Donald Trump

I still think the right are using Trump as a useful idiot. There’s no way he keeps his marbles for another 4 years. I feel, once he has done his job (election win), he will be quietly moved aside so that they can impose their agenda. The only reason he is there is that there is no way that Vance (the real problem for America) could win it. He has been proved to be a useful idiot for Russia, China, North Korea, Hungary, Venezuela etc, so it’s not a long shot to see this scenario…let’s hope (for the world, as well as the US), he gets soundly beaten in a few weeks time, and the Dems win both houses as well as the Presidency to fix some of these fractures in their people…
I still think the right are using Trump as a useful idiot. There’s no way he keeps his marbles for another 4 years. I feel, once he has done his job (election win), he will be quietly moved aside so that they can impose their agenda. The only reason he is there is that there is no way that Vance (the real problem for America) could win it. He has been proved to be a useful idiot for Russia, China, North Korea, Hungary, Venezuela etc, so it’s not a long shot to see this scenario…let’s hope (for the world, as well as the US), he gets soundly beaten in a few weeks time, and the Dems win both houses as well as the Presidency to fix some of these fractures in their people…
A close call election Shitgibbon will win. His cunts have being doing the groundwork in various states since his last defeat and he's locked up SCOTUS.

There needs to be a huge win that he cannot challenge.

However looking at some female voters vox pops they seem to have swallowed the lie Trump made everything cheaper and are voting with their pockets over their bodies.
I still think the right are using Trump as a useful idiot. There’s no way he keeps his marbles for another 4 years. I feel, once he has done his job (election win), he will be quietly moved aside so that they can impose their agenda. The only reason he is there is that there is no way that Vance (the real problem for America) could win it. He has been proved to be a useful idiot for Russia, China, North Korea, Hungary, Venezuela etc, so it’s not a long shot to see this scenario…let’s hope (for the world, as well as the US), he gets soundly beaten in a few weeks time, and the Dems win both houses as well as the Presidency to fix some of these fractures in their people…
My God! Talk about projection. This is exactly what happened on the Democrats side of the fence.

The Democrats used Biden to secure the Democrats primary by restricting potential challengers and failing to even allow open primaries in some State.

Then once he secured the nomination, they threatened him most likely with the 25th Amendment, so he stepped down and they annoited Harris without a single vote So if anyone has been a useful idiot here, it's been Biden.

And he is not liking it.
My God! Talk about projection. This is exactly what happened on the Democrats side of the fence.

The Democrats used Biden to secure the Democrats primary by restricting potential challengers and failing to even allow open primaries in some State.

Then once he secured the nomination, they threatened him most likely with the 25th Amendment, so he stepped down and they annoited Harris without a single vote So if anyone has been a useful idiot here, it's been Biden.

And he is not liking it.
I think that’s bollocks. Once Biden decided to run again, the party (whatever were their misgivings) had to rally behind him. It was only the debate that did for him. Once people seriously started to worry about his health (both physically and mentally), it was only a matter of time. I’m not sure whether Harris is the best pick, but the Dems didn’t want the bloodbath of a divided party, so went with her. The GOP would have had a field day if their had been contestation for their candidate and time was short, so they have chosen the best they could within the timescales given…
I think that’s bollocks. Once Biden decided to run again, the party (whatever were their misgivings) had to rally behind him. It was only the debate that did for him. Once people seriously started to worry about his health (both physically and mentally), it was only a matter of time. I’m not sure whether Harris is the best pick, but the Dems didn’t want the bloodbath of a divided party, so went with her. The GOP would have had a field day if their had been contestation for their candidate and time was short, so they have chosen the best they could within the timescales given…
The debate simply confirmed an opinion that everyone had for the better part of 3 years

Everyone was well aware of his physical and mental struggles. At least anyone who wasn't sticking their head in the sand.

They all knew about his need to be micromanaged, his falling down, his robotic gait, his inability to read a teleprompter properly, his need for rest for most of the day amongst other things.

The debate just made public what all the stakeholders had always known for years.
Work have set me up a twatter account for the job on the work phone

Considering I don't follow anyone or anything the feed is full of Elon/Pro Shitgibbon propaganda.

Sadly millions will believe the BS on there as it's easy and lazy way to digest information be it true or false.
Step away, mate, they’ll drag you in ;-)
I would you are always totally honest but fair enough.

The guy arrested is — allegedly — a member of a hardcore right-wing group and apparently carried weaponry for his “protection” (and I guess fake passports and drivers licenses).

Perhaps the sheriff in question (non-partisan, but his political website certainly leans in one direction) might have amped the narrative for his own aggrandizement (speculation).
Youre right. Its not a fanatic who has guns who wants to use them to kill Trump. Its a fanatic with guns who feels empowered by him to have them going to show his support by taking them with him. Its hard for Brits to understand this. We (rightly) conflate guns with bad news and criminal intent over here, and many will assume this when reading that news story
The debate simply confirmed an opinion that everyone had for the better part of 3 years

Everyone was well aware of his physical and mental struggles. At least anyone who wasn't sticking their head in the sand.

They all knew about his need to be micromanaged, his falling down, his robotic gait, his inability to read a teleprompter properly, his need for rest for most of the day amongst other things.

The debate just made public what all the stakeholders had always known for years.
What about Trump's inability to not soil himself?

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