Edin Dzeko

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pudge said:
samharris said:
pudge said:
Exactly, it's not as black and white.

I know Dzeko is a great footballer, you don't achieve what he has in his career if you're not.

If he stays then he'll continue to bag 10-15 goals a season, maybe closer to 20 given his record this year, but not much else attacking wise, which at City would equate to 3rd/4th choice and ultimately it would seem like a waste of talent because he's proven he's better than as he's won player of the year awards, and not for nothing.

But at the same time it's frustrating because you feel a player of that level could adapt his game, especially given he's been here for 3+ years, hence the frustration and criticism. However, I praise his performance and contribution when it is of my own opinion he has performed well. Not everyone sees things the same after all.

With Edin it seems we've always tried to put a square peg in a round hole. He doesn't always suit our playing style and vice versa BUT it doesn't completely excuse some of his performances or even attitude which again leads to much frustration, because you feel sometimes he can do more but it's him, not the system, that's preventing it.

As a season ticket holder I cheer his name and applaud him, but if after the match I feel he didn't do well I'm not afraid to say so. It's just an opinion, on an internet forum, after all. So to be labelled a "gobshite/gay/racist etc" because of that, how is that fair?

If anything I argue the over the top praise, that place him on a pedestal because it's just that, over the top.

yeah.and ?? is that really a reason to post the same thing on the same thread day in day out for months??

So what if Edins got fanboys?? they are proud of their countryman who happens to play for the club you and I support..Let them go over the top if it makes them happy.. who are you to say otherwise ?? does it embarrass you or sommat?? as you said earlier 'its just an opinion'.. surely if that is good for you it should be enough for others..Edin is a national hero to the Bosnians,and of course they will have issues if someone questions their hero..

Fuck me..you should have heard the abuse I got from the scots City fans on here when the wimbledon final was on and I was ripping Andy Murray...

National pride is a big issue on this particular thread..

Just sayin' like.
That generalization has sparked many a 20+ page jump on this thread. Which shows how touchy it is overall.

And no, it doesn't embarrass me, but being called a "****" and the likes for having my opinion does take the piss, does it not?

I'm sure you dished it out to those posters in the Wimbledon thread. It's nothing to do with national pride, but it is standing up for yourself against such abuse especially when it's unwarranted.

Criticizing a footballer on a football forum hardly warrants it, does it?

Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.

-- Sun Nov 10, 2013 8:54 pm --

ek13 said:
samharris said:
pudge said:
Exactly, it's not as black and white.

I know Dzeko is a great footballer, you don't achieve what he has in his career if you're not.

If he stays then he'll continue to bag 10-15 goals a season, maybe closer to 20 given his record this year, but not much else attacking wise, which at City would equate to 3rd/4th choice and ultimately it would seem like a waste of talent because he's proven he's better than as he's won player of the year awards, and not for nothing.

But at the same time it's frustrating because you feel a player of that level could adapt his game, especially given he's been here for 3+ years, hence the frustration and criticism. However, I praise his performance and contribution when it is of my own opinion he has performed well. Not everyone sees things the same after all.

With Edin it seems we've always tried to put a square peg in a round hole. He doesn't always suit our playing style and vice versa BUT it doesn't completely excuse some of his performances or even attitude which again leads to much frustration, because you feel sometimes he can do more but it's him, not the system, that's preventing it.

As a season ticket holder I cheer his name and applaud him, but if after the match I feel he didn't do well I'm not afraid to say so. It's just an opinion, on an internet forum, after all. So to be labelled a "gobshite/gay/racist etc" because of that, how is that fair?

If anything I argue the over the top praise, that place him on a pedestal because it's just that, over the top.

yeah.and ?? is that really a reason to post the same thing on the same thread day in day out for months??

So what if Edins got fanboys?? they are proud of their countryman who happens to play for the club you and I support..Let them go over the top if it makes them happy.. who are you to say otherwise ?? does it embarrass you or sommat?? as you said earlier 'its just an opinion'.. surely if that is good for you it should be enough for others..Edin is a national hero to the Bosnians,and of course they will have issues if someone questions their hero..

Fuck me..you should have heard the abuse I got from the scots City fans on here when the wimbledon final was on and I was ripping Andy Murray...

National pride is a big issue on this particular thread..

Just sayin' like.

Well not really, because I'm Bosnian and don't think Dzeko should be immune to critics and I don't think I should alter the view or opinion of others on him. As far as I know, this is a Bluemoon forum with a thread titled Edin Dzeko. I don't see why split opinions shouldn't be aired. You say pudge shouldn't go over the top, but us Bosnians can? That's not fair. I also don't see why repetitive information should be fed in order to influence opinions. The fact of the matter is, irrespective of Edins past achievements and goal scoring record, he is playing like one giant ballsack out there. His attitude stinks, he offers nothing to MCFC other than goals. Sorry, but Aguero and Negredo do goals, but they also do more. Whats even more annoying than that is we all know Dzeko can play the football we want from him, as we have seen it on occasion. So it's time for him to ever pull his finger out of his backside and get his head down, or move on to where he will be more suited and a regular starter due to a lack of competition.

sorry fella..im talking about the 'regular' fanboys..you have 22 posts!! blimey I post that everyday in the united thread ;)
samharris said:
pudge said:
samharris said:
yeah.and ?? is that really a reason to post the same thing on the same thread day in day out for months??

So what if Edins got fanboys?? they are proud of their countryman who happens to play for the club you and I support..Let them go over the top if it makes them happy.. who are you to say otherwise ?? does it embarrass you or sommat?? as you said earlier 'its just an opinion'.. surely if that is good for you it should be enough for others..Edin is a national hero to the Bosnians,and of course they will have issues if someone questions their hero..

Fuck me..you should have heard the abuse I got from the scots City fans on here when the wimbledon final was on and I was ripping Andy Murray...

National pride is a big issue on this particular thread..

Just sayin' like.
That generalization has sparked many a 20+ page jump on this thread. Which shows how touchy it is overall.

And no, it doesn't embarrass me, but being called a "****" and the likes for having my opinion does take the piss, does it not?

I'm sure you dished it out to those posters in the Wimbledon thread. It's nothing to do with national pride, but it is standing up for yourself against such abuse especially when it's unwarranted.

Criticizing a footballer on a football forum hardly warrants it, does it?

Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.
Yet I didn't post anything against Edin today, and it all kicks off?

Because I posted, not because of what I posted. That needs to stop, like you said before it's hardly ever about Dzeko anymore, not through any fault of my own though, is it? A few took it upon themselves to take shot after shot today for no reason, I'll stand up for myself if it's all the same.
pudge said:
samharris said:
pudge said:
That generalization has sparked many a 20+ page jump on this thread. Which shows how touchy it is overall.

And no, it doesn't embarrass me, but being called a "****" and the likes for having my opinion does take the piss, does it not?

I'm sure you dished it out to those posters in the Wimbledon thread. It's nothing to do with national pride, but it is standing up for yourself against such abuse especially when it's unwarranted.

Criticizing a footballer on a football forum hardly warrants it, does it?

Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.
Yet I didn't post anything against Edin today, and it all kicks off?

Because I posted, not because of what I posted. That needs to stop, like you said before it's hardly ever about Dzeko anymore, not through any fault of my own though, is it? A few took it upon themselves to take shot after shot today for no reason, I'll stand up for myself if it's all the same.

You just like the arguing...if you didnt youd not post, theyd get bored and this thread would fade into oblivion... wouldnt want that would you?? nahhhhhhhhh didnt think so ;)
samharris said:
pudge said:
samharris said:
Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.
Yet I didn't post anything against Edin today, and it all kicks off?

Because I posted, not because of what I posted. That needs to stop, like you said before it's hardly ever about Dzeko anymore, not through any fault of my own though, is it? A few took it upon themselves to take shot after shot today for no reason, I'll stand up for myself if it's all the same.

You just like the arguing...if you didnt youd not post, theyd get bored and this thread would fade into oblivion... wouldnt want that would you?? nahhhhhhhhh didnt think so ;)

But couldn't the same be said about you? Its constant post after post directed at other posters. Cant you all call it quits and retire to discussing how Dzeko is Messi in disguise?
samharris said:
pudge said:
samharris said:
Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.
Yet I didn't post anything against Edin today, and it all kicks off?

Because I posted, not because of what I posted. That needs to stop, like you said before it's hardly ever about Dzeko anymore, not through any fault of my own though, is it? A few took it upon themselves to take shot after shot today for no reason, I'll stand up for myself if it's all the same.

You just like the arguing...if you didnt youd not post, theyd get bored and this thread would fade into oblivion... wouldnt want that would you?? nahhhhhhhhh didnt think so ;)
I'd want nothing more than for this thread to die.

If I stopped posting in it, there'd still be dog's abuse aimed at myself for no reason. Don't see why I should have to put up with that.

If people were able to get past their "poster v poster" mentality then all would be grand, I have no problem discussing anything with anyone and Christ knows I've had fall outs with them all. Won't stop me respecting them as a poster. Like now for example, we're able to post sensibly without abuse, all I wish for today is for others to do the same, sadly they have chosen not to.
it seems that pudge goes completely bonkers when something positive is said about dzeko.

here's your kryptonite:

bandwagon said:
it seems that pudge goes completely bonkers when something positive is said about dzeko.

here's your kryptonite:

Doesn't seem that way at all, if you had a mind to think for yourself.

I'll mark your post as Exhibit A. It has a particular reference to myself via the username.

Weren't you the guy who said I was unimportant and you'd ignore me? I might just use your post as THE example as to what I'm talking about.
bandwagon said:
it seems that pudge goes completely bonkers when something positive is said about dzeko.

here's your kryptonite:


Yours and jazzy's posts during/after the game were intended to wind people up (you were successful). No-one is against positive comments for Dzeko. It's the over the top love from his fanboys that grinds with posters (some stating he is better than Aguero). All Pudge has done is countered those arguements...he doesn't hate on Dzeko.

Most of the comments on here are now directed at Pudge and have nothing to do with Dzeko's ability. I'm not one for personal abuse but I feel I must add, stop being a ****!

Why do I keep coming on this thread?
foetus said:
Yours and jazzy's posts during/after the game were intended to wind people up (you were successful). No-one is against positive comments for Dzeko. It's the over the top love from his fanboys that grinds with posters (some stating he is better than Aguero). All Pudge has done is countered those arguements...he doesn't hate on Dzeko.

Most of the comments on here are now directed at Pudge and have nothing to do with Dzeko's ability. I'm not one for personal abuse but I feel I must add, stop being a ****!

Why do I keep coming on this thread?
Like I said, I would gladly leave this thread be so long as the personal abuse stopped, but as has just been shown it won't.

Unfortunately it's hard to ignore. In fact lets mark it as of right now; I won't post in this thread again.

I've met the minority half way, let's see if they match it.
samharris said:
pudge said:
samharris said:
yeah.and ?? is that really a reason to post the same thing on the same thread day in day out for months??

So what if Edins got fanboys?? they are proud of their countryman who happens to play for the club you and I support..Let them go over the top if it makes them happy.. who are you to say otherwise ?? does it embarrass you or sommat?? as you said earlier 'its just an opinion'.. surely if that is good for you it should be enough for others..Edin is a national hero to the Bosnians,and of course they will have issues if someone questions their hero..

Fuck me..you should have heard the abuse I got from the scots City fans on here when the wimbledon final was on and I was ripping Andy Murray...

National pride is a big issue on this particular thread..

Just sayin' like.
That generalization has sparked many a 20+ page jump on this thread. Which shows how touchy it is overall.

And no, it doesn't embarrass me, but being called a "****" and the likes for having my opinion does take the piss, does it not?

I'm sure you dished it out to those posters in the Wimbledon thread. It's nothing to do with national pride, but it is standing up for yourself against such abuse especially when it's unwarranted.

Criticizing a footballer on a football forum hardly warrants it, does it?

Its not the critisism.....its how many times you post it..
we are all guilty of it.. its called flogging a dead horse!!.

Talk about being two faced !! Fancy calling him that !!!
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