Eu workers over British.

It's an interesting debate. Many come here for higher wages than back home to build a pot of cash before returning. They don't need to invest any of their earnings in expensive British property, because they already own a home in their native country, choosing to shack up in groups over here to reduce their outgoings. This means they can offer their services cheaper than a local candidate.

The problem is, we're creating our own benefit-based culture. By continually overlooking local workers, our communities are being slowly dismantled. Our youngsters are turning into devalued members of society. They turn up at interviews with no confidence of getting the job, or end up earning too little as they compete with the outsiders, and they lose interest in the work as they struggle to pay bills. Going back to benefits becomes appealing again, as they see friends and neighbours seemingly getting more for doing less.

The local candidate might cost more, and need more management to bring them up to standard, but the country will continue to struggle with high benefits bills if companies and government remain short sighted. If companies were forced to pay proper wages to local people and ensure the right proportion of candidates taken on were local by law, and received financial incentives for doing so, we'd stand a chance.
Agree. Confidence or the lack of it is a great point. Young people need a help up the career path. Otherwise only those from well off homes get decent jobs.

I was one of those lost souls who in the early 90s out of college had zero chance of a career. I got into a postgrad technical course the second time of trying and got work experience for 6 weeks in the same company I'm in 23 years later. If it wasn't for the work experience who knows. I came from a background where no one had connections with people for jobs. Without a background that's "in the know" you have no confidence. It's up tot he government to help these kids imo.
I'm all for sticking to the man, but I do not class any of

Always willing to do extra hours, work weekends, stay an extra hours if things had gone tits up. And crucially, always turned up

as being piss taking

Depends on your view on life really not taking people on because they have a vagina or want to see their kids at the weekend is taking the piss to me
Some I've spoken to are goin the whole hog. Buying a place over here and then renting it out. They'll be able to sit on their arses in Poland,doin fook all, whilst pulling in £700-£900 pm renting their gaff out in England.

How long is it going to take them

1. Build up a deposit to buy a property that produces that kind of rental income a month?


2. Buy a property outright that produces that kind of income?
British people are lazy fucks. They want everything and don't want to do anything to get it. They complain about everyone else and want a free ticket. Get off your arse and prove what you preach.

By doin twelve hour days and working weekends?. why the fook should I!. I'm not some corporate robot. I want to spend my spare time doing what I enjoy and spending time with friends and family. Why should the likes of myself be discriminated against?.
It's people essentially wanting affirmative action for white english people, so they get preferential treatment over other people who will essentially do the job better and work harder. Some people think they deserve an unfair advantage.
By doin twelve hour days and working weekends?. why the fook should I!. I'm not some corporate robot. I want to spend my spare time doing what I enjoy and spending time with friends and family. Why should the likes of myself be discriminated against?.
You aren't being discriminated against. They are simply giving the job to someone who is willing to do the things you aren't, it's the complete opposite of discrimination.
Our mollycodling governments have bred a generation of British people who think the world owes them a living, self entitled, lazy and unmotivated in my experience and in the most recent work age people a generation (not all of course) who seem to lack even the most basic life skills. This is why I am so in favour of Brexit so we can start to stop these economic migrants coming here (unless we really want/need them), make our own rules, and force these layabouts to take the jobs that are available - otherwise it's no benefits in my view. I was brought up to believe that's tough love.

In most cases, given the choice between no money, or a job and money, the majority will take the latter and they may be forced to better themselves. The risk here is that employers move to other countries but it's not trivial to move these jobs (particularly if they are manufacturing businesses) and a lot of these businesses are SMB's who's life blood is the UK domestic market. For me, we should be bold enough to believe in our own country.
Depends on your view on life really not taking people on because they have a vagina or want to see their kids at the weekend is taking the piss to me

At what point did I say I hadn't taken these people on? If you had read my post correctly rather than ignoring most of it you will see that I said it was hard as an employer to do the right thing...i.e be fair to everyone. I never once refused to employ someone who didn't want to work weekends or do extra. Not once. Nor did I not employ women. Not everything in business is black and white.
And let's put another myth to bed...

Years ago, when the Polish started coming over here the did send a lot of their cash back, some even stayed for a while and then went home again. Quite a few though settled here and now have mortgages, kids and are fully paid up members of the local community. They pay tax. They have no intention of going home. Ever. I know this because I am still in touch with a lot of my old workforce as I live in a small town.
The other week I sat in a local pub drinking real ale with 3 Lithuanians and 2 Poles and 3 English lads. all getting on well. Not all drinking was the English lads on Fosters. I have, at one stage or another, employed all of them and all 5 of them are now married and staying here. Their kids speak English and their mother tongue and they are completely integrated.

You Hilts, could do the same. All it would take is for you to get off your arse, learn another language and boom...a new life in another country. I'd even pay the air fare for you...;)

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