Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

You absolute fucking chickenshit. In fact, you aren't even chickenshit. You are fucking hummingbird shit. Fucking -- what bird is smaller than a hummingbird? None, fuck it -- you are microbe shit. Bacterial shit.

you should try thinking before you post.

It’s amazing how many people Musk has been able to con in to being zealot-fanboys willing to defend him to the last as he goes full Fascist, white supremacist, megalomaniac, man-child charlatan.

No matter how many instances of wild mismanagement, idiocy, verified/convicted fraud, malicious and immature behaviour, and gross misconduct across his career and various business ventures, the cult he has groomed ignores it all, largely I think because they desperately want to be him one day and so need to protect his ability to do whatever he wants with little consequence so they can do the same (even though 99% of them will never be wealthy or powerful and Musk sees them all as pawns for his games). He has used them for his own gain and they come back over and over again to ask to be used more.

I will say that those in my industry (financial services) know what he is truly like and most laugh at the members of the Musk cult. They know he is nowhere near as intelligent as his carefully crafted persona implies (and certainly not a “genius”) and that most of the achievements he is directly or indirectly credited for were actually realised by far more intelligent and competent people elsewhere in his companies (some that have since left those entities and have spoken out against Musk and how difficult it was to actually find that success; many say it was in spite of Musk, not because of him). Quite a few of those have then been sued in to oblivion by Musk to keep them quiet (now he apparently threatens that when you leave to stop the public criticism out right, and has begun doing the same to journalists critical of him, as well as unilaterally deplatforming them on Twitter and sending his cult after them).

Those who don’t laugh—the less scrupulous—see him as a model for exploiting simpletons (both the stock holding cult and the gullible people that think Tesla is actually an environmentally friendly company) and an action plan for (often illegally) working a broken system to make vast amounts of money (whilst actually leaving the company itself in quite the precarious financial position right now).

It is sad to see but it’s not the first cult of personality that has misled and exploited the masses and won’t be the last.

I do think it is especially troubling that people that are buying Teslas think that they are making a significant contribution to mitigating climate change, though. That is a very dangerous falsehood that has real world consequences for those beyond Tesla owners and the Musk cult, especially as he attempts to scale further. Once more, based on the business model Musk has built, the further he scales, the more egregious the “help fight climate change” lie becomes.
Sounds to round things up,
2020-2021: close to 100% growth
2021-2022: closer to 50%
2022-2023: less than 40%
Gonna have to cast my vote against the popular sentiment - I think Twitter is well placed going forward. I hate that all the trending stuff is US based now. Big loss. But that's recoverable, and it's arguable if it even matters a little to Elon. He was right on one thing - SV is at the end of a cyle, they all need to dump people and think again. I think he's got the vision here to know what the core thing is. For me it's about Google search. For most tasks, it is a fucking waste of time. It really is. Search stagnated a decade ago and they've just pushed the monetary thing all the way - end result is I would generally expect any time spent on Google to wholly revolve around stealing my time and serving me shit. Very predictable shit. In order for totally random people to try and sell me very low quality shit. Twitter is different. It revolves around identity - rather than random product names and unkown sellers. Google will think I want a tennis bat - or it thinks I do. I don't. It's actually making a big misjudgement to show them to me - personal reasons, it upsets me. Twitter tho, twitter is a journey - I find my way to all sorts of novel content and people I am interested in. And I feel like I'm in charge, and bouncing between people, rather than auto-generated content, futile forums, and myriad webstores I really wouldn't have touched once upon a time and really feel like I'd be better off never even encountering. There is no quality there. Just massive random exposure. Twitter, I feel like I can find what I percieve as quality. Pretty sure, that's this economic cycle in a nutshell - web expansion overshadowed shit quality offerings. I know I want more, and I can start to see it coming. AI will chip in with the sorts of changes coming. The whole ecosystem at present is saturated with stuff wholly reflective of what bought it into being. But we're going to start being offered new, much more intuitive, expressive services and experiences. Twitter will be a natural way to explore that. It is an expressive medium. It is about YOU, and other INDIVIDUALS. Google don't do like that. Hence, I'm pretty confident Twitter will be a very important gateway for content going forward.
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Thing with this is with this whole idea that tech firms are firing load based on Twitter not fully crumbling, which is debatable. assuming what I read is accurate other than Twitter every tech company has hired more than they have fired.

MS: hired 40,000, laid off 10,000
Google: hired 30,000, laid off 2,000
Apple: hired 10,000, laid off 0
Meta: hired 16,000, laid off 13,000.

So while there are a lot getting laid off and there is a lot of info bouncing about, if these figures are accurate then there's still a lot more hires than fires going on.

Meta is the big one to look at, they are burning cash at an alarming rate, there VR wing lost over $14bn last year.
Sounds to round things up,
2020-2021: close to 100% growth
2021-2022: closer to 50%
2022-2023: less than 40%
In a year where supply chain issues have been prevalent, it's not a bad result in the end.

Tesla will continue to grow whether some in here like it or not.

In a year where supply chain issues have been prevalent, it's not a bad result in the end.

Tesla will continue to grow whether some in here like it or not.

While I do think they will continue to grow for a few years as Tesla is still the defacto go to for electric cars and they will remain so for a while despite Musk going full MAGA which is very much Anti green. I do think they will drop off though once the other car manufacturers move more to electric, the Tesla market will be decreased significantly.

in 5 years time we'll have a very different landscape to look at.

Anecdotally most Tesla owners I know say they wont be buying another one. the only one that says they will was an early adopter and gets free charging from Tesla garages for life so makes sense to stick with them.
In a year where supply chain issues have been prevalent, it's not a bad result in the end.

Tesla will continue to grow whether some in here like it or not.

Intel - revenue dropped 30% last year :-0
Gonna have to cast my vote against the popular sentiment - I think Twitter is well placed going forward. I hate that all the trending stuff is US based now. Big loss. But that's recoverable, and it's arguable if it even matters a little to Elon. He was right on one thing - SV is at the end of a cyle, they all need to dump people and think again. I think he's got the vision here to know what the core thing is. For me it's about Google search. For most tasks, it is a fucking waste of time. It really is. Search stagnated a decade ago and they've just pushed the monetary thing all the way - end result is I would generally expect any time spent on Google to wholly revolve around stealing my time and serving me shit. Very predictable shit. In order for totally random people to try and sell me very low quality shit. Twitter is different. It revolves around identity - rather than random product names and unkown sellers. Google will think I want a tennis bat - or it thinks I do. I don't. It's actually making a big misjudgement to show them to me - personal reasons, it upsets me. Twitter tho, twitter is a journey - I find my way to all sorts of novel content and people I am interested in. And I feel like I'm in charge, and bouncing between people, rather than auto-generated content, futile forums, and myriad webstores I really wouldn't have touched once upon a time and really feel like I'd be better off never even encountering. There is no quality there. Just massive random exposure. Twitter, I feel like I can find what I percieve as quality. Pretty sure, that's this economic cycle in a nutshell - web expansion overshadowed shit quality offerings. I know I want more, and I can start to see it coming. AI will chip in with the sorts of changes coming. The whole ecosystem at present is saturated with stuff wholly reflective of what bought it into being. But we're going to start being offered new, much more intuitive, expressive services and experiences. Twitter will be a natural way to explore that. It is an expressive medium. It is about YOU, and other INDIVIDUALS. Google don't do like that. Hence, I'm pretty confident Twitter will be a very important gateway for content going forward.
I am not sure there's a comparison between twitter and Google tbh. I do know that if I seacrh "football scores" on google I get football scores. On twitter I get all the gossip, the poison, the fanbase divisions, some racist crap, maybe some adverts pretending to be tweets.... Somewhere in there will be football scores I wanted. But maybe I am not understanding the comparison you're making.

I used to love twitter, got rid of it a few months ago and I see the world in a much more positive light.

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