Donald Trump

I’m in no doubt his dumbfuck followers will be squaring this, rather large, circle by claiming he’s been temporarily channel by the devil in some kind of Satanic Verses episode.
Absolutely, just check out the many Jordan Keppler v trump supporters clips on youtube, which are hilarious & terrifying in equal measure.
They will literally believe anything he says as fact & nothing will persuade them otherwise.
It’s a horrifying peek through the windows of the cult.
They are insane.
Trump, as predicted, has called Walz a Communist; and he's for "anything trans-gender."

Walz has said that "one man's socialism is another's good-neighborliness."
Trump, as predicted, has called Walz a Communist; and he's for "anything trans-gender."

Walz has said that "one man's socialism is another's good-neighborliness."
Literally could have been a fucking tuna fish sandwich as Harris' running mate and he'd have said same. It's all he's got.

Also Tim will be the lightning rod -- they can be crude and stupid insult-wise to an older white man without risking being offensive the way the idiot hangers-on were with Harris ("DEI hire", "colo(u)red", "Indian not black" by regular GOP talking heads, not to mention some of the incredibly vulgar things said about her gender among the red hat blue checks, all within 48 hours of her ascending to the nominee role).
I bet Trump is starting to wish that bullet had maybe done a touch more damage to get him out of the race for 50 days. The campaign feels like it is imploding.
Trump, as predicted, has called Walz a Communist; and he's for "anything trans-gender."

Walz has said that "one man's socialism is another's good-neighborliness."
The funny thing is, Walz's comments basically saying live and let live, let people do what they want, is about as old school small government conservative as you can get.
The funny thing is, Walz's comments basically saying live and let live, let people do what they want, is about as old school small government conservative as you can get.
The old joke is that modern republicans want small government: just tiny enough to fit in your bedroom.
Blessed are the idiots

Fairly sure that is a photoshoped slogan stolen from a Taylor Swift music video.


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