Ending a rental contract early

If you get no joy from Citizens Advice, contact your local councillor to come round and have a look.
Seriously, write to your MP or visit him/her when they have a public surgery
All it will take is one letter from the MP copied in to regulatory organisations and the letting agency and landlord will shit themselves
Make a note of every day the lift is broke. Tell the agents you cannot do the stairs and will have to move out if it keeps breaking. In the meantime try running up and down em, watch the pounds drop off and bingo, no more bad back..
Every cloud an all that..)

I've not much choice in terms of going up and down them as it stands, but they're aware of how often it's broke as I ring them every time, the entire calendar month of June it was not working at all, this is the sort of situation I find myself in.

Thanks for the help though, mate. :)
Hello, not a massively frequent poster, though I do have a bit of a rumble in the politics threads sometimes, sometimes call the dippers cunts and so on and forth but I'm looking for a bit of advice.

I am looking to end my rental contract six months early as the building I am currently in constantly stinks of weed, all the communal areas are dirty, yobs keep entering the building and damaging external/communal areas, and the lift is broke more than it's working, which when you live up seven flights of stairs, is not ideal in the slightest.

I am currently in Oldham but I am looking to get back closer to home in Salford (Yeah, I know.) so I can be closer to family and friends as I feel rather isolated here too.

Problem is, I've six months left on my contract. I am renting through Thornley Groves if you are familiar with them, and I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with them in such matters or just ending a rental early in general.

I've set up a gofundme for myself (not posting it here, don't think it's appropriate of me.) to ask friends and family for a bit of help for any potential costs from trying to leave the contract early and obviously for any deposit (I'm on a no deposit scheme here) I may have to pay.

But yeah, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
For managed housing exceeding two floors, a passenger lift is mandatory, (BS8300 – 2:2018)
I'm pretty sure, from what you say, that you are in the same building as me. CC?

I've been here 5 years now and the place was lovely at first. The problems started when they gradually started to reduce the security presence, until it has now all but disappeared.

The lift wasn't an issue for the first few years but it's now a joke. I also have contacted Hunters several times but am constantly told it's the residents fault for letting non residents in who then cause damage

About 3/4 years ago reps from Shelter came round as they had been informed of other issues. Might be worth contacting them again as they left leaflets in case they were needed again.

I believe there was also a WhatsApp group for residents at one point but I've been unable to find it.

I'm also, like yourself, going to look at other options for housing. It's a shame really because the flat itself is fine and good value, plus it's quiet on the floor where I am.
I'm pretty sure, from what you say, that you are in the same building as me. CC?

I've been here 5 years now and the place was lovely at first. The problems started when they gradually started to reduce the security presence, until it has now all but disappeared.

The lift wasn't an issue for the first few years but it's now a joke. I also have contacted Hunters several times but am constantly told it's the residents fault for letting non residents in who then cause damage

About 3/4 years ago reps from Shelter came round as they had been informed of other issues. Might be worth contacting them again as they left leaflets in case they were needed again.

I believe there was also a WhatsApp group for residents at one point but I've been unable to find it.

I'm also, like yourself, going to look at other options for housing. It's a shame really because the flat itself is fine and good value, plus it's quiet on the floor where I am.

Actually, yes, you're in the same building as me, oddly enough.

I was fine here but the frequency of the lift breaking is now beyond a joke, and I'm on the 7th floor.

Might be worth getting in touch with Shelter, I've sent an e-mail to the person at Thornley Groves with a bunch of reasons why I want to leave, so I'm just waiting to hear from them now.

I don't know if you remember back in April there was a severe leak on the upper floors but the damage still hasn't been repaired, the bed I had broke and after replacement I've discovered the headboards were hiding scratches in the wall too.

Wish I could say it was quiet on this floor but the neighbours opposite scream at odd hours of the morning, I work nights so this is more annoying than disruptive to my sleep. You do get youths smoking in the stairwells and such too.
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Actually, yes, you're in the same building as me, oddly enough.

I was fine here but the frequency of the lift breaking is now beyond a joke, and I'm on the 7th floor.

Might be worth getting in touch with Shelter, I've sent an e-mail to the person at Thornley Groves with a bunch of reasons why I want to leave, so I'm just waiting to hear from them now.

I don't know if you remember back in April there was a severe leak on the upper floors but the damage still hasn't been repaired, the bed I had broke and after replacement I've discovered the headboards were hiding scratches in the wall too.

Apparently, when the building was being built they had to rip out some cladding due to the Grenfell fire and new regulations on what they could use.
I have some water marks around one of my windows which, according to Hunters, is a direct result of this and window surrounds not being "finished" properly. Still waiting for it to be sorted. It's not terrible, just unsightly.
I'm on a slightly lower floor than you so avoided the April issue, but yes get in touch with Shelter. Also, I'm going to look into the earlier post on this thread that mentions a law that mentions it is mandatory for a lift for a building this size (thanks to whoever posted that by the way).

I definitely get the impression, after 5 years, that Hunters have gradually withdrawn protection for the building and inadvertently allowed this to happen. Money saving and now it's coming back to bite them in the arse ,in the monetary sense anyway.

Feel free to PM me if you want to keep in contact about any further issues/developments.
Apparently, when the building was being built they had to rip out some cladding due to the Grenfell fire and new regulations on what they could use.
I have some water marks around one of my windows which, according to Hunters, is a direct result of this and window surrounds not being "finished" properly. Still waiting for it to be sorted. It's not terrible, just unsightly.
I'm on a slightly lower floor than you so avoided the April issue, but yes get in touch with Shelter. Also, I'm going to look into the earlier post on this thread that mentions a law that mentions it is mandatory for a lift for a building this size (thanks to whoever posted that by the way).

I definitely get the impression, after 5 years, that Hunters have gradually withdrawn protection for the building and inadvertently allowed this to happen. Money saving and now it's coming back to bite them in the arse ,in the monetary sense anyway.

Feel free to PM me if you want to keep in contact about any further issues/developments.

Mine are all on the ceiling, which, is more unsightly than a problem, but it's still not ideal, they said they'd do it whilst I was away in late April but this didn't happen.

I'm going to wait and see what the Landlord says before I start speaking to anyone else, as soon as I know where they stand, and if it's in opposition to me leaving, I've already prepared an e-mail to Debbie Abraham and I'll be getting on to Shelter and the CAB.

The lack of security in this place is a joke, the fellow who's here in the day doesn't look like he'd be doing much of anything to stop people getting in, he's been in his office whilst some young lads were smashing up one of the rooms at the front of the building. It's a joke.

I'm just glad someone else in the thread knows what I'm talking about, can assure everyone I'm not taking the piss, it's been pretty awful since around February/March.
Sorry to take the piss mate.....it's a bluemoon thing that's all. Had no idea your mental health was as bad as you say so apologies. Things change mate just find an alternative. I blagged my way through life until I got older and had some luck. Shit bedsits etc etc shared bogs and baths etc etc

I have been homeless and spent time living in a car in the 80's as my parents were cunts and I had nowhere else to go.

Ended up in Brindale House in Brinnington briefly.....now that place was bad boss.

Can't you fix some of this stuff yourself? Or complain to the council about the conditions?

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