End of season DVD-another pricing balls up

thanks for highlighting this as i pre ordered it last tuesday at the £19.99 price i have emailed the customer service team now to ask how they are charging this price 7.99 more dear than amazon and that i want them to either refund me or match the other price grrr
prairiemoon said:
Roger Ringpiece said:
Even without postage taken into account there is £8 difference though-people may accept the difference if it was a couple of pounds but its a decent bit more than that obviously.

And with postage you could get two from Amazon for the price of one from City and still have a pound change!

prairiemoon said:
The difference in delivery might actually deter purchases. Amazon has an amazing ifrastructure, shipping, warehousing, etc will be much cheaper for them and exposes the DVD to a greater audience.

I trust our club is being run by expert businessmen. They wouldnt cock this up.

But I'll be buying mine from Amazon, that's for sure!

Brilliant! Two for one!

But seriously, it has to be down to operating costs and the desire to sell as many as possible.

I got to say mate, Im a little shocked youre complaining!
you're shocked at somebody complaining on bluemoon,now that IS shocking
Helmet Cole said:
Platinini will go fully mental when he hears what the OS are charging.
Agreed, far too cheap. He'll be giving us nudge saying you'll never meet FFP at those prices, you've got to charge what we do for Champions League final tickets. You've got to arse rape the scum for all their worth because God forbid a rich benefactor subsidise a club so prices remain accessible to the working man.
It's basic retail economics.

When you see a shop advertising items at 50% off, they're still making a profit.

City sells the DVD to Amazon, Amazon decide what price they want to put it at. Amazon discounts items to maximise sales and drive the sales of other items (the supermarket milk effect).

The difference is particularly obvious here but the store's not screwing up, it's just not selling at a discount (in fact depending on the terms of retail agreements it might be contractually obliged not to discount for x days, that's fairly standard).

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