European atmosphere ?

It's part and parcel of a general decline in decent atmospheres at large group events. Everything has gone really corporate and staged in the UK (IMO). When I go to gigs and festivals, me and my mates (girls mainly, but some lads) make a right old racket and shout and sing. In the 90's this used to be encouraged but more and more we get looked at like we're in the wrong place. Everyone dressed up in their best clothes, don't want to get in amongst it etc. Sorry, but bands and sports teams LOVE IT when they're being cheered on. Lack of drinking and smoking too, means people are more uptight. We're British, we need something to loosen us up a bit! Certain grounds and teams have 'cultures', ours is a lovable loser 'here we go again' mentality which means we can have a good old laugh at ourselves (Poznan, bananas, we're not really here, Alan) but we can't sing our hearts out with confidence about the team. I would love it if we could just 'let go' but sadly I think atmospheres in modern grounds will get worse and worse.. the more corporate things get, the more we have to behave and act a certain way.. the moral police will be there to tell us off. Hopefully we can stop it becoming this way!
I often take my banana to City. I stand in block 109 which is considered (rightly so) to be part of the singing section and I'm the only one there with it! Only done 2 aways this season so far so perhaps I don't have such an informed opinion, but, at both Newcastle and West Ham there was probably only half a dozen inflatables dotted around. If the whole stadium was similar to the singing section and the SS there'd be no problems!

And these types of threads wouldn't crop up every month or so!
If/when we have turned the corner and started winning something the confidence will sweep around the place, it will rock just like Maine Rd did, ok it won't quite be the same but it will get better.

That's not an excuse, there are tons of teams that don't win anything but have great and organized firms.

I don't think that's the reason and I don't think that's the City problem only. United and Chelsea have won something recently but that's still a way from atmosphere on European stadiums, even if some more serious songs could be heard at Old Trafford from time to time.
nw42 said:
MSP said:
I guess your main problem is lack of organized firms that get their own part of stand. Firms filled with young lads are those who make an atmosphere, you can never expect that whole stadium would sing and jump whole match, there are tons of families there, older people etc..

But to be able to make something like most of continental Europe teams have you should build an organized firm and push club authorities to reserve one area on the stadium specially for you. So you can be grouped and not mixed with oldies and families.

Cheeky fooker!

If/when we have turned the corner and started winning something the confidence will sweep around the place, it will rock just like Maine Rd did, ok it won't quite be the same but it will get better.

Haha hello torcida fellas! Too bad u lost Ibricic. Wish u luck against Dinamo title race though.

City needs a proper firm to lead the cheering.
We are european.

All countires are different, so this does not make sense.
Like the Hamburg game few seasons ago was electric atmosphere :) would be great to get the atmosphere like that for every game wouldn't it
The Poznan has reintroduced some of the enthusiasm that seemed to be drained out of the ground. So the answer may be new things, fun things, but what they are I don't know. Surely not singing Blue Moon every 5 minutes, as while it is our anthem it gets really tiresome. Despise them but the Red Dippers seem to have a good song for every player alongside their traditional songs like Anfield Road and You'll Never Walk Alone.
squirtyflower said:
Ruhr said:
Standing and beer plays an important role. Wouldn´t be the same without it
this all day long
the atmosphere in england is sterile because you end up sitting miles away from the friends you go with and sat in the middle of boring oiks
hence why the away atmosphere is better

south stand... all stand?

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