Eu workers over British.

The ones I work with are saving money to return home one day. They work every bit of overtime available. Most are trying to either buy land or property in their homeland so that when they return, they can take a lower paid job.
Only one of them has decided to make the UK his home and doesn't want to leave.
My employer would like to be more diverse but can't. No women, blacks or Asians EVER apply for shopfloor positions. You can only give a job to the people that apply.
There is a fine line in business between taking people on because of there work ethic as opposed to being able to take the piss put of them. A manager loves a work force full of dutiful mugs.
Professional attitude
Don't expect to be paid for just turning up
Not on their phones every two minutes
What's not to like if you're an employer?

You do have to laugh at "our own", they're getting out competed by someone who has upped sticks and arrived in a foreign land with just their drive and ambition but still manage to get a job and support themselves, when UK career jobseekers spend eons on benefits baulking at the jobs that foreigners will just get on with, all the while blaming the "poles" for taking their jobs.
Survival of the fittest if you as me - or plenty of employers.

This is agency work, so no interview has taken place. I find they're hard working up until they get taken on as full time workers. They then become just like the rest of us. A mix of great workers and lazy workers.

I'm a good worker that has built myself up to a reasonably skilled job in metrology. I also work with other British workers that do a very good job!. Going by your attitude, if we all lost our jobs tomorrow, we'd be at the back of the queue due to the generalising that the likes of yourself are doing!. As stated, it's discrimination!.

They're here for one reason, to work and earn money. The British are here because it's our home!. We work, pay the bills and then try and do whatever on our spare time to unwind. I don't do overtime as I like to live my life rather than work all my life. Why should the likes of myself be punished just because we're nor greedy and suck corporate cock?.
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I ran warehouses for years and our recruitment policy was this...

Everyone is equal. The interview is given based on the standard of the CV. They then have an interview. If they come across well, they were usually taken on. We had a fair few Eastern Europeans plus quite a few English recruited this way.

All fine and dandy but...

The Migrant workers had a far better work ethic end of. Always willing to do extra hours, work weekends, stay an extra hours if things had gone tits up. And crucially, always turned up. I'm not saying the non migrant didn't but they had a lot of sickness. I think we did a quick spreadsheet once and it showed the warehouse was running at 5.5% sick, broken down it was around 1.5% Migrant, 4% the rest.

It's not surprise that your boss seems to favour them. It was hard not to when I did it. This also works for women. It's very hard to employ a young woman, no matter where they are from, as in the back of your mind you are thinking...babies. And babies mean a year off, loads of sick and issues after.

We did try and stick to the rules and regs but sometimes the bottom line of profitability rears it's ugly head.
The ones I work with are saving money to return home one day. They work every bit of overtime available. Most are trying to either buy land or property in their homeland so that when they return, they can take a lower paid job.
Only one of them has decided to make the UK his home and doesn't want to leave.
My employer would like to be more diverse but can't. No women, blacks or Asians EVER apply for shopfloor positions. You can only give a job to the people that apply.

Some I've spoken to are goin the whole hog. Buying a place over here and then renting it out. They'll be able to sit on their arses in Poland,doin fook all, whilst pulling in £700-£900 pm renting their gaff out in England.
Some I've spoken to are goin the whole hog. Buying a place over here and then renting it out. They'll be able to sit on their arses in Poland,doin fook all, whilst pulling in £700-£900 pm renting their gaff out in England.

Well if they manage to pay the mortgage off in full before they move back to Poland then fair dues to them, plenty of people invest in property abroad., why shouldn't the Poles be allowed to do it.
I ran warehouses for years and our recruitment policy was this...

Everyone is equal. The interview is given based on the standard of the CV. They then have an interview. If they come across well, they were usually taken on. We had a fair few Eastern Europeans plus quite a few English recruited this way.

All fine and dandy but...

The Migrant workers had a far better work ethic end of. Always willing to do extra hours, work weekends, stay an extra hours if things had gone tits up. And crucially, always turned up. I'm not saying the non migrant didn't but they had a lot of sickness. I think we did a quick spreadsheet once and it showed the warehouse was running at 5.5% sick, broken down it was around 1.5% Migrant, 4% the rest.

It's not surprise that your boss seems to favour them. It was hard not to when I did it. This also works for women. It's very hard to employ a young woman, no matter where they are from, as in the back of your mind you are thinking...babies. And babies mean a year off, loads of sick and issues after.

We did try and stick to the rules and regs but sometimes the bottom line of profitability rears it's ugly head.

Like I said it was easier for you to take the piss out of them
Well if they manage to pay the mortgage off in full before they move back to Poland then fair dues to them, plenty of people invest in property abroad., why shouldn't the Poles be allowed to do it.

Where have I said there is anything wrong with it?. Just stated what some are doing.
I'm all for sticking to the man, but I do not class any of

Always willing to do extra hours, work weekends, stay an extra hours if things had gone tits up. And crucially, always turned up

as being piss taking

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