Ending a rental contract early

Have you found a new place to move in to?
No point moving out of where you are if you haven't got somewhere to go and I understand it's not very easy to find a place nowadays
i don't wish to be rude, but a gofundme page to move house ?, do people not save up for what they want nowadays , obviously i don't know your circumstances ,you've only got 6 months left on the contract,stick it out and save up for the deposit on your new place
I think you're living in the past. I look at the current situation and wonder to myself would I have survived my early adult life and I'll be honest I don't think I would have. It's horrendous out there. Good luck @Tiattos_Waterbottle
Hello, not a massively frequent poster, though I do have a bit of a rumble in the politics threads sometimes, sometimes call the dippers cunts and so on and forth but I'm looking for a bit of advice.

I am looking to end my rental contract six months early as the building I am currently in constantly stinks of weed, all the communal areas are dirty, yobs keep entering the building and damaging external/communal areas, and the lift is broke more than it's working, which when you live up seven flights of stairs, is not ideal in the slightest.

I am currently in Oldham but I am looking to get back closer to home in Salford (Yeah, I know.) so I can be closer to family and friends as I feel rather isolated here too.

Problem is, I've six months left on my contract. I am renting through Thornley Groves if you are familiar with them, and I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with them in such matters or just ending a rental early in general.

I've set up a gofundme for myself (not posting it here, don't think it's appropriate of me.) to ask friends and family for a bit of help for any potential costs from trying to leave the contract early and obviously for any deposit (I'm on a no deposit scheme here) I may have to pay.

But yeah, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
You're best off asking them, sometimes they'll be happy to get rid of you as they can up the rental price for the next person coming in. Otherwise probably best to stick it out for the remaining term
That's your expected etiquette and a misconception. Gofundme pots are created for all manner of reasons, it's up to people if they donate or not, as long as there isn't a deception it isn't really anyone else's business. I once jokingly suggested to someone (as a piss take) that they could setup one for surgery and they thought it was a good idea.

Perhaps it would have been better to go to family or friends and borrow rather than this.

See Break clause, but the landlord's neglect of the lift etc may have already breached the contract. (Depends on if the flat is owned separately or if it's one block all under one landlord). It's probably owned independently though.
To be fair; in my post that you replied to, I did say "in my opinion". Which I still hold to. I never said it was a hard and fast rule. And I agree 100%; it's up to the individual whether they donate or not. I've donated to quite a few down the years (but I don't like to talk about it!).
Hello, not a massively frequent poster, though I do have a bit of a rumble in the politics threads sometimes, sometimes call the dippers cunts and so on and forth but I'm looking for a bit of advice.

I am looking to end my rental contract six months early as the building I am currently in constantly stinks of weed, all the communal areas are dirty, yobs keep entering the building and damaging external/communal areas, and the lift is broke more than it's working, which when you live up seven flights of stairs, is not ideal in the slightest.

I am currently in Oldham but I am looking to get back closer to home in Salford (Yeah, I know.) so I can be closer to family and friends as I feel rather isolated here too.

Problem is, I've six months left on my contract. I am renting through Thornley Groves if you are familiar with them, and I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with them in such matters or just ending a rental early in general.

I've set up a gofundme for myself (not posting it here, don't think it's appropriate of me.) to ask friends and family for a bit of help for any potential costs from trying to leave the contract early and obviously for any deposit (I'm on a no deposit scheme here) I may have to pay.

But yeah, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thornley Groves, now there's a blast from the past....Used to do quite a lot of work for them as they were clients of mine and then used them for some rental properties I had. Shall we say I had reason to believe that one of my flats was being rented out without my knowledge ( I was living abroad....). Enough said in my opinion.

A proffesional outfit and I think they will have all the T's crossed and the I's dotted so play it by the book.
Just to clarify some stuff.

I had a serious leak in my flat in April, and I had no bathroom light for four weeks, the water stains have still not been decorated and due to the lift being broken basically all of June, it took about five weeks to deliver a new bed frame as the one I got with the flat when I moved in was not fit for purpose, and got worse over time. I've tried to be reasonable about it, but the conditions here are fairly bad, could be Thornley Groves, could be Hunters (The Block Management.) but the building is barely maintained and the flat seems to be an afterthought as well.

I am quite isolated from family and friends here in Oldham, it's not exactly miles and miles to Salford but I do not drive, so it's not like I can nip round to my mums or one of my siblings. I could handle that if the block and the flat itself were not a torrid mess, but unfortunately that's the situation in which I find myself.

I had to move out of my home of thirteen years, as my housemate got sick and had to move back home as he needed full time care. The person who replaced him grated on me so bad that I was desperate to leave and took the first place available. It's not a simple case of buyers remorse, there's issues, and I'm not in great mental health generally due to circumstances I don't want to get into here as it'd be viewed by some as a sob story (going off the reaction to this thread) and I'd rather not set myself up for more mockery.

Thank you to everyone who's replied in good faith. Sorry for the late reply, I work a night shift.

i don't wish to be rude, but a gofundme page to move house ?, do people not save up for what they want nowadays , obviously i don't know your circumstances ,you've only got 6 months left on the contract,stick it out and save up for the deposit on your new place

I understand that, but I want out of dodge as soon as possible, it's genuinely really affecting my mental health. I understand not everyone sees such things as a serious ailment (Not saying you don't, mind.) but I'm genuinely struggling.

Yeah; it does strike me as a bit of a piss take. Gofundme pages are, in my opinion, set up to help people who have hit hard times through no fault of their own. Maybe the death of the main breadwinner in the family. Or an accident that has left said breadwinner unable to work. Not for this situation.

Also, as a secondary point; aren't contracts generally legally binding?

I'm not taking the piss out of anyone, I needed help and I set up a page to get help from friends and family. I'd figure putting it on here would be taking the piss, so I've not. If it was simply a case of my contract being up and me moving, I'd not of done this either. Bare in mind, I do not know what costs I will incur leaving early and I may end up in a unfurnished flat. I'm not asking for thousands or anything, I've got a bit saved too.

Have you found a new place to move in to?
No point moving out of where you are if you haven't got somewhere to go and I understand it's not very easy to find a place nowadays

I am viewing two properties next week. I am also going through the usual websites (Rightmove, Zoopla, Openrent) to see what's available. Unfortunately, moving closer to home in Salford is a bit more difficult than one might expect due to the BBC and prices going up.

You're best off asking them, sometimes they'll be happy to get rid of you as they can up the rental price for the next person coming in. Otherwise probably best to stick it out for the remaining term

I will be asking them, of course, I assume any new rental is going to want references and I'd rather not leave a bad taste in the letting agents mouths as I may need them to say I'm a good tenant. I've never missed rent and so on, but I'd rather not be any hard feelings.

I need a holiday......I'm setting up a "gofund me you mugs" page.......

feeling depressed.

No idea why you found the need to be rude, I've made the thread in good faith and not even posted the GoFundMe here as I feel it's not fair to ask total strangers for money. I am in poor mental health generally and being in this flat is not helping, making fun of it is not on, really. But go off.

First of all, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It's no fun to be living somewhere you aren't happy.

I'm no expert so can only offer what I'd do, given my lack of understanding regarding the legalities of such situations.

Firstly I'd be all over the Citizens Advice website and/or call them to understand what your basic rights are. Both sides will have obligations, you and the landlord, based on what you've said it MAY be the case the landlords are breaching their obligations so you may have grounds to exit early. (This also may not be the case, but that's what needs clarifying).

I'd also, if not done already, document your concerns in writing to the landlords. Their response and whether they do anything about it or not will determine how strong a case you have for exiting early.

Lastly, good luck. You'll get the usual "burn it down" etc advice on here but no doubt there will be people with knowledge in the field who can steer you in the right direction.

I am planning to call Citizens Advice after speaking with the estate agent, they weren't answering Saturday, but I have already e-mailed them three times about the issues I'm having in the property and also copied in the building management. I don't have direct contact with the Landlord unfortunately, so it's having to go through the lettings agency. Thanks for your help.

I'd be telling them that i couldn't even get to my front door due to the lift being out of action. In a high rise block a working lift is vital

Going up seven flights of stairs with shopping is not fun, especially when it's warm as it has been recently, I have a bad lower back (Combination of tall, poor posture, and having too big a gut.) so it's been murder on me a bit honestly.
Life is full of curve balls, mate. At this moment you’re unfortunately in a bit of a shit situation. I can’t help you with that, sadly but just offer a bit of incentive that things will get better eventually.
If people donate to a gofundme then that’s up to them. As long as the recipient has been honest in their reasoning for asking then fair fucks.
Just to clarify some stuff.

I had a serious leak in my flat in April, and I had no bathroom light for four weeks, the water stains have still not been decorated and due to the lift being broken basically all of June, it took about five weeks to deliver a new bed frame as the one I got with the flat when I moved in was not fit for purpose, and got worse over time. I've tried to be reasonable about it, but the conditions here are fairly bad, could be Thornley Groves, could be Hunters (The Block Management.) but the building is barely maintained and the flat seems to be an afterthought as well.

I am quite isolated from family and friends here in Oldham, it's not exactly miles and miles to Salford but I do not drive, so it's not like I can nip round to my mums or one of my siblings. I could handle that if the block and the flat itself were not a torrid mess, but unfortunately that's the situation in which I find myself.

I had to move out of my home of thirteen years, as my housemate got sick and had to move back home as he needed full time care. The person who replaced him grated on me so bad that I was desperate to leave and took the first place available. It's not a simple case of buyers remorse, there's issues, and I'm not in great mental health generally due to circumstances I don't want to get into here as it'd be viewed by some as a sob story (going off the reaction to this thread) and I'd rather not set myself up for more mockery.

Thank you to everyone who's replied in good faith. Sorry for the late reply, I work a night shift.

I understand that, but I want out of dodge as soon as possible, it's genuinely really affecting my mental health. I understand not everyone sees such things as a serious ailment (Not saying you don't, mind.) but I'm genuinely struggling.

I'm not taking the piss out of anyone, I needed help and I set up a page to get help from friends and family. I'd figure putting it on here would be taking the piss, so I've not. If it was simply a case of my contract being up and me moving, I'd not of done this either. Bare in mind, I do not know what costs I will incur leaving early and I may end up in a unfurnished flat. I'm not asking for thousands or anything, I've got a bit saved too.

I am viewing two properties next week. I am also going through the usual websites (Rightmove, Zoopla, Openrent) to see what's available. Unfortunately, moving closer to home in Salford is a bit more difficult than one might expect due to the BBC and prices going up.

I will be asking them, of course, I assume any new rental is going to want references and I'd rather not leave a bad taste in the letting agents mouths as I may need them to say I'm a good tenant. I've never missed rent and so on, but I'd rather not be any hard feelings.

No idea why you found the need to be rude, I've made the thread in good faith and not even posted the GoFundMe here as I feel it's not fair to ask total strangers for money. I am in poor mental health generally and being in this flat is not helping, making fun of it is not on, really. But go off.

I am planning to call Citizens Advice after speaking with the estate agent, they weren't answering Saturday, but I have already e-mailed them three times about the issues I'm having in the property and also copied in the building management. I don't have direct contact with the Landlord unfortunately, so it's having to go through the lettings agency. Thanks for your help.

Going up seven flights of stairs with shopping is not fun, especially when it's warm as it has been recently, I have a bad lower back (Combination of tall, poor posture, and having too big a gut.) so it's been murder on me a bit honestly.
Make a note of every day the lift is broke. Tell the agents you cannot do the stairs and will have to move out if it keeps breaking. In the meantime try running up and down em, watch the pounds drop off and bingo, no more bad back..
Every cloud an all that..)

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