Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

As some other posters noted, there may be some opposition but i believe under the terms of your ticket. City have the right to move you at any time. They did with the tunnel club and moved a few hundred. Lucky we got 93.20 for 2 seasons. Not sure how they would handle a few thousands families!

I have stood at a few sporting events and for many its difficult whether it be the physically of all it. Even if its 1-4-1 per "standing seat". It can be tricky. Look at most standing sporting events and its generally always males over 18.

I enjoyed the rail seating at Hoffenheim. I stood during the first and second halves but pulled the seat bit out and had a nice sit-down at half time. (Getting old and no alcohol sold to away fans.)
FS seems to get a lot of unfair stick and blame for the atmosphere. It's no better or worse than anywhere else it seems to me.

Football's changed from when i started going in 79. I went in a group with school mates on the match bus not a parent or girl in sight. I don't remember how much it was to get in the Kippax but I know we got in free plenty of times as one of our teachers worked thw turnstiles. But matches were 3pm on a Saturday so we were back home for tea. I don't see those groups of kids anymore. Its too expensive, no pay on the gate and matches are very rarely at 3pm Sat. Most kids go with parents now.

I like the family stand and think It's well located to keep kids interested in game and half time stuff with mascots. And imo the club are correct to invest in future fans. I pay for 5 ST and have had ST for all my kids from the moment too big to sit on a knee (they've all been from babies). I now have 3 kids who are City mad, buy and get bought merchandise regularly, spend a small fortune on chips etc at the match. I suspect that overall the FS does alright for the club £'s and that the club will have to think long and hard before prioritising other fans over it.
Of course I would. Give it a rest, FFS!

Fans who prefer to sit would rather watch the match in peace and quiet until there is a moment in the game that get's them off their seat, such as an incident or a goal.

They don't want a knob like me with a drum or a megaphone distrubing them. Shove me in the proposed 1894 safe standing block, out of the way, surrounded by like minded City fans, where we can make as much noise as we want without pissing other City fans off. Happy?

There's always one ten Men/keyboard warrior on Blue Moon. Why?

Haha jrb, I actulaly play the drums and keyboard (synth) for that matter but a footy stadium is no place for a fookin band ...
Haha jrb, I actulaly play the drums and keyboard (synth) for that matter but a footy stadium is no place for a fookin band ...

We’re holding auditions. We’re looking for talented drummers and good singers.(Megaphone) ;-)
FS seems to get a lot of unfair stick and blame for the atmosphere. It's no better or worse than anywhere else it seems to me.

Football's changed from when i started going in 79. I went in a group with school mates on the match bus not a parent or girl in sight. I don't remember how much it was to get in the Kippax but I know we got in free plenty of times as one of our teachers worked thw turnstiles. But matches were 3pm on a Saturday so we were back home for tea. I don't see those groups of kids anymore. Its too expensive, no pay on the gate and matches are very rarely at 3pm Sat. Most kids go with parents now.

I like the family stand and think It's well located to keep kids interested in game and half time stuff with mascots. And imo the club are correct to invest in future fans. I pay for 5 ST and have had ST for all my kids from the moment too big to sit on a knee (they've all been from babies). I now have 3 kids who are City mad, buy and get bought merchandise regularly, spend a small fortune on chips etc at the match. I suspect that overall the FS does alright for the club £'s and that the club will have to think long and hard before prioritising other fans over it.

I feel sorry for the kids.

My first City match was against Chelsea. We won 6-2. I was sat on the Kippax wall, next to standing Adults. Over the years as I grew up I made my own way to the back of the Kippax where the singers were, next to the away fans. Doing that gave me a real sense of what football, support, passion, and an atmosphere was really like. Kids these day’s are seated in a contrived and sterile area, away from the noise and atmosphere of other parts of the stadium. They are probably more interested in what the club puts on for them, and other things, rather than immersing themselves in the match, the atmosphere, and the occasion. I appreciate times have changed, and the FS surves a purpose, but I cann’t help feeling the kinds in the family stand are missing out.
why dont city only allow fans in if they are with there child? make a child ticket £300 and they can have one parent for free
That would be popular. Sell someone a season ticket and then not let them in if the child is ill or unavailable. The idea is supposed to be to build the fan base not destroy it!
I'd be more bothered about the South stand than the family, that's supposed to be the noisy one. It seems that a lot of folk, who don't sit near the family stand or have sat there just once have a regular moan about it.

It's not the family stands job to get the stadium rocking, you would be better looking closer to home and asking why does your stand need a bunch of families to cheer for your atmosphere?

Stop throwing the blame at the family stand....!?!

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