Everton (H) | Post-Match Thread

First time I’ve logged on since getting home. Few thoughts
- KDB is football perfection
- Foden could become the greatest English footballer of all time
- Kuns two goals were sent from heaven
- Fernandinho is getting better with age
- I thought I couldn’t love pep more but after his interview about sergio I do
- best Sterling has played for months
- apart from one mistake Zinchenko was immaculate and has nailed his starting place in next saturdays team
- city put on a great event and do these things better than anybody
- blossoms were great
- play like that in porto and we’ll be the champions of Europe
- it’s fucking unbelievably emotionally off the scale brilliant to be back watching the boys and hopefully in about 3 months there’ll be 54 thousand of us in there watching us destroy somebody else
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Does anyone remember when Everton did not want us to postpone a match because of a fucking pandemic!

We demand full disclosure on 2 issues.

1. Blue dipper delusion- remember you thought that you were in a title race...hahaha
2. Why are you so crap...tummy got tickled today.

The deluded peoples club? Sound familiar?
Did anybody have their ID checked? We were told photo ID was required but mine wasn't checked.
Also there was no requirement to scan the Covid QR code.
Still bollox to that; we had five great goals to savour.
My tickets weren’t even scanned
The Boys in Blue never gave in, they fought to the end. Thank you City players, thank you all the coaching staff, thank you to every single person who works there especially tonight setting up for the presentations and thank you to all the fans especially the Blue Mooners. (John Boy did well didn’t he?)
I’ve just got in from the match, took so many photos of the presentation that my phone died! (It had 95% when I arrived at the stadium!) I’m on my iPad now while my poor phone gets fed! :-)

I am freezing cold, soaking wet, cried a bucket of tears because of when Sergio came on, when he scored the first goal, even more when he scored the second, when the players paraded the trophy and the top hat was put on when they said goodbye to Sergio. But I would not have missed it for all the tea in China as the saying goes!

Thank you everyone. The entry to the stadium was very easy, they checked my identity and my ticket, print at home, so at the first check I had to go in a different queue but it was an empty queue so actually no real queuing at all for me.
I am still excited and need to get warm and dry so off for a cuppa! Thank you everyone for your support this season I’ve had fun. :-)

Still the big one to come and I hope the fans who go over there make as much noise as we did today.
Glad you were there today, you deserve to be there, are you going to be in Porto too ?
Considering Everton still had something to play for, I thought they were a bit shambolic.
It has been a disappointing season, the cohesion of the team is nowhere near it should be, neither is the progress they expected, I'm sure about that. You take a look at their home record you have the answer to their problems -and there are reasons for that. The team lacks a basic platform in its game, numerous times I've watched them I had the impression players were improvising. The only decent open play I can remember from our game is a quick first touch exchange of passes setting up C. Lewin during 1st half -definitely not good enough...

But I'm not going to elaborate on Everton's game, it's the wrong thread. The thing is, vs City Anceloti had been extremely cautious and conservative so far -still had no luck. Yesterday, exactly because they had something to play for, as you say, he took a hell of a gamble. When I realised what he was up to after, say 3-5', I had the same feeling with the 2nd leg Gladbach match (or even the Spurs match at home). Marco Rose is a very good tactician but he had lost 2-0 at home. Probably thought, what's the point being cautious, I'm lost anyway...

What I'm trying to say is that in all these 3 matches, opposition had practically thrown the game away before ref's first whistle, merely hoping that God would fall asleep. A set up with 2 CBs and 2 central midfielders (3 of which clearly lack football inteligence) against City, home or away doesn't really matter, is a formation begging to be punished. Severly. In the 1st half Carlo started with Gylfi behing C. Lewin, Richarlisson closing on the left (and a free licence with the ball), for 2-3 minutes Gylfi retreated as a 3rd central midfielder (but it was already 2-0 and I thought too late, the game is gone), in the process he mutually changed Gylfi - Richarlisson (the former being a false winger, an idea Anceloti has applied frequently this season). In the 2nd half the new wingers he introduced were ordered to move with unpredictability behing the two strikers, but even then, he didn't dare to sub one of the CMs, it was Gylfi who was dropped (a player who has played as a CM for his national team): Carlo was afraid of the worse - which he did not avoid in the end...

That was pretty much it. City were bound to find and exploit spaces in midfield very easily, Everton were way too open, way too exposed, it was impossible for that formation and those players to cope with our game. Impossible. City never chased the game, we gifted them a penalty (which they wasted), we played without sweat, treating the match as a serious training session. Scored 5 without even trying. If we did, it could have been really really ugly, reaching double figures. I'm not exaggerating at all -and I would bet that Carlo agrees with that assessment...

Bottom line is that Everton reached the final game of the 2020/2021 campaign with the last opportunity to save their season, unlucky to face City away. Anceloti probaly thought that even if Spurs would lose vs highly motivated Leicester, a draw would not be enough. As Arsenal would probably beat Brighton at home, ending above Everton. He knew what he was doing, asking for a miracle against a City already thinking the CL final perhaps? A naive thought, if that is the case. Which I dont think it is, Anceloti is an inteligent man. City would use this game as preparation for the final anyway, they would love to please the fans showing up after a whole year at the Etihad, there was the Aguero motivation etc. Plus City do not throw games anyway...

To conclude this, there is no doubt in my mind that the whole Everton camp plus 99% of their fan base agree with me that the dream of European football for their team was killed BEFORE last night's match. Long before, to be acurate...
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I can't imagine a better finale to the PL season and Sergio's career at the Etihad. They're primed for Saturday while their competition laid an egg against Aston Villa with a possible CL berth at stake.

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