Dynamo Kiev (h) pre-match thread

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a fucking tit. Up on aggregate, huge game on Sunday. Plays Silva, plays Aguero, Sterling on the bench, Iheanachk not to be seen.

Fox Sports calling us "The CityZens."

Brad Friedal fucking hates us. "They maybe the richest club but they are no where near the biggest English club"
Today was the day to have Kun and Silva on the bench but it isn't surprising that the old prick has got that wrong. If Silva is "playing through the pain" why play him for the second time in 3 days when we already have a two goal advantage? Clueless does not even come close.

Maybe he's forgotten Iheanacho is in the CL squad? He has a habit for forgetfulness.

It's the treatment of Sterling that staggers me the most. Says he has 100 % faith in him, then benches him after one half v liverpool when he was no worse than everyone else. It's hardly a surprise that his confidence has taken a hit.
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looking forward to this, love City in Europe, step it up again lads.

Come on City

Wrong thread mate. This is the "whine about 4/3/2 in midfield, strong/weak/somewhere in between team selection" thread.
if the likes of fun silva or yaya get injured in this then MP will deservedly geta lot of flack

In the end we have little chance of winning the champs league (though we have a great chance to go further than before)....we could have started without those 3 and still got through...but no he risks our 3 most valuable players.......cant wait for him to be gone
SSN headline news at 7pm
City have spent a billion pound since the take over.
Just incase no one knows....
I don't understand all this clamoring for Nacho. I've watched him since he joined City, especially during preseason when he was here in the states, he looks pretty impressive. But c'mon, he isn't ready yet and can't be relied up. He still needs to develop, especially physically, because he is too easy to push off the ball. He has had opportunities where he did not impact the game and kept giving the ball away. Look, I'm excited by him also and think he has a bright future ahead of him with us, but let's take it slow, he is not ready.

As for Bony, really been his biggest supported and watched him since the Swansea days. I just don't know what has happened to him. I watch him play for City and I'm extremely frustrated, c'mon make a DAMN run, make your self available, RUN behind the line, stop waltzing around. He is a good finisher (which he hasn't shown). It's a pity because he is much better than what he has been showing for City. Every game I'm hoping this is the game where he is going to break out. I just don't know what's up with him for City!

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