Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

kippaxchris said:
As we all know Mancini will have Dzeko on the bench for Stoke. If you score you guarantee yourself a place on the bench only Sergio is safe

Since Edin played well and scored aginst Norwich I think he will get to play against Stoke. I think Mancini might go with Edin and Carlos upfront.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

It's nothing short of an embarrassment to this club to read him as well as half of fan base crying about van Persie 4 months after he went to Rags.

We're laughing at them for Nasri/Sneijder stuff yet our own manager doesn't fail to stick it to his own club as well as to his own players with constant repeating how he wanted RVP, how we were close to sign him...

could you ever imagine baconface or some other big club manager belittling his club and his own players like that?

Never in a million years, their players are best on the planet even if they are crap, and they would die before publicly confirming how they feel bad because some player went to their rivals.

Mancini on other side doesn't have problems to use that pathetic small-minded crap numerous times to defend himself and justify some bad results in this season.... kmee, I wanted RVP, haven't got it, that's why we are behind, kmeee

Yet, I'm an idiot when I point to that as well as to his approval of "City are sugar daddy club", "City are Mansour's toy" lines haters regularly using with his "Balotelli doesn't go anywhere, Shaikh loves him".. bloody unreal.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

MSP said:
It's nothing short of an embarrassment to this club to read him as well as half of fan base crying about van Persie 4 months after he went to Rags.

We're laughing at them for Nasri/Sneijder stuff yet our own manager doesn't fail to stick it to his own club as well as to his own players with constant repeating how he wanted RVP, how we were close to sign him...

could you ever imagine baconface or some other big club manager belittling his club and his own players like that?

Never in a million years, their players are best on the planet even if they are crap, and they would die before publicly confirming how they feel bad because some player went to their rivals.

Mancini on other side doesn't have problems to use that pathetic small-minded crap numerous times to defend himself and justify some bad results in this season.... kmee, I wanted RVP, haven't got it, that's why we are behind, kmeee

Yet, I'm an idiot when I point to that as well as to his approval of "City are sugar daddy club", "City are Mansour's toy" lines haters regularly using with his "Balotelli doesn't go anywhere, Shaikh loves him".. bloody unreal.

Not sure if he's ever really cried about van Persie, merely stated that we had an interest and that he's a big factor in why United have started so well. Neither are particularly ground breaking revelations. I must've imagined the time, less than a year ago, when Ferguson publicly lamented his decision not to sign Joe Hart when he had the chance. Top managers don't do that, apparently.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

He did that in numerous interviews so far and there is absolutely no reason to repeat it and answer on those questions except that he wants to use it to help his case.

Had journos ever ask Ferguson, or better have they repeatedly ask him (they might once at one time that I missed) about some of players we got under their noses (like Nasri)? No they have not and if they had they would get their medicine from him and he would be cocky and praise his own team instead to publicly announce how it is bad he didn't manage to get him.

Mancini regularly answers those question and not only says that he is a difference (I'd say exactly that too and that's not problem) but repeats how we were after him and basically screams - yeah, he snubbed us for that lot. I hate that stuff with a passion, you never ever publicly say that stuff and publicly recognized you were defeated by your bitter rivals, have some pride ffs.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

MSP said:
He did that in numerous interviews so far and there is absolutely no reason to repeat it and answer on those questions except that he wants to use it to help his case.

Had journos ever ask Ferguson, or better have they repeatedly ask him (they might once at one time that I missed) about some of players we got under their noses (like Nasri)? No they have not and if they had they would get their medicine from him and he would be cocky and praise his own team instead to publicly announce how it is bad he didn't manage to get him.

Mancini regularly answers those question and not only says that he is a difference (I'd say exactly that too and that's not problem) but repeats how we were after him and basically screams - yeah, he snubbed us for that lot.

Joe Hart, as per above?
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Ric said:
MSP said:
He did that in numerous interviews so far and there is absolutely no reason to repeat it and answer on those questions except that he wants to use it to help his case.

Had journos ever ask Ferguson, or better have they repeatedly ask him (they might once at one time that I missed) about some of players we got under their noses (like Nasri)? No they have not and if they had they would get their medicine from him and he would be cocky and praise his own team instead to publicly announce how it is bad he didn't manage to get him.

Mancini regularly answers those question and not only says that he is a difference (I'd say exactly that too and that's not problem) but repeats how we were after him and basically screams - yeah, he snubbed us for that lot.

Joe Hart, as per above?

Not close.. Ferguson said that he could sign him if he wanted but decided not to do it. He accepts his mistake but not belittling himself and his club, quite opposite, he's sticking it to City saying - "If we wanted him, he'd be ours"
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

MSP said:
Ric said:
MSP said:
He did that in numerous interviews so far and there is absolutely no reason to repeat it and answer on those questions except that he wants to use it to help his case.

Had journos ever ask Ferguson, or better have they repeatedly ask him (they might once at one time that I missed) about some of players we got under their noses (like Nasri)? No they have not and if they had they would get their medicine from him and he would be cocky and praise his own team instead to publicly announce how it is bad he didn't manage to get him.

Mancini regularly answers those question and not only says that he is a difference (I'd say exactly that too and that's not problem) but repeats how we were after him and basically screams - yeah, he snubbed us for that lot.

Joe Hart, as per above?

Not close.. Ferguson said that he could sign him if he wanted but decided not to do it. He accepts his mistake but not belittling himself and his club, quite opposite, he's sticking it to City saying - "If we wanted him, he'd be ours"

You must've seen interviews I've missed where Mancini "basically screams" that van Persie snubbed us for United, but please feel free to point me in the right direction. Preferably video press conferences rather than tabloid reports, as they, like you, are prone to hyperbole.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

I assume that you are following his interviews like I do and there were numerous ones where he confirmed that City were interested in him. Quite enough for me. Saying it once is OK and informatively, repeating it many times means you still feel bad it didn't happened and have no problems to publicly announce it.

With all due respect, I'm not going to spend my time searching for those interviews to confirm my words. I generally refuse that in forum discussions for something that is pretty public and don't want to put myself like I am on court :) Take it or leave it, or find it yourself if you want..
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

MSP said:
I assume that you are following his interviews like I do and there were numerous ones where he confirmed that City were interested in him. Quite enough for me.

With all due respect, I'm not going to spend my time searching for those interviews to confirm my words.

I've seen interviews where he's confirmed an interest in van Persie, but they fall short of screaming that he snubbed us for United as you suggest. Obviously don't expect you to trawl through those interviews, but not unreasonable to suggest you refrain from daft hyperbole surely?

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