Because being factually correct is neither here nor there for Twitter. Twitter makes its revenue by showing advertising to users on there. Those users are on there to read whatever tweets are posted by those that they follow.
If you are Joe Bloggs with 50 followers, you’re not helping Twitter make any money as no one is going on Twitter (and being shown those ads) to read your posts.
If you have 600,000 followers, your tweets are the content (be they good, bad or indifferent) that generates the ad revenue for Twitter. Exactly the same as YouTube (and not every big account on there is educational or truthful either - some of the most followed accounts are full of conspiracy theories and general bollocks) - but YouTube pays those creators per x-amount of views over a certain number.
The idea of a social media platform charging the very people that actually make it money is fucking stupid - as has been argued by minds far sharper than mine.
The whole purpose of the blue tick was so that you know the source you’re seeing post is that actual person or organisation. Now there are hundreds of people posing as people they’re not. And to what end? $20m per year in revenue for a company he paid paid $44bn for? It will only take 200 years to pay it off.