End of Season Party vs Arsenal?!

I stayed back clapped the U18 watched the revisionist view of the last 3 season (videos showing our title win missed the second season and shown this years league cup)
That was quite frankly disgusting to watch. You can fault the effort of the players, but Pellegrini has always represented this club immaculately. He deserved better than that.

Our fans have become spoilt and entitled, I'm actually ashamed of today.
Is it any different from when the players who are on big money have put in half arsed performances this season where they couldn't give two shits about the fans who have paid good money to watch them home and away whilst they go back to their mansions without caring?
We are not that team anymore so give this York away a miss. The owners have invested so much that we as fans should expect more. I'm not spoilt, I just expect better!
I was born the year after our long drought started and have supported this club as long as I remember. We could have not a pot to piss in and playing some non entity at fcum's grounds cos ours was long since sold to pay off some debt or other but I'd still be part of it AS LONG as the team had some fight. They don't we as a team are a reflection of our cadaver manager.
Embarrassing today. Embarrassing.

Today was the day our "fans" proved the piss taking fans of other clubs correct.

Plastic, spoilt, entitled, glory hunting, disloyal.

4 days after a champions league semi final. So fucking what if we haven't ripped up trees this season.

This manager , for all his alleged faults, has behaved with the utmost class and dignity from day one until today. His reward is to be slapped in the face by his same fans who were ecstatic watching him win us 3 trophies in 3 years and get to a champs lge semi final

"Where were you when you were shit?" , "I was on the bus back to Stockport mate"
I stayed to applaud he u18s. I listened to manuel, and he seemed genuinly embarassed. Out of his depth, but a nice man and i wish him all the best. We made a statement, but not he right one imo
Embarrassing today. Embarrassing.

Today was the day our "fans" proved the piss taking fans of other clubs correct.

Plastic, spoilt, entitled, glory hunting, disloyal.

4 days after a champions league semi final. So fucking what if we haven't ripped up trees this season.

This manager , for all his alleged faults, has behaved with the utmost class and dignity from day one until today. His reward is to be slapped in the face by his same fans who were ecstatic watching him win us 3 trophies in 3 years and get to a champs lge semi final

"Where were you when you were shit?" , "I was on the bus back to Stockport mate"
Not keeping vigil outside Manuel's house then?
Embarrassing today. Embarrassing.

Today was the day our "fans" proved the piss taking fans of other clubs correct.

Plastic, spoilt, entitled, glory hunting, disloyal.

4 days after a champions league semi final. So fucking what if we haven't ripped up trees this season.

This manager , for all his alleged faults, has behaved with the utmost class and dignity from day one until today. His reward is to be slapped in the face by his same fans who were ecstatic watching him win us 3 trophies in 3 years and get to a champs lge semi final

"Where were you when you were shit?" , "I was on the bus back to Stockport mate"
We show our appreciation and loyalty emotionally and financially week in week out.
Grow up.

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