Edin Dzeko? 'Edin Somwhere.

I just don't get some City fans. If a player is polite and a nice guy it doesn't matter how bad they play, the fans still love them.

Dzeko is absolutely appalling. You could tell it after 2 games and 6 months on, he's still just as bad.

Whoever started the myth that he has a good first touch really should be arrested. He has probably got the worst first touch of any striker in the Premier League, I can't think of one worse off the top of my head, although Santa Cruz is probably a close second.
Dzeko is class. end of story. Anyone thinking different knows diddly.
citymad said:
Dzeko is class. end of story. Anyone thinking different knows diddly.

It's not the 'end of story' though is it? He's been absolutely atrocious in pretty much every game for us
kalouk said:
Dzeko is my favourite person in the squad, I like his outlook and personality but can I ask a genuine question. I admit I am no expert this is more from a personal point of view.

Should we let him go for his own career? I am only really going from peoples opinions on here and I am making assumptions but

If Tevez does stay he will play, due to opinion on here comparing Tevez and Aguero, I am assuming our style of play will suit Aguero as well

no mate, we played 59 games last season and hopefully we play more this upcoming season.
Mario is being given chance after chance to prove his worth, if there is a place on match day, I feel he would be picked over Dzeko.

Mancini said a team could be built around Dzeko but this doesn't seem to have happened. Everyone is saying we don't play to Dzeko's strengths, would the team we have be able to swap and change to one week playing to Tevez/Aguero style to changing to Dzeko's style the next.

Contrary to popular belief many of his goals at Wolfsburg did not come with his head or crosses from the flanks. As big as he is, he is very comfortable with the ball at his feet and has shown this last month alone he's good at holding the ball up.

The team isn't being built around anyone because our parts are versatile. Aguero can play anywhere along the front line, Silva and Nasri can play wide or through the middle, etc. He will do good because the creative outlets around him will be fantastic.

I really like him and can't stomach the thought of us taking him from hero to zero. He is obviously a great player and loved by many football fans so is it fair to keep him at his age when his career was at a high just because we either didn't think things through or are unwilling or unable to change our style to suit him. As I say I really want him to stay but not at the cost of him sitting on the bench as fourth choice and not being able to prove himself because we cannot give him the tools to help him, he is to good for that and deserves better.

As I say a genuine question and would be glad if those with a greater football knowledge of styles of play etc could help.

the club of course thinks highly of him as we doled out 27 million for him last January. He's played ~20 or so games since then, there is a learning curve and a settling period for everyone; we are afterall talking about a young man from the Balkans moving alone to Manchester and living in a hotel his first few weeks (months?) in the UK. Neutrals have been wanking over Suarez getting off to a flyer at Liverpool, yet Dzeko has delivered more goals.

I believe it was zin who said that the club put him on a regimen in the summer to get him stronger, and it showed vs Inter and United. He's a big game player and has come through thus far when we have needed him, bar the game vs Stamford Bridge where he was so isolated he was on Gilligan's Island.

A part of me feels that if he had buried that vicious volley vs Spurs for the CL qualifier (keeper made a great save), most of these conversations wouldn't happen, he'd have been an instant legend and we'd all be on our knees at the sight of him. Funny game, football.
Andouble said:
kalouk said:
Mario is being given chance after chance to prove his worth, if there is a place on match day, I feel he would be picked over Dzeko.

Mancini said a team could be built around Dzeko but this doesn't seem to have happened. Everyone is saying we don't play to Dzeko's strengths, would the team we have be able to swap and change to one week playing to Tevez/Aguero style to changing to Dzeko's style the next.

Contrary to popular belief many of his goals at Wolfsburg did not come with his head or crosses from the flanks.

Actually, most of them did come from service from wide positions.

See here: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUX1tUtVAgg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUX1tUtVAgg</a>

-- Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:09 am --

Two things strike me about that video, you can tell Wolfsburg had good wide play and wingers + FAST build up play.

Things are completely the opposite at City

Very slow build up + very little width. So you can understand he is taking time to adapt to an entirely new system

Good thing is though if Dzeko gets chances, 90% of the time he will score

the problem atm seems to be with getting him chances to score, not with him scoring

He does need to work harder while not on the ball, but the main focus of this has to be the midfield.

Hopefully with Nasri coming I can see better service for the strikers :)
Hopefully with Nasri coming I can see better service for the strikers :)[/quote]

My thoughts exactly, I think Dzeko will flourish when given sufficient supply and the addition of Nasri should facilitate that. Silva is doing a good job but adding Nasri doubles the odds...
Bluemooners really should study these two videos:
sbm said:
For all Edin's 2009 goals:


For his best 2010 goals:


Of the 54 goals in total, he scored 17 (31%) with his Head; 14 with his Left foot; and 23 with his Right foot.

Of the 37 goals scored with his feet, 22 (59%) were scored with his first touch (so that, including headed goals, 39 out of 54 were scored with his first touch!). A further 6 were scored with his 2nd touch (i.e., first touch to control). Very few were conversions of corners or free-kicks; and very few were from crosses pulled back from the bye-line. Remarkably few could be described as 'scrappy' goals or involved deflections.

Dzeko's disallowed goal from Kolarov's pass against Inter was a classic 'Dzeko goal' (though the strength of Dzeko is that it is unwise to put a label on him).


I am optimistic that this type of (on-side) goal will be commonplace this year, particularly with Nasri on the other wing.

I honestly believe that some Bluemooners suffer from 'heightism', i.e. a conviction that any footballer over a certain height cannot be skilful. If Tevez had played exactly the same role as Dzeko in the interchange with Silva leading to Dzeko's goal in that Inter game, the reaction on here would have been very different.

Also it took an Everton fan on here to point out just how brilliant was Dzeko's control-cum-pass putting Tevez through for his goal against Notts County.
zangatangring said:
Andouble said:
zangatangring said:
Can you annotate a formation? I'm too "KFA" to propose one ;).

we'll get width from fullbacks and from midfielders drifting out occasionally ala Balo, Silva, Milner...that's why you hardly see any top teams play with true out-and-out wingers, they are too easy to defend against.

Very good point mate. However, what about Man UTd? I know we couldn't emulate them but Mancini stated a while back that he needs wingers. What d'ya reckon he meant by this?

I think he is just referring to wide men. Full backs, midfielders, out-and-out wingers. Somebody, anybody who can provide some measure of width. Things is, we've always had those kind of people. One season, two back perhaps, were we the only PL team who hadn't scored from a header? I think he wants a squad with an infinite number of options.
Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
zangatangring said:
Andouble said:
we'll get width from fullbacks and from midfielders drifting out occasionally ala Balo, Silva, Milner...that's why you hardly see any top teams play with true out-and-out wingers, they are too easy to defend against.

Very good point mate. However, what about Man UTd? I know we couldn't emulate them but Mancini stated a while back that he needs wingers. What d'ya reckon he meant by this?

I think he is just referring to wide men. Full backs, midfielders, out-and-out wingers. Somebody, anybody who can provide some measure of width. Things is, we've always had those kind of people. One season, two back perhaps, were we the only PL team who hadn't scored from a header? I think he wants a squad with an infinite number of options.

zangatangring said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
zangatangring said:
why no? If you are justified in your claims that I am a rag who's sole desire is to cause uproar? That's right, because you're wrong. This thread was clearly a fun debate about Dzeko UNTIL I was unfairly and impromptly insulted!

If you feel insulted by supporters of your local rivals calling you out, i suggest you grow a pair,

Your a red, which i dont mind, but please dont pretend your a city fan, it wither stinks of wummary or you wont to learn some history of our club so you can fit in.
I'M A CITY FAN!!!! what right or evidence do you have to suggest otherwise?!?!? Show it to me! This is so logically flawed! Wherer's the intelligence in this?

that just how a utd scum would say it, in CAPS

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