End of Season Party vs Arsenal?!

Agreed...definitely not happy with how the last two seasons have gone...but a title, two league cups and one goal away from the Champions League final. Didn't deserve to have to come out to an empty stadium for his farewell.

So glad we got the semi-final of the CL cup
Ok it's not. I guess we went 41 years without a major trophy then instead of 35.

Funny how that's changed to suit us however we want.
No it isn't. When you are a club like Everton then the league cup is everything. When you challenge for the league, Europe etc it isn't.

It's not a tricky concept to grasp
Considering we won fuck all for 35 years we should embrace any cup we get. Fuckin spoilt brat fans taking over need to give their heads a wobble.
We are not that team anymore so give this York away a miss. The owners have invested so much that we as fans should expect more. I'm not spoilt, I just expect better!
Agreed...definitely not happy with how the last two seasons have gone...but a title, two league cups and one goal away from the Champions League final. Didn't deserve to have to come out to an empty stadium for his farewell.

We could have been still playing against Madrid now and wouldn't have scored. The only way people would have been pissed off about losing to Madrid in a Champs League Semi is if we were completely gutless, and this clown and the players achieved it. Then to compound things only about 3 of them bothered to come over to us at the end! Did the manager bother to come over or tell his players to thank the fans who'd spent shitloads to get there? Despite this and 2 years of dross though we should stay to thank him should we? No it's just fuck off from me and plenty of others.
Considering we won fuck all for 35 years we should embrace any cup we get. Fuckin spoilt brat fans taking over need to give their heads a wobble.
That's bollocks and you know it. The landscape has changed. 10 years ago the Thomas Cook trophy was a big deal
I stayed and I'm not a fan of his.
Stayed because I love City and like it or not he was our manager. Certainly didn't stay to pay tribute to his managerial skills and capability. Zero improvement in any aspect of our play under him and for a squad like that to finish outside the top 4 is unforgivable.

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