Dresden fans in our end

Spot on Oils.They don’t advertise the fact.. you have to contact them but you can demand pretty much what you want if you have paid £40000 plus VAT for a box. If you flog your away allocation on,they are not going to give you a bollocking, they don’t want to upset you. remember the aggro with United fans in the corporate boxes in the Platt Lane. They were very rarely thrown out unless they were pissed. Corporates get a face to face meeting, not behind a glass screen at the ticket office or on the end of a telephone line with some call centre. You will see things go to a new level if we get to a Champions League final, particularly if it is against another English side with their fans in our end.Corporate tickets will be £1000 plus. In fact they can charge as much as they like and they will get rid of them. They don’t want to appear vulgar so they will call it an experience, past player, a meal and transport but the bottom line is your paying for an inflated price ticket. You can have as many as you want, what’s left goes to the loyalty point holders. Despite an increased allocation if we get to a final I will be surprised if it goes below 10000 points. The club would argue they want a return on the investment in the team and this helps them comply with FFP etc.
Sounds about right
It did mate, had one of ours on 14.5k and he got one.Like I say can't remember what last season ended at but if I remember right it was half five on telly and near Christmas.
Newcastle 7.45 live on tv around xmas (similar to Leicester last year which went on open sale) and sold out at 14500...like I said something has definately changed!
Could be we are top of the of the league and playing brilliant football as opposed to this time last year
It certainly won't be full of tourists for a change on a cold Wednesday night up north over xmas
Newcastle 7.45 live on tv around xmas (similar to Leicester last year which went on open sale) and sold out at 14500...like I said something has definately changed!
Leicester last year was a Saturday game.
It was two seasons ago it was midweek between Xmas and New Year.
Leicester last year was a Saturday game.
It was two seasons ago it was midweek between Xmas and New Year.
I know Leicester was a Saturday as I was there, my point was it went to open sale, on a Saturday when live on Sky, Newcastle has sold out at 14500 on a Wednesday nite also live on Sky. Either we have suddenly got more people on high points wanting to go or tickets are getting creamed away from the top by supporters clubs or corporate. My guess is option 2....
I know Leicester was a Saturday as I was there, my point was it went to open sale, on a Saturday when live on Sky, Newcastle has sold out at 14500 on a Wednesday nite also live on Sky. Either we have suddenly got more people on high points wanting to go or tickets are getting creamed away from the top by supporters clubs or corporate. My guess is option 2....
Ah OK. I thought you were making the midweek and late kick-off link with Newcastle this season.
I have to admit I'm amazed Newcastle sold out at 14,500 even though it's usually a popular game and I suspect you are right about tickets being creamed off.
I look forward to counting the tourists.

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