EU referendum deal (title edited)

You would need to add that infrastructure if the current infrastructure is at breaking point though. We're a country with full schools and increasing class size. It's incredibly difficult to get a convenient doctors appointment and nigh on impossible to find an NHS dentist. Trains on the major routes are full and there's a housing crisis that's caused huge private rent costs and incredible house prices. You can't say adding a few people here and there won't hurt because it's hurting at the moment and adding more people will exacerbate the issue.

I'd like to see evidence for it. I'd imagine that many plan to return home when they come over but several will meet someone or have kids or lose family and those initial plans will change.

This discussion is basically now subjectivity, I can't find the research as am on my phone.

Have a Google though, mate. I'm fairly sure, typically, immigrant are younger and get paid more than the average brit.

This indicates less use of public services such as health care, probably no use of education, and a proportionately higher tax contribution.

Now, if you still have a problem re infrastructure after reading the above in more depth (I.e. the proportionate increase in tax out weighs the proportionate increase in burden), then your reall issue is not with immigration, it is with the allocation of resources. Which I would whole heartedly agree.
Not quite Mat, I'm more Lenin.
My apologies for comparing your original post with that thundercunt. I agree with your point about long term planning after a no vote but we know the Tories would see it as an excuse to turn british workers into mini China working conditions whilst profiting of f the labour. Ironically it could get Corbyn in with policies as radical as the ones created after WW2.
I think the tax dodging billionaire media tycoons who have shaped UK discourse for 3 decades to line their own personal pockets have a huge amount to answer for. Too many people only now know what's good for Murdoch or the Daily Mails owner and pipe out lies and myths that they have been told since they were born. It is a strong point but everything that made Britain Great, innovation, openness was, progressiveness, courage etc is undermined by the insult self interested hate spouted by so much of the media. Churchill, Gladstone, Disraeli, Lloyd George , wilberforce, Pitt etc would be horrified by today's discourse

I wonder if perhaps you're not aware that both the BBC and Channel Four are subsidised by the EU?
Europe is fucked because of the millenia old realities of demographics and resources, the EU is just a model on top which will be replaced by another model on top which will make no difference to the real issues. Those can only be tackled by either accepting a. Far higher savings rate and reduction in standard of living or allowing for increases net immigration to keep the working population growing
It's incredibly how many people who are inimical to immigration seem to miss this undeniable truth at the heart of the argument. There is no alternative.
The EU is going to go up in flames, and unless we get out we will go up with it. It was a good thing to be part off but I am afraid the do gooders and the greedy fat cats at its head have sealed its place in history as an empire that collapsed amid chaos and carnage....sorry to say that whilst immigration is a positive thing if handled with a degree of common sense and realistic understanding of the consequences, What the EU have been responsible for has to turn it into a giant and wholly imbalanced and unequal union that at worst will see numerous repetitions of the kind of disasters that happened in the Balkans and the former Soviet Union.

Sadly I am afraid as proved beyond doubt in the last general election the British electorate has little grasp of reality nor the intelligence to take with a pinch of salt what the politicians say, certainly take no notice of what some clown on facebook or have to say and do some hard research on the history of Europe, how it now works and so on....hence I suspect we will vote to stay in. In which case I genuinely fear for the future of our children and those that follow.
I actually feel reasonably confident that the great unwashed will vote to Leave... those daily paragons of truth and virtue such as The Sun will help guide them along the way
It's incredibly how many people who are inimical to immigration seem to miss this undeniable truth at the heart of the argument. There is no alternative.
I increasingly despair about the media and politicians of both right and sadly increasingly about the left they seem to have a few objectives all of them bad.

1) to keep the Ponzi scheme of demographics going and put off all solutions till the future (when it could be too late)
2) to ignore the real issues and instead focus on peripheral ones and use all intellect and emotion on irellevances
3) to make every situation black and white and dreadfully simple and pretend the world and every situation isn't dreadfully complex.
4) to pretend that every bit of blame can be put on to another group of people and by tackling them the problems go away
5) both the RWNJ and indeed Corbyn seem to hold a view that if you put your head in the sand and try to distance yourself from a problem it will go away. As if multi cultural ims, globalisation, interdependence and international obligations don't exist.

If people cannot garner the intelligence to see the real issues then we are screwed.

The sad reality is immigration is what keeps the Ponzi scheme going and if we are to stop it we will need to make huge sacrifices none of which we are willing to make and none of which people pushing back on immigration even acknowledge.

At some point really hard choices on standard of living, on expectation of what a nation can provide and on taxation and only then will we really tackle the issues.

When I think long term I reckon one of two modes will win out either we will move to a model which goes back almost to post war of much higher taxes, much lower expectations of lifestyle and much more of equality or we will move to a Ron Paul libertarian mode where each looks after their own. The demographic time bomb makes most of the middle ground and most of the way we live today impossible long term as even if we can sustain today's model there will be a point at 80m or 90m or 150m where the resources cannot match the population.

Where I see hope is advances in technology and innovation as different ways of producing energy, resources, water, food could I guess change this. As being old would not be a burden of food production, housing, health care m, energy became almost free
I actually feel reasonably confident that the great unwashed will vote to Leave... those daily paragons of truth and virtue such as The Sun will help guide them along the way
How will they react when exiting creates new problems and solves none of the problems that were promised. How will they react when all the same issues still exist outside? That is the real problem and I can see huge backlashes when everyone wakes up and nothing is better.

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