Executive meeting
Item 12 - Progress of the Residential Growth Action Plan (222.24 KB, PDF)
In the other direction, we will expect to see detailed plans brought forward for
the regeneration of the Central Retail Park and the Great Ancoats Street area.
Officers remain engaged with the owners of the retail park and have worked
with them to prepare a new framework for the site. A report and draft
framework for the Central Retail Park appears elsewhere on this agenda. The
delivery of the regeneration and improvement of these areas is key to
successfully integrating Ancoats and New Islington into the fabric of the city
6.10 Looking beyond the Ancoats and New Islington neighbourhoods; the wider
Eastern Gateway areas of Holt Town, the Lower Medlock Valley and areas
adjacent to the Etihad Campus are considered key growth areas in terms of
future residential development. The strategic interventions made by the City
Council over this Action Plan period will result in a solid development platform
being established similar to that which can evidenced in Ancoats and New
6.11 A refreshed draft Eastlands Regeneration Framework was presented to the
Executive on 8 March 2017 which, subject to consultation, will be adopted in
late summer 2017. This refreshed framework incorporates the Holt Town and
Lower Medlock Valley areas and will supersede earlier frameworks for these
areas. The Council will focus on the acquisition of key sites in and around the
Ashton Canal Corridor and the wider Holt Town area in order to facilitate
development. Where development continues to be constrained the Council will
also be seeking to utilise CPO powers in this area.
6.12 Over the course of the 5-year duration of this Action Plan the Strategic
Development Directorate will be working closely with colleagues at
Manchester Life to make preparations for phase 2 of the delivery programme
to ensure that momentum is maintained and planned accordingly. Priority
activities will include further acquisitions, disposals, and infrastructure