
Too many people are spoiling drones for those that use them safely and respectfully. Took mine to Iceland recently for a photography trip. Absolutely epic, being able to get aerial footage/photos of glaciers, mountains, waterfalls. A great tool to have for those purposes. I have no interest in bringing planes down.
Plane spotters with the mentality of a 7 year old trying to get the ultimate wanking film.Probably to thick to realise why the runway has been closed.So poor bastards are still stuck on Ryanair planes FFS.

Sadistic bastards.
Plane spotters with the mentality of a 7 year old trying to get the ultimate wanking film.Probably to thick to realise why the runway has been closed.So poor bastards are still stuck on Ryanair planes FFS.

Sadistic bastards.

Pull you on that one, spotters and enthusiasts by and large are actually are and are seen as a very effective and free extra layer of security round both civil and military airfields , infact I would go as far as to say flying a drone close to one of these places is likely to get you a hiding if caught by such folk.
Pull you on that one, spotters and enthusiasts by and large are actually are and are seen as a very effective and free extra layer of security round both civil and military airfields , infact I would go as far as to say flying a drone close to one of these places is likely to get you a hiding if caught by such folk.
Fair enough.

I suppose it will lead to calls to get them GPS registered or aoemthins else along those lines.

In my role trainspotters are classed as terrorists until they sign in. Those bastards don't believe in railway safety whilst looking for the perfect picture angle of the 30 year old bag of shit I'm working.
Plane spotters with the mentality of a 7 year old trying to get the ultimate wanking film.Probably to thick to realise why the runway has been closed.So poor bastards are still stuck on Ryanair planes FFS.

Sadistic bastards.

Too thick
Apparently there was a drone spotted last night. The airport closed and the drone disappeared. Within 45 minutes of it opening again and the drone is back
I reckon this is sabotage
Maximum jail sentence is five years

Personally I would like all drone owners to be licensed and all drones to be GPS trackable or it's a terrorist offence

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