I told you Bugsyblue. This is what you are up against.
The above argument is so borked, I can hardly be bothered to reply to it, but since CityStu misses even the bleedin obvious, I'll spell it out anyway. No other country, CityStu is so dependent on the EU. You may not like that (I don't), but that's the reality of where we are today. You can't just switch off 44% of your exports without completely wrecking your economy.
That is why, unless we get a trade agrement which protects those exports, we are screwed. And about 10 times on here already, I've explained why getting such an agreement will be very difficult indeed and will take years, perhaps a decade or more, and all the time UK businesses will be in limbo, not knowing whether to invest or not, to hire people or not. The economy will stall and go into recession. It's barely out of recession as it is.
Now if we only sold 10% of our exports went to the EU, it wouldn't be so bad. But that's not the reality. We NEED to be able to continue to trade with the EU in a tariff-free way, or we are screwed.
20 out of 27 member states need to agree the terms of any new trade deal. Most of them have nothing to gain and quite a bit to lose by agreeing to the sort of terms we want. Inevitably these will be difficult negotiations and inevitably that means (a) they will take time and (b) it will involve compromise on both sides. Almost certainly, we will have to agree to things we don't want to agree to, and I would not be remotely surprised if that included having to agree to free movement of labour, payment to the EU perhaps, the working time diretive and much of the same shite we have to put up with now.