Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.

Fantastic post. I guess the stats actually do back up what I've been saying.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Shaelumstash said:
Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.

Fantastic post. I guess the stats actually do back up what I've been saying.


First of all sorry for any miss-spelling in my English, my brave blue brothers.

I hope I do not offend anyone with this post. I really think that deep down in our hearts the only thing we have in common is that we never would trade any player nor manager for our City.

I don't want to brag about my football skills nor offend anyone by saying that they don't know. This since everyone has a point with their comments or else they would never been answered. Personally I think Teddykgb really makes a good point with his comments it clearly shows he's been around the game.

Following questions and thoughts is for all City-fans..

How can we even discuss Tevez as a part of our plans?
He's AMAZING but still, he left us when needed the most and never said he was sorry for doing it. He's wanted to leave City several times telling whole Argentina and the world about it, and on top of all he can still not speak English? I mean come on this is pathetic, for me he can be twice the Messi, I still would never welcome him back. This is also one of the reasons why I think Mancini is a bit fake as person (more to come)

Why does Yaya play so bad with purpose sometimes and nobody sees it?
Yaya is a world class player and probably a really good guy, but in some games he really makes me sad and dissapointed. He's playing bad with purpose when he's not playing in favoured position and style of play? This is ruining City and I could not understand why Mancini did not take him out in the game against Dortmund for example? I can mention more occasions but the rest is for you all to find out.

Would Mario not be totally untouchable in City if he had Dzeko's goals?
I love Mario as a person, he's an amazing wizard on the ball and I have nothing to say against him as a player. But he plays his games with his personality and it is totally out of control. Damn me it's so funny to see how favorized he is in the eyes of Mancini. He really pushes him into the team, you can almost see him hold his balls on the pitch. Pathetic, sad...If he would score the same amount of goals as Dzeko or Tevez this season Mancini and his mouth would be filled with fragma telling how good and special he is.

Why does not Mancini give Dzeko a run of games from start?
Give him a fair run of games as the other attackers get's and I think he will start to score quite frequently. The problem with him not scoring when starting is that he really feels the pressure from Mancini to score and it all messes up for him somehow. He knows somehow that he will be punished harder than the others if not performing and puts too much pressure on himself which in the end becomes a soup. When coming on from the bench he already thinks he's out of favour and just goes out to play without pressure and then suddenly scores. He is not the best attacker in way of movement, agility, pace or technique but he's definitely the best goalscorer. The other players do not trust and support him as much as he deserves in my opinion.

Why does Mancini treat some players so cold? Eg Silva, Milner
Everytime City plays bad and does not go forward properly Mancini decides to switch Silva, even though he has a good game and could make further impact. Milner is totally unwanted, Mancini talks about this and that football player like they are gods in comparision to his own players, he brings in Javi Garcia who is a good footballer but not at all better than Milner for the EPL. Mancini completely bypasses Milner, he puts him on the stands and complains that he does not have defensive or central midfielders, totally pathetic...Just the lad go since you don't like him...

Why does Mancini not change key players sometimes?
Vincent Kompany gets an amazing run of games, so does also Aguero who is almost pushed in the team (he deserves it) but not that obvious as Mancini makes it. Yaya Toure should really rest some games so that he could recover and come back hungry. This could sound crazy but, Hart should maybe be rested in the Champions, since I cannot recover any English goal-keeper winning the Champions League since it started.

Finally I would like to show you some stats over our amazing strikers. The information comes from Transfermarkt.de and is completely accurate for each proffessional football player. It lists the footballers total amount of goals in all proffesional competitions until this day. You can also compare our strikers to the other top strikers and easily draw comparision on how good our strikers are.

Whoever read so far big credit to you, as for the rest also a big credit !
lets hope City can make some amazing results these coming games.


Matches: 336
Goals: 154
Own goals: -
Assist: 63
Yellow cards: 38
Yellow/red cards: 1
Red cards: 3
Sub on: 62
Sub off: 132
Mins per goal: 158
Mins total: 24307

Matches: 291
Goals: 111
Own goals: -
Assist: 58
Yellow cards: 38
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: 2
Sub on: 67
Sub off: 110
Mins per goal: 184
Mins total: 20437

Matches: 183
Goals: 64
Own goals: -
Assist: 24
Yellow cards: 54
Yellow/red cards: 3
Red cards: 3
Sub on: 65
Sub off: 64
Mins per goal: 169
Mins total: 10839

Matches: 287
Goals: 147
Own goals: 1
Assist: 61
Yellow cards: 30
Yellow/red cards: -
Red cards: -
Sub on: 55
Sub off: 41
Mins per goal: 148
Mins total: 21752
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

greasedupdeafguy said:
Shaelumstash said:
Armaan said:
First off you probably think I'm just a bosnian Dzeko fan, I'm not. I've been a blue for 20 years, I'm just sick of the abuse he gets and hope well for him. He's a totally different playe to Tevez and Dzeko, just because they'll play in strike doesn't mean they have the same role in the team. I'm a season ticket holder too and for the past two years I've just been hearing an annoying cow behind me say "fucking Dzeko is so shit why do we even have him" and it's annoyed me so much now coz he's a decent nice guy as well.

He is a decent guy, he's a decent player and I want him to do well at City. My opinion of him is that he's a square peg in a round hole for the way we play.

Look at Ibrahimovic at Barca, they spent 60m on him, he's clearly an outstanding player, but he was the wrong type of player for them and it didn't work. He's gone to another team, done great, and Barca have done great without him.

For the last two years, for me, City are at their very best when they play a quick, neat, incisive, intricate passing game. Silva and Nasri finding little holes and poking through clever through balls for the front players.

This requires fantastic movement and little darting runs from the front men. Naturally, players with good movement, and or explosive pace are better for that style of play. Tevez, Kun and Bolotelli are more suited to that style than Dzeko.

The reason I think Dzeko is better off the bench is two fold.

1. When he comes on late, often we are desperately chasing a goal and have to be a bit more direct. He's great for this. Also a lot of the time the reason we haven't scored is because teams are sat so deep that there is no room in behind for our quick front men. So, bringing on Dzeko, and often Kolarov to supply the crosses, allows us to get bodies in the box and attack from wide when the opposition are sat on their 6 yard line. Again, Dzeko is perfect for this because he's so good in the air.

2. Dzeko always seems to play with more urgency from off the bench. I think he's an instinctive player, he is best when he has no time to think. When he comes off the bench he chases every ball, his touch looks good, he shoots on sight, often to great effect. When he starts, often his touch looks poor, he drifts in to channels, doesn't chase the ball down, it's like he's got too much time to think about things and when things go wrong it gets to him and he makes more mistakes.

I don't blame him for us losing games, it's a team game. But in my opinion, in the main, the team is more suited to having a different type of player up front. He is a brilliant alternative as a plan B though. That's why I'd keep him over Falcao.

Falcao might be a better player, but he's similar to what we've already got. Bringing him on would not be a plan B, it would be plan A with longer hair. Dzeko is the best plan B / Supersub out there, I just don't think he, or we, are as good when he starts.
Agree with everything you said apart from the Falcao bit, imo he is the best striker in the world and the best finisher something we deeply lack.

I understand your post about Falcao, don't get me wrong, I think he's an outstanding footballer, one of the best in the world.

The point I'm making is I think he's more similar in style to Balotelli, Kun and Tev than he is Dzeko. The main attribute of Dzeko is that he offers something radically different to the others.

For me replacing Dzeko for Falcao would weaken us in terms of the diversity of the forward line. I do think player for player Falcao is better. If he was to come in I think it should be at the expense of one of the others.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.

Goal every 165 is still better than Tevez's and Balotelli's average, in the same time period I believe.

I think we may be missing a few things here. When Dzeko is subbed in, we are often behind on goals. He deals really well in this situation, he also seems to get more service, more crosses and passes, as if everyone is reminded hey Dzeko is in, "pass him the ball!" all of a sudden.

The stat doesn't explain, why he was the best striker in Bundesliga, and currently top scorer in the WC qualifiers in Europe, where he started all the games.

Also the option can't be to keep Dzeko (or any other striker for that matter) as a sub all the time. Players need to be rotated to rest, or in case of injuries, and also to maintain form. Can't expect a player to just play 10 minutes every other game when the team is loosing and keep him in form. Part of the reason Dzeko is in form currently is exactly because of the international break, and playing full matches with Bosnia and scoring 5 goals in those. There is a long stretch now, sans international breaks, so he should get some starts in from his club to keep him in form. So when he's needed again he can be in form enough to be effective as a plan B.

Also let's not forget, that even against Ajax he was our most threatening striker.

So it would be imperative for the team to figure out why such a large disparity between his starting vs subbed in play goal efficiency, because obviously there in lies unlocked potential.

I do get a feeling that Mancini is on to it though.
Part of me thinks this is why he got Maicon, to widen the play which could create more synergy with Dzeko.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

noise said:
Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.
I think we may be missing a few things here. When Dzeko is subbed in, we are often behind on goals. He deals really well in this situation, he also seems to get more service, more crosses and passes, as if everyone is reminded hey Dzeko is in, "pass him the ball!" all of a sudden.

The stat doesn't explain, why he was the best striker in Bundesliga, and currently top scorer in the WC qualifiers in Europe, where he started all the games.

Also the option can't be to keep Dzeko (or any other striker for that matter) as a sub all the time. Players need to be rotated to rest, or in case of injuries, and also to maintain form. Can't expect a player to just play 10 minutes every other game when the team is loosing and keep him in form. Part of the reason Dzeko is in form currently is exactly because of the international break, and playing full matches with Bosnia and scoring 5 goals in those. There is a long stretch now, sans international breaks, so he should get some starts in from his club to keep him in form. So when he's needed again he can be in form enough to be effective as a plan B.

Also let's not forget, that even against Ajax he was our most threatening striker.

So it would be imperative for the team to figure out why such a large disparity between his starting vs subbed in play goal efficiency, because obviously there in lies unlocked potential.

I do get a feeling that Mancini is on to it though.
Part of me thinks this is why he got Maicon, to widen the play which could create more synergy with Dzeko.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but I don't think Mancini sees Dzeko as a regular starter in the big games for us. He's a squad / rotation player / Supersub.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Shaelumstash said:
I know it's not what you want to hear, but I don't think Mancini sees Dzeko as a regular starter in the big games for us. He's a squad / rotation player / Supersub.
Yeah, you may be right. It's a shame really, was hoping for Dzeko to stay at Man City.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Shaelumstash said:
noise said:
Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.
I think we may be missing a few things here. When Dzeko is subbed in, we are often behind on goals. He deals really well in this situation, he also seems to get more service, more crosses and passes, as if everyone is reminded hey Dzeko is in, "pass him the ball!" all of a sudden.

The stat doesn't explain, why he was the best striker in Bundesliga, and currently top scorer in the WC qualifiers in Europe, where he started all the games.

Also the option can't be to keep Dzeko (or any other striker for that matter) as a sub all the time. Players need to be rotated to rest, or in case of injuries, and also to maintain form. Can't expect a player to just play 10 minutes every other game when the team is loosing and keep him in form. Part of the reason Dzeko is in form currently is exactly because of the international break, and playing full matches with Bosnia and scoring 5 goals in those. There is a long stretch now, sans international breaks, so he should get some starts in from his club to keep him in form. So when he's needed again he can be in form enough to be effective as a plan B.

Also let's not forget, that even against Ajax he was our most threatening striker.

So it would be imperative for the team to figure out why such a large disparity between his starting vs subbed in play goal efficiency, because obviously there in lies unlocked potential.

I do get a feeling that Mancini is on to it though.
Part of me thinks this is why he got Maicon, to widen the play which could create more synergy with Dzeko.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but I don't think Mancini sees Dzeko as a regular starter in the big games for us. He's a squad / rotation player / Supersub.

He must be then most expensive rotation/supersub player in the world.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

adorado30 said:
Shaelumstash said:
noise said:
I think we may be missing a few things here. When Dzeko is subbed in, we are often behind on goals. He deals really well in this situation, he also seems to get more service, more crosses and passes, as if everyone is reminded hey Dzeko is in, "pass him the ball!" all of a sudden.

The stat doesn't explain, why he was the best striker in Bundesliga, and currently top scorer in the WC qualifiers in Europe, where he started all the games.

Also the option can't be to keep Dzeko (or any other striker for that matter) as a sub all the time. Players need to be rotated to rest, or in case of injuries, and also to maintain form. Can't expect a player to just play 10 minutes every other game when the team is loosing and keep him in form. Part of the reason Dzeko is in form currently is exactly because of the international break, and playing full matches with Bosnia and scoring 5 goals in those. There is a long stretch now, sans international breaks, so he should get some starts in from his club to keep him in form. So when he's needed again he can be in form enough to be effective as a plan B.

Also let's not forget, that even against Ajax he was our most threatening striker.

So it would be imperative for the team to figure out why such a large disparity between his starting vs subbed in play goal efficiency, because obviously there in lies unlocked potential.

I do get a feeling that Mancini is on to it though.
Part of me thinks this is why he got Maicon, to widen the play which could create more synergy with Dzeko.

I know it's not what you want to hear, but I don't think Mancini sees Dzeko as a regular starter in the big games for us. He's a squad / rotation player / Supersub.

He must be then most expensive rotation/supersub player in the world.

Yep, that would be correct.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

noise said:
Goal every 165 is still better than Tevez's and Balotelli's average, in the same time period I believe.

I think we may be missing a few things here. When Dzeko is subbed in, we are often behind on goals. He deals really well in this situation, he also seems to get more service, more crosses and passes, as if everyone is reminded hey Dzeko is in, "pass him the ball!" all of a sudden.

The stat doesn't explain, why he was the best striker in Bundesliga, and currently top scorer in the WC qualifiers in Europe, where he started all the games.

Also the option can't be to keep Dzeko (or any other striker for that matter) as a sub all the time. Players need to be rotated to rest, or in case of injuries, and also to maintain form. Can't expect a player to just play 10 minutes every other game when the team is loosing and keep him in form. Part of the reason Dzeko is in form currently is exactly because of the international break, and playing full matches with Bosnia and scoring 5 goals in those. There is a long stretch now, sans international breaks, so he should get some starts in from his club to keep him in form. So when he's needed again he can be in form enough to be effective as a plan B.

Also let's not forget, that even against Ajax he was our most threatening striker.

So it would be imperative for the team to figure out why such a large disparity between his starting vs subbed in play goal efficiency, because obviously there in lies unlocked potential.

I do get a feeling that Mancini is on to it though.
Part of me thinks this is why he got Maicon, to widen the play which could create more synergy with Dzeko.
In all comps, I don't know. In the league, over their City career, both had a goal every 127 minutes last time I worked it out but Balotelli improved on that last season with a goal every 100 minutes. I might work out all our strikers' goals from starts later today if I can be arsed. I'm very confident their starting records will be better than Dzeko's, as I'm very confident Dzeko's one goal every 37 minutes will be the best because it's a fantastic record.

I'm not even slightly interested in goal-scoring ratios in different countries to this one. It's plain to see that some leagues are easier to score in and some are harder to score in. I'm even less interested in Balotelli's goal-scoring average at Milan where he was often deployed out left. Or Tevez's who was often subordinated to Ronaldo and Rooney during his time in Trafford. What I am interested in is their record as strikers at City. All four have very good records in their own respect. Balotelli last season had the best goals per minute ratio, Dzeko goals and assists per minute ratio, Aguero most goals and assists overall and Tevez has always proved himself in a City shirt (when he's here). We're extremely lucky to have four strikers of this quality. However, if the stats suggest someone is better at starting and someone is better at being subbed on, then that's what the club should do.

I already answered why I think Dzeko is less effective starting for us than he was at Wolfsburg or Bosnia. Dzeko does not benefit from City dominating possession and having to play through packed defences. It's not his fault but it's not a reality we can ignore. It's also something we can improve by adding more pace and crossing ability on the wings, and we should be doing that.

Against Ajax he was our only striker for most of the match. Aguero was playing out left.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Done Balotelli's numbers first as I suspect they will be the biggest cause of disagreement. This might be piecemeal because I'm literally going through individual matches to do this. There's probably a better stats site that could work it out automatically but I don't know of it.

Now, I don't think it's fair to include Balotelli's record for this season because he's spent a good deal with it on the left and we wouldn't be comparing like for like, but I will include both to stop whining.

11/12 season only, all comps:
15 goals in 1694 starting minutes is 113 minutes per goal.
3 goals in 225 sub minutes is 75 minutes per goal.
113/75 = 1.51 times more effective off the bench.

As I said, a certain disparity is expected but there's far far more consistency in terms of starting goals there.

Now, to placate the let's-include-Balotell-goals-when-playing-out-left crowd.

Since the the start of last season, all comps:
16 goals in 2143 starting minutes is 134 minutes per goal.
4 goals in 298 sub minutes is 74.5 minutes per goal.
1.79 times more effective off the bench.

Will try to do Tevez's and Aguero's later but I've got other stuff to do which should take priority.

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