Etihad Campus, Stadium and Collar Site Development Thread

Mansour and Khaldoon should have enticed the Therme Group to build Therme Resort Manchester on the Collar site.

It would have dragged loads of kids over to City.


Opportunity missed.

Over a 'decade' later we've still got nothing more than wasteland and a temporary car park on matchdays on the Collar site.
My 14 year old not interested. Also my 32 year old into rugby Union too. He has never been into football
Football is definitely suffering for all the cheating and simulation in the game with the “harder” young lads these days. I know a lot of young lads at the school I work at who play rugby or go down boxing and MMA clubs and laugh at the footballers for playing “Wendy Ball” and they take the piss out of the football lads because of all the diving and pretending to be injured in the sport. There’s quite a lot of chatter among coaches and trainers of these sports belittling football because of all the cheating. “Proper sport this, you don’t get people rolling around on the floor when you’re hit in this sport!” and that resonates with young lads who like to think of themselves as tough.

Even I have thought about turning my back on the sport because of this, I cannot fucking stand all the diving and feigning injury.

Football also has far too much time wasting and the ball-in-play stats are going backwards. Whereas in rugby league it’s going up! Prem games have an average of about 54 minutes of play out of 90 when the ball is in play; in rugby league it’s around 68 minutes out of 80.

So referees not doing anything about goalkeepers taking 50 seconds over every goal kick is doing the sport no good!

Football needs to get a fucking grip of all the cheating and time wasting, it’s switching people off!
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Football is definitely suffering for all the cheating and simulation in the game with the “harder” young lads these days. I know a lot of young lads at the school I work at who play rugby and laugh at the footballers for playing “Wendy Ball” and they take the piss out of the football lads because of all the diving and pretending to be injured in the sport.

Even I have thought about turning my back on the sport because of this, I cannot fucking stand it!

Football also has far too much time wasting and the ball-in-play stats are going backwards. Whereas in rugby league it’s going up! Prem games have an average of about 54 minutes of play out of 90 when the ball is in play; in rugby league it’s around 68 minutes out of 80.

So referees not doing anything about goalkeepers taking 50 seconds over every goal kick is doing the sport no good!

Football needs to get a fucking grip of all the cheating and time wasting, it’s switching people off!

may lads got into rugby league and agreed they all say this is not football all the time when someone gets injured.
There’s a fella who used to sit near me who took his Son home away everywhere from being young, son must have had loads of loyalty points… he got to 18 and told his Dad he’d never really been into football and just liked spending time with his Dad, and he stopped going.
Same thing happened with me & my lad. I blame the parents
There’s a fella who used to sit near me who took his Son home away everywhere from being young, son must have had loads of loyalty points… he got to 18 and told his Dad he’d never really been into football and just liked spending time with his Dad, and he stopped going.
In a way that’s nice the he just wanted to be with his dad. My son just buggered off upstairs at 8 to play on his computer and play his guitar.
Sulaiman Al-Fahim fronted it all and was found to be a crook after taking over at Pompey soon after.

Also Amanda Stavelely with a chequered business past and Prince Andrew connections was also involved. The Geordies have her to look forward to now.

Amanda is just a front for the Saudi's, I would not expect her to be around long term, she's just waiting to get her commission.
Amanda is just a front for the Saudi's, I would not expect her to be around long term, she's just waiting to get her commission.
Thought she personally owned 10% of the club? Or have I made that up in my own mind?
Thought she personally owned 10% of the club? Or have I made that up in my own mind?
Maybe that's her commission, I still think she will be off when all the serious appointments are made.

I am sure I have also read she is quite ill, with some brain illness, so long term I am not sure if she will be capable of working, very sad.
I think we can easily underestimate how much the world has changed. When I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s there was basically f-all to do. Football was a cheap and cheerful option for young males and you could go to Maine Road (or Old Trafford if you were so inclined) on the spur of the moment with as many mates as you liked. In fact, you could go to away matches on the same basis, as the trains were cheap too, you just walked up and bought a ticket.

Now there are a whole host of competing entertainments and you don't even need to leave your house. The days of football being cheap or accessible on a casual basis are long gone. I don't wonder that young people decide to go for other options.

Indeed, there has been a massive culture shift and most membership organisations are struggling to get young recruits too. It's not just football.

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