End of Season Party vs Arsenal?!

Good counterpoint. You got me.

I'm as angry as anyone about the shite I've had to watch for the last two years, I'll be delighted when half the squad fucks off and Pep saves the day. But that doesn't suddenly undo what Pellegrini has achieved here, and the way he has conducted himself every step of the way.

It's pathetic.

Another fantastic comeback. This board really is full of them eh?
you really expect fans to stay behind and clap these players are being paid 100k a week! and clearly havent given a shit throughout the season.

And one league title and two milk cups in three years isnt great by any means with this squad.
Good counterpoint. You got me.

I'm as angry as anyone about the shite I've had to watch for the last two years, I'll be delighted when half the squad fucks off and Pep saves the day. But that doesn't suddenly undo what Pellegrini has achieved here, and the way he has conducted himself every step of the way.

It's pathetic.

Another fantastic comeback. This board really is full of them eh?

Agreed...definitely not happy with how the last two seasons have gone...but a title, two league cups and one goal away from the Champions League final. Didn't deserve to have to come out to an empty stadium for his farewell.
you really expect fans to stay behind and clap these players are being paid 100k a week! and clearly havent given a shit throughout the season.

I don't think you read what I said.

And one league title and two milk cups in three years isnt great by any means with this squad.

3 major trophies in 3 years isn't enough. Fuck me, I rest my case.
you really expect fans to stay behind and clap these players are being paid 100k a week! and clearly havent given a shit throughout the season.

And one league title and two milk cups in three years isnt great by any means with this squad.

All of the players ?

No applause for Kun, KDB, Hart, Itchy, Navas, Zabs all of them triers this season and deserved a bit of respect at the very least.

Even Pellers deserved a little better treatment than that, we are a hell of a lot different than we were 5 years ago.

It is sad how some of us have turned out after a modicum of success.
Well I stayed until the end of the lap of honour. At least this season we managed to actually see the players because they didn't have all the hangers on and those security types! Plus some of the players came over to the fans. Gael Clichy came over with his children to make sure the youngsters on the front row got one of the footballs they were giving out.
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No offence but that is horseshit.

Next year we have Utd who will likely be stuck with van Gaal, and who's squad is in worse shape than ours. Chelsea have even further to recover than we do. Arsenal are just Arsenal and won't be winning it. Spurs should be like this year, a challenge, but we have pep and no doubt a summer of big investment so to suggest that fighting for top 4 to the last game will be an achievement is wrong.

Not saying we will definitely win it because some team could always have a freak season like Leicester this year but if we aren't in with a shout up to the last day we will have failed. Personally I think pep will win it by March.

This squad, minus the older players, plus some new hungry youngsters and/or some established stars, with the worlds most sought after manager should be winning this league with relative ease. Unless pep isn't the genius we have been waiting for in which case why out the club on Hold for all these years, we would have been better off sticking with Mancini and letting him build a dynasty... Infact he would be a great shout if pep doesn't do well next year.
Wind your neck in and read what I said, same squad sane acheivement whoever is in charge.
I share your believe that it will be fine with changes, it just isn't a given
Our Charming Fans:

They sang his name and supported him and the players to the end. We could have shown our discontent waved white handkerchiefs or printed BOO on pieces of paper, but no we kept our dignity until the bitter end.

What do the fans think of Manuel Pellegrini?



And what do the suits think?


Our regression back to the pre Mancini era is almost complete...........

Thanks Manuel.
I didn't stay, left with no regret. If the players forgot to turn up for us on many occasions and I mostly stay to the end, why should I stay and clap for inept tactics again. Good riddance Pellegrini and take your journey men with you too...

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