Drinking through the week

I was terrible in my thirties ..... used to finish work at dinner and spend all afternoon , every day , in the pub ...... i was 'well oiled' by late tea time , and i'm fucked if i know how i made it home sometimes!

The sometimes i'd cap it off by going out for a few later at night too!

I used to spend every Friday night 'on the lush' in Blackpool , travelling there and back in the back of a rusty old van with a few lads.

I tumbled down the steps pissed up at the old Arndale bus station , fell in a pothole on another occasion , and fell asleep on a bus to Whitefield one time and landed up in a Bury bus terminus as the driver woke me up!

But these days i've 'mellowed' a lot , i had too ....... i was going downhill fast , and puttin' weight on , and spending most of my time sleeping drinking sessions off!

markbmcfc said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
Haha it's cos I don't drink midweek that it hits home so much, tolerance just won't be the same as yours


Its them blue wkd's in whisky tumblers you drink that messes you up....

(in case u aint got a clue wtf im on about you had a short glass with a blue liquid in it at the BM party)

Haha nah I do rememebr them things.

I'd just like to point out that I didn't buy the fucking things though. Lee just kept popping one in my hand evry now and then
Lol bollocks it was! You were that blammo'd the entire room was blue tinted.

It was clearly a blue wkd in a whisky glass but he didnt wanna look a girl....


At least he bought you a drink though Al.

*hint Lee* :)
The room was skyblue tinted, it was a suite at City after all!
If you thought it was red, it was because your eyes were bloodshot ;)

I'll buy you a jar anytime mate, but I think you're drinking too much as it is...

When you can't turn out for 5-a-side because you've been on the lash Wednesday afternoon, it's time to ask yourself some serious questions :)
I don't keep beers in the house, because that's too big a temptation.

Usually only drink heavily while going out for the football, but I will stop via the bottleshop somewhere for a beer occasionally... I dunno, I think I function better after having one beer than completely stone cold sober.
Basically, if you drink you will die. If you don't drink you will die.

So, it's better to be drunk than be sober when you die.
I tend not to drink during the week and limit myself to a Saturday night. When I was younger I was out on the lash every week, Thursday through to Monday but now the pain of hangovers outweigh the night out.

For instance, I was out Wednesday night for the Spurs match, had 6 pints of Goodness and was in a right hoop Thursday morning at 6am for work.

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