Etihad Campus, Stadium Development and Collar Site

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Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

but but but, we cant take the roof off (many of you whined).
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

without a dream said:
flipmode said:
If the consultation is going to be done with a view to starting the building by January, that doesn't leave long for an extra tier to be added by the start of 2015-2016 season (I'm guessing?).

Now, even I would have questioned the legitimacy and feasibility of this being completed on time, but, having seen the speed of which the CFA is being constructed, I have no qualms as to this being built to whatever timeline we put in place.

The idea of a gradual increase of the capacity is also a good thing IMO. If the majority of the 6,000 are put for these "cheap seasoncards" it would then make sense to add 6,000 on the family stand at a later date and do exactly the same. 12K x £300 = £3.6M.

I can't wait.

That's a nothing amount though on a £50m investment, the gain from the club would be based on improved and expanded corporate facilities I would imagine.

Sorry mate, £3.6 million a year on an investment of £50 million is 7.2% a year, which is a really good investment.

You can even change that about a bit and put 10,000 £300 season tickets at £3 million a year, then change the leftover 2,000 normal seats to a pair of mid-range (Call it x) and high-range (Call it y) hospitality areas for 500 and 100 people respectively. Charge £110 for one of the 500 seats over 19 home matches and you get (110 * 500) * 19 = £1.045 mil a year for x suites. Charge £600 for one of the 100 seats over 19 matches and you get (600 * 100) * 19 = £1.14 mil a year for y suites.

We can also assume that every normal seat will spend money in City Square and in the ground, say an average of £4 in City square (Because not everyone goes) plus £8 in the ground. That's an extra £2.28 million a year counting those 10,000 fans not in hospitality.

I've got no inside knowledge on what they're doing, how much it'll cost, how much tickets will be, how much supplies will cost etc. but this little exercise has the club earning an extra £7.465 million a year on a £50 mil investment, or 14.93% which is absolutely massive in investment terms.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Sorry chaps, you're getting all excited about nothing! An article published in the highly specialised journal "Statistical tools and the analysis of football support" asked its Manchester (Trafford) branch to investigate the reports and they've published their findings in the article "650 million reasons for a small stadium". The key part of this independent report is this, "Manchester City are not increasing the capacity of the Emptyhead because reports suggesting that home games there have been sell outs this season are false. Indeed the owners have been embarrassed by numbers of empty seats compared to the long queues at tram stops at their neighbour's ground. The plans, therefore, envisage the removal of empty seats (which are blue plastic) and their replacement in a new section at the south end of the ground, where they will be out of camera shot." The author of the article, Mr R. Charlton, is a respected civil engineer with many years experience of stadium design, who is best known for his plans for the iconic venue for the final of the 1992 World Cup.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Dom38 said:
without a dream said:
flipmode said:
If the consultation is going to be done with a view to starting the building by January, that doesn't leave long for an extra tier to be added by the start of 2015-2016 season (I'm guessing?).

Now, even I would have questioned the legitimacy and feasibility of this being completed on time, but, having seen the speed of which the CFA is being constructed, I have no qualms as to this being built to whatever timeline we put in place.

The idea of a gradual increase of the capacity is also a good thing IMO. If the majority of the 6,000 are put for these "cheap seasoncards" it would then make sense to add 6,000 on the family stand at a later date and do exactly the same. 12K x £300 = £3.6M.

I can't wait.

That's a nothing amount though on a £50m investment, the gain from the club would be based on improved and expanded corporate facilities I would imagine.

Sorry mate, £3.6 million a year on an investment of £50 million is 7.2% a year, which is a really good investment.

You can even change that about a bit and put 10,000 £300 season tickets at £3 million a year, then change the leftover 2,000 normal seats to a pair of mid-range (Call it x) and high-range (Call it y) hospitality areas for 500 and 100 people respectively. Charge £110 for one of the 500 seats over 19 home matches and you get (110 * 500) * 19 = £1.045 mil a year for x suites. Charge £600 for one of the 100 seats over 19 matches and you get (600 * 100) * 19 = £1.14 mil a year for y suites.

We can also assume that every normal seat will spend money in City Square and in the ground, say an average of £4 in City square (Because not everyone goes) plus £8 in the ground. That's an extra £2.28 million a year counting those 10,000 fans not in hospitality.

I've got no inside knowledge on what they're doing, how much it'll cost, how much tickets will be, how much supplies will cost etc. but this little exercise has the club earning an extra £7.465 million a year on a £50 mil investment, or 14.93% which is absolutely massive in investment terms.

Fair enough, the industry I'm in don't touch anything with over a 10yr payback unless it's an essential bit of plant. Football is obviously a very different buisness though and long term this will always make money.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Fantastic news I'm more happy about the off the field facilities being developed than the on the field as we have a team that will bring champions league football so don't have to go mad.

Building for the future is now vital with the new FFPR and I'm loving it!
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

Great news but we have better artists impressions on the site than the picture from MUEN. About time we did this :thumb:
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

mostonbluemark said:
So, we've been selected as a venue for the 2015 Rugby World Cup. Just over two years from now. So where does that leave us in terms of Stadium Expansion. The options as far as I can see are;

1. No Stadium Expansion till after the RWC has finished.

2. Partial Expansion, either South Stand or North Stand, finished after RWC has finished

3. Both South Stand and North Stand Expansion finished prior to the commencement of the RWC.

Last option looks a bit racey to me and I have to confess i'd be majorly disappointed at the first option. Anybody care to hazard a guess, or perhaps, there is another option I haven't considered?

Not a bad guess, or ITK? Definitely not the latter. I drove past the Stadium this morning. It left me wondering about the expansion of the South Stand. There isn't much room between the back of the existing stand and the road. The reason I question this is the additional 6,000 fans. Also presumably, the away fans are to be moved up to the new third tier? Would they be able to use the existing spirals? Or does this suggest that the away fans won't move? Be interesting to see how they manage this.
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

How does the revenue sharing work with Manchester City Council, and will they get a slice of this extra revenue?
Re: Etihad Campus & potential new stadium

BringBackSwales said:
How does the revenue sharing work with Manchester City Council, and will they get a slice of this extra revenue?

don't think so we renegotiated the old deal and now give the council a flat rate fee each season
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