
Trying too hard, poor first touch, but he'll come good when play with less pressure next season.
I reckon that the style hasn't suited him so far, its chances for Wolfsburg were fashioned through shit defending and allowing a player to turn and have time on the ball, Dzeko isn't used to the fact he's up against numerous players at one time.

Can't question the ability, its there for everyone to see for (ex) club and country, i'm sure once he's up to speed and knows the other players he'll be an important player.
Thaksinssoldier said:
he was fantastic today....but thank u both for showing a total lack of football knowledge.
if he was fantastic,its you who lacks football knowledge... he was ok... thats all... noyhing more,nothing less...
He did pretty well considering his limitations however I just don't think he has the skill set to play as a lone striker in the premier league.

He would be more effective with someone with a bit of pace alongside him and maybe against weaker teams where they are likely to sit deep and defend but, as a lone striker, his lack of pace allows the opposition to defend high up the pitch and condenses the space for our playmakers.
What we need for Dzeko is wingers who will cross the ball into the box. He is very good at holding up play putting others in but his main strength is having balls crossed into the box right on his head. I don't go for all this look at him on youtube nonsense but i seen the goals he scored against United whilst at Wolfsburg, Crosses right onto his head and bang 2 goals.
I've followed Dzeko from his get-go at Wolsfsburg, so I think my opinion of him has more meritt than that of some folks on here who saw three lost possessions - and right away think they know the player...I think its only fair.

1) To say Dzeko's first touch is GENERALLY poor is just ignorant, and people saying that will be eating their words soon enough. That was one of his best weapons throughout his career. IF he currently has a problem, it's confidence and pressure-related, defo not lack of skill. That said last night I counted 3-4 poor touches comparing to 10-15 good ones, so - I'll take that.

2) He's getting much better in the air. Suppose he figured out that in the Prem you need to protect yourself and hit people, if neccessary (last night I believe some people ended up on grass after air duels with him - which you didnt see put a grin on my face TBH).

3) People acting like no other forward, Tevez included, never bust up an ugly shot that ends outside of the stadium :-) Give me a fucking break. That happens. People crying "oh, he missed two chances" - whereas when Balotelli against blackburn (was it?) misses two sitting ducks - "he was unlucky". Ridiculous double standards on Dzeko threads.

4) He can't be a lone striker. That you got right. He never was, and never will be - unles there are two or three Silva's around him, maybe. But guess what - neither can Balotelli (Balotelli's best games came WITH Tevez). I've been saying all along Tevez is the only forward on this team capable of playing the lone striker effectively. With Dzeko it's not even about "crossess" or "wingers"...he needs someone to play with up top. Last night you saw that when Tevez came on (Dzeko played much better instantly). So if Mancini plans to keep playing one forward formation - Dzeko will fail, so he might as well sell him to a team like the Spuds or Everton, or dozen other Prem teams playing 4-4-2 who'd be happy to have him.
LoveCity said:
The best thing you can say is he played with more aggression than he has been, so he's trying to get involved with the physical side.

But everything else is lacking a bit, especially his first touch. :/

He works hard though.

Agreed, many times I've noticed him just standing there, but yesterday, he was trying hard to get the ball, even winning some headers... but his finishing still remains suspect...missed a couple of sitters...
I have followed Yesterdays Match Theard, and have to say im dissaponed at some Comments made by Users who are not realy Drama-Trash-Talk-Wankers.
Looking now at the "100%" Chance where Spurs Keeper saved with his Balls, it was really a great Setup. Spurs played many Actions like that and on their Side its fantastic fresh Football, when our do so it was just "another miss by Dzeko".
Cant realy understand what are people expecting..

Some people aren't happy unless there slaggin someone off, thought the lad put a shift in tonight chased an got stuck in when it mattered in a difficult game when chances were very limited ok a couple of times is first touch was a bit wayward an he miss hit that shot it's obvious the lads struggling for confidence but it's nowt a few goals won't solve an the introduction of better players around him should improve the service to him because let's face it we haven't been playin to his advantages, he'll be right next season Mark my words and the whingers will of moved on to the next player to have a go at CTID
sincity said:
LoveCity said:
The best thing you can say is he played with more aggression than he has been, so he's trying to get involved with the physical side.

But everything else is lacking a bit, especially his first touch. :/

He works hard though.

Agreed, many times I've noticed him just standing there, but yesterday, he was trying hard to get the ball, even winning some headers... but his finishing still remains suspect...missed a couple of sitters...

Based on what mate?

Notts awaw, Aris 1st, Aris 2nd, Blackburn - those were all clynical finishes (remember those??).

His track record at Wolfsburg, maybe? I hope not. The guy is clynical finisher, everyone missess a few. Didn't Tevez miss one-on-one last night? C'mon...It happens.

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