Edin Dzeko (contract update page 370)

Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Armaan said:
I've got to the point where I just want Dzeko to go now just so he can shut up these clueless fuckers and bang in goals for fun at another club. Poor guy doesn't deserve the shit spouted about him by the "fans" that are meant to be supporting every player who wears that shirt.

It's got to the point where I just want you to go now. This is a City forum, I don't really give a flying fuck how players get on when they leave the club. You and a lot of other obsessives are only arsed how Dzeko gets on and don't really care either way what happens to City.

Well I've been supporting City long before Dzeko was here, and will be supporting them long after Dzeko has gone. I'd like him to stay and do well, but fuck me, the obsession of some posters on here is bordering on creepy and weird.

Again, to all the obsessives that just cannot begin to fathom my opinion, I will make it very simple for you. Over the two years Dzeko has been here, the best performances I have seen from him have, in the main, come from the bench.

It is not his fault, but in my opinion the team doesn't look as fluid when he starts, and he often looks complacent and his drive and workrate is nowhere near the same level as when he comes off the bench.

I am not some crazy deluded psycho for thinking this, every single City fan I know who have been going to the games for 25 years think Tevez and Aguero are better, and would start them.

It's nothing to do with "marketing" or whatever the last poster was on about, they're just miles better footballers. Sorry to break it to you. Oh, while we're at it, sorry to say there's no Santa Claus either.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Shaelumstash said:
Armaan said:
I've got to the point where I just want Dzeko to go now just so he can shut up these clueless fuckers and bang in goals for fun at another club. Poor guy doesn't deserve the shit spouted about him by the "fans" that are meant to be supporting every player who wears that shirt.

It's got to the point where I just want you to go now. This is a City forum, I don't really give a flying fuck how players get on when they leave the club. You and a lot of other obsessives are only arsed how Dzeko gets on and don't really care either way what happens to City.

Well I've been supporting City long before Dzeko was here, and will be supporting them long after Dzeko has gone. I'd like him to stay and do well, but fuck me, the obsession of some posters on here is bordering on creepy and weird.

Again, to all the obsessives that just cannot begin to fathom my opinion, I will make it very simple for you. Over the two years Dzeko has been here, the best performances I have seen from him have, in the main, come from the bench.

It is not his fault, but in my opinion the team doesn't look as fluid when he starts, and he often looks complacent and his drive and workrate is nowhere near the same level as when he comes off the bench.

I am not some crazy deluded psycho for thinking this, every single City fan I know who have been going to the games for 25 years think Tevez and Aguero are better, and would start them.

It's nothing to do with "marketing" or whatever the last poster was on about, they're just miles better footballers. Sorry to break it to you. Oh, while we're at it, sorry to say there's no Santa Claus either.
First off you probably think I'm just a bosnian Dzeko fan, I'm not. I've been a blue for 20 years, I'm just sick of the abuse he gets and hope well for him. He's a totally different playe to Tevez and Dzeko, just because they'll play in strike doesn't mean they have the same role in the team. I'm a season ticket holder too and for the past two years I've just been hearing an annoying cow behind me say "fucking Dzeko is so shit why do we even have him" and it's annoyed me so much now coz he's a decent nice guy as well.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Armaan said:
Shaelumstash said:
Armaan said:
I've got to the point where I just want Dzeko to go now just so he can shut up these clueless fuckers and bang in goals for fun at another club. Poor guy doesn't deserve the shit spouted about him by the "fans" that are meant to be supporting every player who wears that shirt.

It's got to the point where I just want you to go now. This is a City forum, I don't really give a flying fuck how players get on when they leave the club. You and a lot of other obsessives are only arsed how Dzeko gets on and don't really care either way what happens to City.

Well I've been supporting City long before Dzeko was here, and will be supporting them long after Dzeko has gone. I'd like him to stay and do well, but fuck me, the obsession of some posters on here is bordering on creepy and weird.

Again, to all the obsessives that just cannot begin to fathom my opinion, I will make it very simple for you. Over the two years Dzeko has been here, the best performances I have seen from him have, in the main, come from the bench.

It is not his fault, but in my opinion the team doesn't look as fluid when he starts, and he often looks complacent and his drive and workrate is nowhere near the same level as when he comes off the bench.

I am not some crazy deluded psycho for thinking this, every single City fan I know who have been going to the games for 25 years think Tevez and Aguero are better, and would start them.

It's nothing to do with "marketing" or whatever the last poster was on about, they're just miles better footballers. Sorry to break it to you. Oh, while we're at it, sorry to say there's no Santa Claus either.
First off you probably think I'm just a bosnian Dzeko fan, I'm not. I've been a blue for 20 years, I'm just sick of the abuse he gets and hope well for him. He's a totally different playe to Tevez and Dzeko, just because they'll play in strike doesn't mean they have the same role in the team. I'm a season ticket holder too and for the past two years I've just been hearing an annoying cow behind me say "fucking Dzeko is so shit why do we even have him" and it's annoyed me so much now coz he's a decent nice guy as well.

He is a decent guy, he's a decent player and I want him to do well at City. My opinion of him is that he's a square peg in a round hole for the way we play.

Look at Ibrahimovic at Barca, they spent 60m on him, he's clearly an outstanding player, but he was the wrong type of player for them and it didn't work. He's gone to another team, done great, and Barca have done great without him.

For the last two years, for me, City are at their very best when they play a quick, neat, incisive, intricate passing game. Silva and Nasri finding little holes and poking through clever through balls for the front players.

This requires fantastic movement and little darting runs from the front men. Naturally, players with good movement, and or explosive pace are better for that style of play. Tevez, Kun and Bolotelli are more suited to that style than Dzeko.

The reason I think Dzeko is better off the bench is two fold.

1. When he comes on late, often we are desperately chasing a goal and have to be a bit more direct. He's great for this. Also a lot of the time the reason we haven't scored is because teams are sat so deep that there is no room in behind for our quick front men. So, bringing on Dzeko, and often Kolarov to supply the crosses, allows us to get bodies in the box and attack from wide when the opposition are sat on their 6 yard line. Again, Dzeko is perfect for this because he's so good in the air.

2. Dzeko always seems to play with more urgency from off the bench. I think he's an instinctive player, he is best when he has no time to think. When he comes off the bench he chases every ball, his touch looks good, he shoots on sight, often to great effect. When he starts, often his touch looks poor, he drifts in to channels, doesn't chase the ball down, it's like he's got too much time to think about things and when things go wrong it gets to him and he makes more mistakes.

I don't blame him for us losing games, it's a team game. But in my opinion, in the main, the team is more suited to having a different type of player up front. He is a brilliant alternative as a plan B though. That's why I'd keep him over Falcao.

Falcao might be a better player, but he's similar to what we've already got. Bringing him on would not be a plan B, it would be plan A with longer hair. Dzeko is the best plan B / Supersub out there, I just don't think he, or we, are as good when he starts.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Shaelumstash said:
Armaan said:
Shaelumstash said:
It's got to the point where I just want you to go now. This is a City forum, I don't really give a flying fuck how players get on when they leave the club. You and a lot of other obsessives are only arsed how Dzeko gets on and don't really care either way what happens to City.

Well I've been supporting City long before Dzeko was here, and will be supporting them long after Dzeko has gone. I'd like him to stay and do well, but fuck me, the obsession of some posters on here is bordering on creepy and weird.

Again, to all the obsessives that just cannot begin to fathom my opinion, I will make it very simple for you. Over the two years Dzeko has been here, the best performances I have seen from him have, in the main, come from the bench.

It is not his fault, but in my opinion the team doesn't look as fluid when he starts, and he often looks complacent and his drive and workrate is nowhere near the same level as when he comes off the bench.

I am not some crazy deluded psycho for thinking this, every single City fan I know who have been going to the games for 25 years think Tevez and Aguero are better, and would start them.

It's nothing to do with "marketing" or whatever the last poster was on about, they're just miles better footballers. Sorry to break it to you. Oh, while we're at it, sorry to say there's no Santa Claus either.
First off you probably think I'm just a bosnian Dzeko fan, I'm not. I've been a blue for 20 years, I'm just sick of the abuse he gets and hope well for him. He's a totally different playe to Tevez and Dzeko, just because they'll play in strike doesn't mean they have the same role in the team. I'm a season ticket holder too and for the past two years I've just been hearing an annoying cow behind me say "fucking Dzeko is so shit why do we even have him" and it's annoyed me so much now coz he's a decent nice guy as well.

He is a decent guy, he's a decent player and I want him to do well at City. My opinion of him is that he's a square peg in a round hole for the way we play.

Look at Ibrahimovic at Barca, they spent 60m on him, he's clearly an outstanding player, but he was the wrong type of player for them and it didn't work. He's gone to another team, done great, and Barca have done great without him.

For the last two years, for me, City are at their very best when they play a quick, neat, incisive, intricate passing game. Silva and Nasri finding little holes and poking through clever through balls for the front players.

This requires fantastic movement and little darting runs from the front men. Naturally, players with good movement, and or explosive pace are better for that style of play. Tevez, Kun and Bolotelli are more suited to that style than Dzeko.

The reason I think Dzeko is better off the bench is two fold.

1. When he comes on late, often we are desperately chasing a goal and have to be a bit more direct. He's great for this. Also a lot of the time the reason we haven't scored is because teams are sat so deep that there is no room in behind for our quick front men. So, bringing on Dzeko, and often Kolarov to supply the crosses, allows us to get bodies in the box and attack from wide when the opposition are sat on their 6 yard line. Again, Dzeko is perfect for this because he's so good in the air.

2. Dzeko always seems to play with more urgency from off the bench. I think he's an instinctive player, he is best when he has no time to think. When he comes off the bench he chases every ball, his touch looks good, he shoots on sight, often to great effect. When he starts, often his touch looks poor, he drifts in to channels, doesn't chase the ball down, it's like he's got too much time to think about things and when things go wrong it gets to him and he makes more mistakes.

I don't blame him for us losing games, it's a team game. But in my opinion, in the main, the team is more suited to having a different type of player up front. He is a brilliant alternative as a plan B though. That's why I'd keep him over Falcao.

Falcao might be a better player, but he's similar to what we've already got. Bringing him on would not be a plan B, it would be plan A with longer hair. Dzeko is the best plan B / Supersub out there, I just don't think he, or we, are as good when he starts.
Agree with everything you said apart from the Falcao bit, imo he is the best striker in the world and the best finisher something we deeply lack.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

It's not staggering unless it's placed in context. What is the average rate of scoring for an attacking sub of his level? It doesn't address the assertion, anyway, which is some rather ridiculous fantasy that somehow Edin Dzeko is only a good player if you bring him off the bench after he's watched for an hour. If, for some reason, the squad isn't playing well until he comes on as a sub, then it is up to our management to set the squad up to play that way from the opening kick, not to hold back a player in the hopes that something good will happen in less time.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

Skashion said:
Since the start of last season, in all comps:

11 goals in 407 minutes off the bench at an incredible rate of a goal every 37 minutes.
13 goals in 2157 minutes from starting at a rate of a goal every 165 minutes.

165/37 = 4.48 times more effective coming off the bench.

Now, a bit of a disparity would be expected because the whole point of substitutions is fresh players running at tired legs but 4.48 is staggering.

take a deeper look at his stats. even when he starts he scores more then 80% of his goals after 70 minutes of game. it is normal in football that the goels comes late. so the stat you brought did not say nothing about efectivi off the bench or as a starter. it just says that deko is efektive in any way. he should be nr1 in man city this aguero tevez talking is bullshit. thay were good against norwich and thats all. everybody would have been good at that game. like talking about marios great Euro when it was not great at all. he had one good game andin all other games get substituted beco of no eficience
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

teddykgb said:
It's not staggering unless it's placed in context. What is the average rate of scoring for an attacking sub of his level? It doesn't address the assertion, anyway, which is some rather ridiculous fantasy that somehow Edin Dzeko is only a good player if you bring him off the bench after he's watched for an hour. If, for some reason, the squad isn't playing well until he comes on as a sub, then it is up to our management to set the squad up to play that way from the opening kick, not to hold back a player in the hopes that something good will happen in less time.
Dzeko is a great player but he's certainly not so great that we should build our team around him. We have Aguero, Tevez, Nasri and Silva and their abilities wouldn't be utilised to their fullest if we set up for Dzeko for 90 minutes. There's also the problem of so few teams coming to have a go at us. Dzeko's fantastic for hitting teams on the counter but so few teams try to dominate us and so usually we're the ones having to smash through parked bus defences. Having a squad with better options for Dzeko is a great idea though and along with a deep-lying playmaker should be our biggest priority. Kolarov would be fine on the left side of a 4-5-1 or a 4-4-1-1, so it's a question of a decent right-winger who can put a cross in. Could even give Micah a trial there. Obviously Mancini is thinking along the same lines with experimenting with a 3-5-2 but sadly it doesn't suit our players.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

greasedupdeafguy said:
Shaelumstash said:
Armaan said:
First off you probably think I'm just a bosnian Dzeko fan, I'm not. I've been a blue for 20 years, I'm just sick of the abuse he gets and hope well for him. He's a totally different playe to Tevez and Dzeko, just because they'll play in strike doesn't mean they have the same role in the team. I'm a season ticket holder too and for the past two years I've just been hearing an annoying cow behind me say "fucking Dzeko is so shit why do we even have him" and it's annoyed me so much now coz he's a decent nice guy as well.

He is a decent guy, he's a decent player and I want him to do well at City. My opinion of him is that he's a square peg in a round hole for the way we play.

Look at Ibrahimovic at Barca, they spent 60m on him, he's clearly an outstanding player, but he was the wrong type of player for them and it didn't work. He's gone to another team, done great, and Barca have done great without him.

For the last two years, for me, City are at their very best when they play a quick, neat, incisive, intricate passing game. Silva and Nasri finding little holes and poking through clever through balls for the front players.

This requires fantastic movement and little darting runs from the front men. Naturally, players with good movement, and or explosive pace are better for that style of play. Tevez, Kun and Bolotelli are more suited to that style than Dzeko.

The reason I think Dzeko is better off the bench is two fold.

1. When he comes on late, often we are desperately chasing a goal and have to be a bit more direct. He's great for this. Also a lot of the time the reason we haven't scored is because teams are sat so deep that there is no room in behind for our quick front men. So, bringing on Dzeko, and often Kolarov to supply the crosses, allows us to get bodies in the box and attack from wide when the opposition are sat on their 6 yard line. Again, Dzeko is perfect for this because he's so good in the air.

2. Dzeko always seems to play with more urgency from off the bench. I think he's an instinctive player, he is best when he has no time to think. When he comes off the bench he chases every ball, his touch looks good, he shoots on sight, often to great effect. When he starts, often his touch looks poor, he drifts in to channels, doesn't chase the ball down, it's like he's got too much time to think about things and when things go wrong it gets to him and he makes more mistakes.

I don't blame him for us losing games, it's a team game. But in my opinion, in the main, the team is more suited to having a different type of player up front. He is a brilliant alternative as a plan B though. That's why I'd keep him over Falcao.

Falcao might be a better player, but he's similar to what we've already got. Bringing him on would not be a plan B, it would be plan A with longer hair. Dzeko is the best plan B / Supersub out there, I just don't think he, or we, are as good when he starts.
Agree with everything you said apart from the Falcao bit, imo he is the best striker in the world and the best finisher something we deeply lack.

I can understand using the terminology but I think calling Dzeko a 'plan B' isn't praising him enough. Our 'plan A' hasn't worked in any game this season besides Sunderland. The idea that Tevez/Aguero is a better combo is a myth based on the season so far: prettier on the eyes I agree but they haven't produced. Therefore our 'plan B' is better as its saved our asses so many times. I believe we start our in-form striker which is clearly Dzeko. He is not technically superior but if he's banging them in he should get the nod.

Dzeko has had only 3 starts this season: QPR, Dortmund, Ajax. Against Qpr we dominated. Dzeko got a goal and assist. In the champions league games Dzeko played better than our other strikers but we were tactically naive and the poor performances are down to Mancini. Edin needs more starts in the prem and if his starts don't produce goals then he should be 'plan B'.

I also think Falcao is a player we should buy, but only at the expense of Tevez/Balotelli as we couldn't handle another big name striker and should be focusing on a big name midfielder or winger, although that's another topic.
Re: Edin Dzeko legend

BigED10Dzekson said:
take a deeper look at his stats. even when he starts he scores more then 80% of his goals after 70 minutes of game. it is normal in football that the goels comes late. so the stat you brought did not say nothing about efectivi off the bench or as a starter. it just says that deko is efektive in any way. he should be nr1 in man city this aguero tevez talking is bullshit. thay were good against norwich and thats all. everybody would have been good at that game. like talking about marios great Euro when it was not great at all. he had one good game andin all other games get substituted beco of no eficience
Just checked and only 2 of his 13 starting goals (his 4th against Spurs, and Fulham at home), came after 70 minutes, so that's 15% not 80%. I don't know if it's a different story for the Bosnian national side but for City it's not.

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