Ending a rental contract early

Says on there they can charge me for leaving early. Sadly, it's looking more like I'm stuck.

This can only cover loss of money or reasonable costs from the agent.

Check out the two law centres before. They may be able to help you with free legal advice. Although the latter probably won't be operating outside of the academic year.

There may be other equivalent organisations out there.

Just another update, I've emailed Debbie Abrahams and Environmental Health, and will give the latter a call when they open. I will also try a few of the legal advice numbers given in the thread.

The lift is still not working (Been out since Friday after being out from Monday to Thursday last week.)

I've a viewing in Eccles lined up for this Friday but the estate agents have told me not to view other properties until they've resolved the issue.

As an aside, my GFM is going really well. Thankfully I have quite a good support network from friends and family. I've stated on it that it's to help get out of my contract early, cover a deposit and any furniture I might have to acquire (I am furnished here) but I am going to offer to return any money if I don't end up being able to go til February, as I want to be totally transparent and not take the piss out of their kindness.
Just another update, I've emailed Debbie Abrahams and Environmental Health, and will give the latter a call when they open. I will also try a few of the legal advice numbers given in the thread.

The lift is still not working (Been out since Friday after being out from Monday to Thursday last week.)

I've a viewing in Eccles lined up for this Friday but the estate agents have told me not to view other properties until they've resolved the issue.

As an aside, my GFM is going really well. Thankfully I have quite a good support network from friends and family. I've stated on it that it's to help get out of my contract early, cover a deposit and any furniture I might have to acquire (I am furnished here) but I am going to offer to return any money if I don't end up being able to go til February, as I want to be totally transparent and not take the piss out of their kindness.

You mentioned scratches behind the bed headboard that you were worried about .
Don't be, mine has the same. The walls here react to any little touch, and I reported similar in my kitchen area above the cooker hob just a few days after moving in.
Tell them it's normal wear and tear from where the bed rests against the wall. They can look at mine if they give you any grief.
Good luck x
I once moved into somewhere that was meant to be fully furnished, the first day i turned up there was no bed, no cooker, no fridge but a washing machine in each of the places the cooker and fridge should have been, so i had 3 washing machines in a 1 bedroom flat with no actual bed.
Phoned the landlord and asked him what the fuck was going on, all he could say is "but ive given you extra washing machines" like that was perfectly normal. Absolute wankers a lot of them
I once moved into somewhere that was meant to be fully furnished, the first day i turned up there was no bed, no cooker, no fridge but a washing machine in each of the places the cooker and fridge should have been, so i had 3 washing machines in a 1 bedroom flat with no actual bed.
Phoned the landlord and asked him what the fuck was going on, all he could say is "but ive given you extra washing machines" like that was perfectly normal. Absolute wankers a lot of them

Were all three of them plumbed in? :)
"I can confirm receipt of your complaint, emailed response below and a copy of your email to the MP, I thank you for these items which will assist in ensuring I have the background information from yourself regarding your tenancy and property. I will be out of the office tomorrow but will discuss this further with Herbert on Thursday.

I can confirm that Herbert was correct in that you do have your contract in place and are responsible for the fees he set out in his below email, however, we can confirm that we reached out to the landlord yesterday in relation to this matter and will update you once we have received a response. We do not mean for our email to come across as strongarming you, Herbert was informing you of the contract you are in and the stipulations of breaking this contract.

Herbert did pass this to myself yesterday as he confirmed to you below for me to see whether we can do anything about these fees. For me to review the contract and the fees which are detailed in your tenancy I will need for us to look into this further which we are doing in the background.

In relation to the events leading to you wanting to leave and your complaint, I can confirm that I will need a little time to investigate the issue in full. I will be in touch further with a full response on these items once I have completed investigations.

I understand that you work nights, please could you confirm a time between 11am and 5.50pm on Thursday which would be a reasonable time for me to call you to discuss this? Alternatively I am available for a call between 10am and 5pm on Friday if that would suit you better?

Whilst I would not advise the viewing of other properties until an agreement has come into place for you to break your contract I would not ask for you to cancel one should an agreement come quicker than expected."

I received this today, so this is where we're at. Seems slightly more positive than the last e-mail. This one is from a team leader at TG. Will see what they say on Thursday.

I have two viewings to attend now though. One in Swinton, which is my desired destination as it's where I grew up/went to school (St Marys and Ambrose Barlow respectively.) but anywhere in Salford (Except the Quays due to the eyesore and high rent) will do.

You mentioned scratches behind the bed headboard that you were worried about .
Don't be, mine has the same. The walls here react to any little touch, and I reported similar in my kitchen area above the cooker hob just a few days after moving in.
Tell them it's normal wear and tear from where the bed rests against the wall. They can look at mine if they give you any grief.
Good luck x

Will do, mate, like I said, I'm not even sure I put them there, I might of but headboards and bed were there and not moved when I moved in. They've given me a double bed base now but no headboard and it slides all over the floor, hah. I also remembered some ammo I can use to justify myself, the state of the bin room a couple of weeks back when the door was literally propped open by rubbish and waste and flies were everywhere. A bit of a tangent but christ the washing machines/dryers are a fucking rip off.

I once moved into somewhere that was meant to be fully furnished, the first day i turned up there was no bed, no cooker, no fridge but a washing machine in each of the places the cooker and fridge should have been, so i had 3 washing machines in a 1 bedroom flat with no actual bed.
Phoned the landlord and asked him what the fuck was going on, all he could say is "but ive given you extra washing machines" like that was perfectly normal. Absolute wankers a lot of them

Sounds awful mate, I lived in a house from 09-23 and was totally fine, until 21 when my housemate (Who I've known from primary school) had to move out due to him suddenly having a condition called dysautonomia and the person who replaced him, a friend of a friend, was a massive **** and I was going to end up necking myself or him if I'd of stayed so I just got out and went to the first place I saw for a decent rent. @mackenzie is right, the rent on this place is alright for the location, and the rooms are a bit of a squeeze but fine for what they are. Just everything else in the building is the issue.
I'm not an attorney. However, I've been thinking about your situation. You've been told you signed a contract. Is the landlord/rental company not a party to this contract as well? They also have certain expectations that must be met.

By this I mean, when you signed the contract was it for a flat on a seven story walk up or were you told by someone or was it implied to you that there is a working lift in the building?

Were you told the building has doors that are secure and locked from the outside to keep the scrotes out and that the building had a security guard to handle issues?

It would seem to me that if these things were in your rental contract or were verbally stated or implied to make you belive it is by the person having you sign the contract they are currently in breach of said contract.

Again, I am not an attorney but perhaps this is an avenue worth exploring.
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