Donald Trump

So, in terms of placing family before 'the acquisition of property and possessions', Trump's VC pick is advocating a societal system that is somewhat at odds with the unfettered free market economic model so favoured by this lunatic's acolytes whereby the pursuit of material wealth appears to be an aim in itself. Just remind me, what exactly does Vance stand for?
But that was four years ago.

He’s obviously changed his tune now, so that his views are compatible with the orange, racist idiot, which enabled him to become the prospective VP.
My best attempt to translate from Vance’s warped mind palace is that you should take his statements about what he prioritises with a huge pinch of salt.

What he is trying to project here is that modern America is losing its grip on the “traditional family household”. That being man in charge. Wife and child may have a very different sense of “virtue” but they are ultimately subordinate to the virtuous man who heads the household. That structure is engrained within the virtue of the household. We’ll ignore the bit where Aristotle talks about how you should treat slaves.

What he’s saying is acquiring assets is still important - but this structure is more important and underpins everything.

He has a way of looking at the world which wouldn’t look out of place in Victorian Britain.

I got some of that. As @Vienna_70 says it was 4 years ago and the family--oriented idea with grandparents stopping work to help out seemed at odds with Trump.

Either way, as you said at the start, who talks like that?!
I see the idiot now claims that Harris is the worst VPIn history.

Between her and "the worst president in history," it’s remarkable that they’ve managed to cut border crossings and improve the economy.
I disagree.

The old Friedman / Reganomics free market capitalist model went out of the window years ago. This is a new social conservatism that’s built on inward facing dogmatic protectionism rather than liberal economics.

In a weird way Trump’s economic policy has got more in common with the old Soviet state capitalism model than it does with the traditional American free market, free trade globalisation model.

Whacking 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs is a great example.
You make a fair point Johnny. I worded my comment clumsily. Regardless of the model of capitalism, I feel there's a fundamental contradiction at the heart of Vance's argument as he seems to want to have his cake and eat it. I'm no expert on economics or philosophy but what I do know is that Aristotle espoused that economics should be a moral science that didn't seek unlimited wealth but provided for the common good. That would appear to be at odds with a warped political ideology which appears to favour almost complete self-reliance over even limited government intervention to assist those in need.
You make a fair point Johnny. I worded my comment clumsily. Regardless of the model of capitalism, I feel there's a fundamental contradiction at the heart of Vance's argument as he seems to want to have his cake and eat it. I'm no expert on economics or philosophy but what I do know is that Aristotle espoused that economics should be a moral science that didn't seek unlimited wealth but provided for the common good. That would appear to be at odds with a warped political ideology which appears to favour almost complete self-reliance over even limited government intervention to assist those in need.
This is a good discussion, but I really think you’re over-analyzing. The whole Trump/ MAGA thing is tantamount to new religion being born right in front of our eyes. How is it really any different to Joseph Smith? Some scurrilous bloke, steeped in self-interest, but who has some ability to sell himself, comes out with a ‘vision’ and idiots flock to him.
Just like any religion, it’s full of mad contradictions and things made up on the spot to benefit their temporary needs. There’s no point looking for any internal cohesiveness and consistency.
This is a good discussion, but I really think you’re over-analyzing. The whole Trump/ MAGA thing is tantamount to new religion being born right in front of our eyes. How is it really any different to Joseph Smith? Some scurrilous bloke, steeped in self-interest, but who has some ability to sell himself, comes out with a ‘vision’ and idiots flock to him.
Just like any religion, it’s full of mad contradictions and things made up on the spot to benefit their temporary needs. There’s no point looking for any internal cohesiveness and consistency.
Agree, there's pretty solid signs we are over peak Trump.

When he was campaigning (grifting) over the last year or so it was preaching to the choir every time. Not much press coverage and he was ahead in polls where most people were in truth undecided and a bit down on old man Biden.

There was always a good chance that under the scrutiny of an election campaign his bat shit crazy speeches would not come over well. Add the energy of Kamala and its really starting to fall apart. He could get back on track, plenty of time to go. But equally he could go totally off the rails. He's desperate for attention but there's not much left he hasn't said or done. He's already played the racist bullying card.

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