EU Referendum Thread


Well-Known Member
31 Aug 2010
As things are now starting up with talk of the pre-referendum negotiations we should have a thread to discuss the matter.
The GE thread and HRA thread in particular touch on the issue but this thread can be for basic in/out debate.
Hopefully an issue like this will create a more diverse debate than other politics threads where party loyalties seem to overly influence one's opinion.
The press are now starting to run arguments for and against so now would be a good time to see how we all feel in the lead up to the referendum. Opinions may change....
Are you in or out? Reasons for or against?
Definitely voting to stay in.

I believe pulling out would be such a risky enterprise. Those who imagine it will have no meaningful impact on our trade with the remaining EU countries, and consequently our economy, are completely wrong imo. Furthermore any such ongoing trade with those countries would be contingent on us complying with all the red tape, so frequently cited by those in favour of withdrawal as a reason for leaving.

To describe leaving as anything other than a huge risk is intellectually dishonest imo.
I will definitely be voting out
Some EU Countries like Norway have already expressed doubts about the EU especially if we leave

We can soon agree trading agreements.
No one ever voted for a Federal Europe but that is where we are heading and all the In voters seem to forget that our votes are watered down in a Federal Europe.

If Europe veers to the left or right we as Individuals would find it hard to alter it and if we do vote IN it isn't just a vote to keep the Status Quo and stay in it will be seen and taken as a green light to devolve even more powers to Europe.
And once we move deeper into that it will in future be so much harder if not totally impossible to get out
this is a once in a life time chance.

Like the Jocks who are regretting their No vote already we need to seize the opportunity and get out while we can.

If we leave the EU will be a shambles within the EU and other countries will speak out about leaving and it will bring about the march to Federalism. The shambles will also mean the EU will not be able to afford to alienate or ostracise the UK so all the doom and gloom threats will not come about. said:
I will definitely be voting out
Some EU Countries like Norway have already expressed doubts about the EU especially if we leave

We can soon agree trading agreements.
No one ever voted for a Federal Europe but that is where we are heading and all the In voters seem to forget that our votes are watered down in a Federal Europe.

If Europe veers to the left or right we as Individuals would find it hard to alter it and if we do vote IN it isn't just a vote to keep the Status Quo and stay in it will be seen and taken as a green light to devolve even more powers to Europe.
And once we move deeper into that it will in future be so much harder if not totally impossible to get out
this is a once in a life time chance.

Like the Jocks who are regretting their No vote already we need to seize the opportunity and get out while we can.

If we leave the EU will be a shambles within the EU and other countries will speak out about leaving and it will bring about the march to Federalism. The shambles will also mean the EU will not be able to afford to alienate or ostracise the UK so all the doom and gloom threats will not come about.

Norway voted against being in the EU twice and id still not a member, I'm not sure you are very informed on the subject.

Do you not remember Norway - No Way?
Europe will still allow free trade if the UK left, too many countries rely on UK exports.

I think we should stay in but I think we need to negotiate heavily on certain aspects such as benefit tourism and health tourism.
Corky said: said:
I will definitely be voting out
Some EU Countries like Norway have already expressed doubts about the EU especially if we leave

We can soon agree trading agreements.
No one ever voted for a Federal Europe but that is where we are heading and all the In voters seem to forget that our votes are watered down in a Federal Europe.

If Europe veers to the left or right we as Individuals would find it hard to alter it and if we do vote IN it isn't just a vote to keep the Status Quo and stay in it will be seen and taken as a green light to devolve even more powers to Europe.
And once we move deeper into that it will in future be so much harder if not totally impossible to get out
this is a once in a life time chance.

Like the Jocks who are regretting their No vote already we need to seize the opportunity and get out while we can.

If we leave the EU will be a shambles within the EU and other countries will speak out about leaving and it will bring about the march to Federalism. The shambles will also mean the EU will not be able to afford to alienate or ostracise the UK so all the doom and gloom threats will not come about.

Norway voted against being in the EU twice and id still not a member, I'm not sure you are very informed on the subject.

Do you not remember Norway - No Way?
We only joined it as a trading union.
It is now as much a political as well as an economic union.
We will never be committed to the former ideal, so let's leave, stop moaning about it all the time and see if we can stand on our own two feet in the world.
Succeed or fail we will undoubtedly learn something about ourselves as a nation in the process.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Definitely voting to stay in.

I believe pulling out would be such a risky enterprise. Those who imagine it will have no meaningful impact on our trade with the remaining EU countries, and consequently our economy, are completely wrong imo. Furthermore any such ongoing trade with those countries would be contingent on us complying with all the red tape, so frequently cited by those in favour of withdrawal as a reason for leaving.

To describe leaving as anything other than a huge risk is intellectually dishonest imo.

I'm interested how you think our trade with the EU would be affected if we were to exit? Trade tariffs on UK goods? Restricted access? I'd also be interested to hear how exporters of German cars, French wine and Belgian chocolate would feel when we reciprocate. Remember we import far more from the EU than we export to it. A trade war would be hugely damaging to EU economies and just wouldn't happen. It's just a scare tactic to intimidate people to vote to stay in and if anybody is being intellectually dishonest it's people who are spreading scare stories.

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