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Proelia said:
Barcon said:
Proelia said:
Your arms play a huge part in running and if one has been injured you will not run right

Yeah I know mate.
How can you possible say that his poor game had nothing to with his shoulder then ?

I didn't say he had a poor game. Did you read the post I was originally responding to? I was telling the bloke that said Dzeko proved against chelsea that he is a liabillity, (or something to that effect) that Dzeko did not have a bad game and is not a liability and that he was the obvious choice to stay on the pitch if there was a sub made because he was holding the ball up well.
So, unless you agree with the other bloke, I have no idea what you'r arguing about.
Barcon said:
Yates said:
I'm sorry but the Chelsea game proved how ineffective Dzeko is. He lost most duals in the air ( the only thing he has over the other strikers) and he's a liability more often than not with the ball at his feet. Over the years we've had Tevez upfront against Chelsea, he was a nightmare for them, like Aguero is now. With the style City plays, we need an Aguero/Tevez type more than a Dzeko so I'd be looking to find a player in the mould of Tevez to replace him. however Jovetic could be the one and we could sell Dzeko on for some profit or bring in a top left winger with the money.

There's a reason Negredo was subbed off and not Edin, and anyone that watched the game could see it coming a mile away. And no, nothing to do with Alfs shoulder.

Point in case is that Dzeko just isn't a big game player, over the years against Chelsea, Carlos Tevez was the main man, scored all the time. Aguero too always causes top sides problems. Dzeko isn't in the same league as these two and will never get close. He's decent when he's playing his best but how often is that? Negredo isn't Aguero/Tevez type either but he's shown a lot more than Dzeko has.
I like his think he id a very decent player but he frustrates me so much he needs to be stronger. For player of his build he need to challenge defenders in the air better and also hold defenders off better. Plus he has to stop wasting possession with his long range hit and hopes. He is talented no doubt but im not sure he suits the league or our style of football. Would be happy for him to stay but if he wants to leave im pretty sure we could get a number of strikers capable for covering his workload for low fees and half his wages.
If an acceptable offer was to arrive, I'd take it. No disrespect to Edin, but I think his type of play is at odds with what MP is trying to achieve. I think MP is trying to build a team on speed and fluidity of movement a la Barcelona and he wants a false number nine instead of a focal point in the box. He will retain Negredo for games or phases of games where a target man is our best option, but this will only be a Plan B tactic, reliant on circumstances.
Oh god, where do you start. Edin Dzeko. Fact is, not good enough, plain and simple. He misses a myriad of chances for each one he scores. Has the close control of a pinball machine. Can't jump. Does'nt win the ball in the air despite his height. Totally light weight despite being a big lad. Slow and naive positionally. Slows down any sweeping move forward if the ball played to him. Does'nt hold it up well when we need him to.
Be very clear, we can not win a title with him as a starting striker, need Aguero back asap.
The only time that he is even partially effective is after 65+ minutes when the game and all the other players have slowed down to a pace at which he can cope and therefore compete. He is lucky to play in a quality team that provide him with enough chances so that he can score maybe one in six/seven chances. If he played for Stoke (which is his level at best) would score 8 to 10 a season. I know a lot of people seem to like him but if you want to seriously compete at the very top level he is'nt even near. Not even good enough as a second string. I just hope 'the engineer' knows this. At the moment we are stuck with him so lets hope aguero has had all the injury bad luck already.
Dzeko is 100% gone in the summer... If he can have a good World Cup score 3 or 4 goals, we may be able to get some good coin for his transfer.
More or less straight swap Džeko for Neven Subotić for me.

Means we would have three Serbian national team defenders in Subotić, Nastasić and Kolorov. Means little, but just fun AFAIC.

Getting in ahead of the naysayers, I KNOW he ruptured cruciate ligaments in November last year and is out til at least April, but he was a grand defender prior to the injury and with proper medical care he will be again. The injury might knock his price down too...

Think we need a class CB more than Reus.
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