Elon Musk buys and ruins Twitter

Posting this here but probably goes over to Facebook as well. some of the scale of the misinformation from the Russian propaganda set up.

Musk ( knowingly or unknowingly )proven to have shared content directly from Russians.

From Jan to April in 2024,

the Social Design Agency created 40k articles. 30k 'posts', 4600 videos and 1500 fake news articles.

In Ukrainian alone they produced 34 million comments on social media.

Some of the talking points were to discredit the Ukrainian leadership, paint Liberals and globalists as fear mongers about a possible attack on the EU, to portray LGBT rights as detrimental to children's mental health, to stoke discontent over high inflation etc etc.

one of the main goals seemed to also to be to make more than half of Germany's citizens unwilling to sacrifice there well being to help defeat Russia

Its quite the read
Am I missing something or was twitter a load of shit prior to musk buying it too?

It had its issues for sure but Twitter as a company tried to fix them, now it’s actively being turned it’s a cesspool of “free speech” protecting the shit being posted. Flat outright lies. Racists, hate mongers and misinformation spreaders, conspiracy theorists etc.
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He’s not just enabling trolls; he’s personally endorsing their posts.

To paraphrase former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, you wage mimetic warfare with the unsubstantiated smear you’ve got, not the one you want. It just so happens that the one most recently deployed by Donald Trump is the kind that proliferates these days on X.

When Trump declared, seemingly out of nowhere, during his debate with Vice President Kamala Harris that Haitian immigrants living legally in Springfield, Ohio, were “eating the dogs … eating the cats … eating the pets of the people that live there,” he drew incomprehension, followed by widespread ridicule, from mainstream audiences. What came next was a furious and revealing national conversation on important questions of immigration, race, assimilation, work ethic, diet, traffic violations, duty (to struggling native-born constituencies and to newcomers alike), the limits of tolerance, the inevitability of its opposite, the nature of truth, and much else besides. But on the social-media platform that had provided him with the paranoid talking point in the first place, the discussion and reproduction of Trump’s outburst immediately gave way to the naked and sustained expressions of racism that have become emblematic of the website over the past two years.

It had its issues for sure but Twitter as a company tried to fix them, now it’s actively being turned it’s a cesspool of “free speech” protecting the shit being posted. Flat outright lies. Racists, hate mongers and misinformation spreaders.
As I thought, no change then.
I miss Fesshole and stuff (I’ve one published in the second book) but I eventually let Twitter go after being a big user.

I myself would’ve bought it and handed it over to people who knew what they were doing had I had his money.
As I thought, no change then.

Believe me. It’s a massive change. I was flipping though videos the other day and it was horrific. Not including battlefield footage there were shootings, deaths, car crashes, video after video. You wouldn’t have got that before musk. The odd video sure, but not a constant stream.

There isn’t even a button to report racism and the like anymore
Believe me. It’s a massive change. I was flipping though videos the other day and it was horrific. Not including battlefield footage there were shootings, deaths, car crashes, video after video. You wouldn’t have got that before musk. The odd video sure, but not a constant stream.

There isn’t even a button to report racism and the like anymore
I think you’ll find he isn’t here to have a real discussion, he just wants to post ignorant takes that are veiled defences of horrible people.

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