Eliaquim Mangala - now official

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Re: Eliaquim Mangala

I really don't know why we continue to bother with a player that doesn't really want to come here. If he does come we know it will end in tears and he will be pissing and moaning about something or other in a matter of months and trying to engineer a move, destabilising everyone in the process. We have been here before, I just hope we have learned the lessons.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

OllyT1950 said:
I really don't know why we continue to bother with a player that doesn't really want to come here. If he does come we know it will end in tears and he will be pissing and moaning about something or other in a matter of months and trying to engineer a move, destabilising everyone in the process. We have been here before, I just hope we have learned the lessons.
It sounds like you are reading far too much into someone saying they prefer London to Manchester. If anything, his unwillingness to desperately force himself out in January proves that he's not the sort of person you're accusing him of being at all. He has been loyal to Porto and chose to stay put until the summer as he thought it was better for his development and chances of playing in the WC, I really can't see how that's a negative. If he was the sort to force through moves or chase money, he'd be making a lot more noise about wanting to leave surely? I can't fault someone for taking their time and weighing up their options before making a life changing and difficult to alter decision.

Plus the fact remains, we have never agreed a fee with Porto at any point, so he's not the one holding up any potential move
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

If he goes to Chelsea to join Mourinho fair enough, but what will he do when Mourinho's sacked. He's come close to it this season, and Abramovich isn't known for his patience, nor is Mourinho known for his staying power at any club.

A lot of short termism at Chelsea and Mangala should be aware of this if he chooses to join them. He may be a favourite one season then booted out the next.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Jimfv1 said:
If he goes to Chelsea to join Mourinho fair enough, but what will he do when Mourinho's sacked. He's come close to it this season, and Abramovich isn't known for his patience, nor is Mourinho known for his staying power at any club.

A lot of short termism at Chelsea and Mangala should be aware of this if he chooses to join them. He may be a favourite one season then booted out the next.

What will happen if Mourinho is sacked? If he is good he'll play there with Cahill, Terry won't play in his 50s.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Not convinced this bloke is right for us. In three seasons at Porto he's only played 50 league games. Last season only 20. Not only that, but Portugal is not often the ideal proving ground for the premier league. It's taken Garcia the best part if two years to not look to bad.
If we are looking for a youngster to cover MDM, then let's look at what we already have rather then spend cash, hoping he will be the answer.
Re: Eliaquim Mangala

Davs 19 said:
richards30 said:
Mangala has been set a deadline for next friday to decide. Big feeling that he's waiting for other offers to come in and we wont accept being a booby prize.

When did you become ITK mate ;.)

he has been doing this for a couple of years now, throws something in based on a player being speculated on, when it goes wrong nobody remembers, but if he guesses one right then watch out for his bluemoon sainthood. The true ITK will be someone who comes up with a name who signs that you haven't heard speculated in the press or online
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