election was stolen from him, the only other occasion was in 2000, when Al Gore took the Florida - and only Florida - result appeal, before backing down, in the interests of the country.

I’m old enough to remember all the US presidential elections since 1972, and those are the only two that I can recall.

Fair point but ... do you think this ellection ill be challanged if Trump looses loses?
Fair point but ... do you think this ellection ill be challanged if Trump looses loses?
Unless Harris wins by huge margins, I think it probably will.

The idiot hates the idea that he’s a loser.

Talking of which, after Biden had won Georgia, and his overall victory was confirmed, CNN seemed to use "loser" as often as they could, when talking about Trump.
When he loses Trump will mobilise the Maga Army and there will be a violent coup attempt. They will have automatic weapons, bombs, and more. Civil war on a limited scale. Stand back and stand by.
I’m serious.
99% of his ‘gun toting MAGA army’ won’t do anything to risk their lives and job if it came to it. A few nutters maybe, who will quickly be dealt with by trained professionals.
Worth noting it's not just trump that finds it hard to accept an election result nowadays although admittedly he's the only one to mobilise armed red necks. The good liberal folk of the world find it just as tough to accept results that don't go their way and ascribe any such outcome as russian interference or because of lies etc.
I don’t recall an attempted coup in late 2016 or any serious talk about trying to get the result overturned. People may have discussed the reasons for the result but I don’t recall anyone questioning the legitimacy of the election or making any attempt to prevent the smooth handover of power. It’s a fatuous comparison.
I don’t recall an attempted coup in late 2016 or any serious talk about trying to get the result overturned. People may have discussed the reasons for the result but I don’t recall anyone questioning the legitimacy of the election or making any attempt to prevent the smooth handover of power. It’s a fatuous comparison.

He will be on about brexit too most likely.

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