Everton idiots

I never thought I woulod say this "but in fairness to Everton supporters" if the only time you see our players live is our two meetings a season, it's unlikely you will think very highly of any of them after the showings we have produced the last few years against them.
shackattack said:
We have no players at the level of yours and only two are even near it. Arteta and cahill could do a job for you but neither would play on a regular basis. The fact that we can actually compete at premiership level is a miracle given our funding. As for the stadium least said the better. But we go because we were born into it and cannot change this. We can choose not to go but clubs are based on the blind faith of its fanbase. Only at everton can you have a board who have invested so little in their club. We can no more support our red neighbours than you could yours

Shackattack - You always post reasoned arguments on here. Its the others (Arthur being one) who for some reason have to post hate filled comments.

I commented a few pages back that pound for pound everton perform better than any other team in the top 6 and possibly the whole league.

Unfortunately the clearly angry man that is Arthur didnt understand this so spits out a load more venom.

Prior to our takeover we had everything in common but now it seems that neither the clubs or the fans have much time for each other.
shackattack said:
We have no players at the level of yours and only two are even near it. Arteta and cahill could do a job for you but neither would play on a regular basis. The fact that we can actually compete at premiership level is a miracle given our funding. As for the stadium least said the better. But we go because we were born into it and cannot change this. We can choose not to go but clubs are based on the blind faith of its fanbase. Only at everton can you have a board who have invested so little in their club. We can no more support our red neighbours than you could yours
Shack, can i just honour you with the badge of being the first Everton fan in AGES to post on here without mentioning the word "history" or calling City as a club or our players, or fans for that matter!

I think Fellaini is a very talented player, he may well get into our team but not at the expense of de Jong. He'd instead get in ahead of Barry who he is a better player than. Jagielka could play for any top team. Distin has played for City, i know how good he can be. Cahill is a magic player to have, just like Craig Bellamy was for us, you just want him on your side. Arteta is a great footballer, about four years ago i thought he was as good as anyone in the league, maybe not so much now but on his day..

To all the other Evertonians on this forum, i'll have a good chat with you if you're respectful to me and my club. Instead of spouting off your bitter vitriol, making you look like siur clowns, why not have a go at having a decent convo like Shack has tried to here?! You see i won't ever call Everton, or any club for that matter, unless i see their fans are the ones being twats first. And you Everton fans have been the worst in the country by a fucking mile at being totally disrespctful to us since 12:01 on September 31st 2008!

Shack, You have some very good players! In fact, i'd go as far to say that you missed the chance - with Liverpool being shite for 6months and Spurs coincentrating solely on the CL and forgetting their duties in the Prem - Everton missed a huge chance to get 5th this season! Regardless of your wage structure or how much you've spent on your team, the players i've listed above are good enough to have been better than Spurs and Liverpool on their showings this season.

But i think it will be even harder for you to push on next season as both Spurs and Liverpool - and Villa who will be better next season - will all improve.
Nice to see plenty of banter between two us and Everton fans without it getting too out of hand.

Look at this way, We're two teams that come from cities where the other half of the city has taken the piss out of us for some time now, in terms of league dominance and trophies. Both Everton and City could look across town over the past 20 years or so and see success happen, that we all wanted for ourselves, it's true and I admit it hurt when Salford got the various cups, while we continually got relegated, and the amount of shit I got over them years. Like shackattack said, your born into it, so regardless of what happens once a blue always a blue.

Just recently we've seen a few things change. First off, Moyes being at Everton. He's done well, looked like he might of jumped ship a few year back with the board and funding issues, but overall he was given time to build infrastructure and it pays off with top eight finishes and half decent cup runs. With this overachievement as i think 'arthur' put it, (it's what I'd call good management mate). Anyway with this challenging for top 6 to top 4 business that was happening continually over recent years, expectations at Goodison from fans went up and its been talked up big time. Remember the media saying "Lets just call it the top five". Aye alright!

In the middle of this, what happened? F+*king right, City got massive windfall and all the benefits that came from it. Tottenham also got hold of Twitcher and started off on a run of their own too. Not so comfortable anymore for that so called top five business, eh.

Since our takeover, I've seen bitterness of epic proportions from ALL angles. Lucky I'm a City fan, we've built built up thick skin over the years see, so water off a ducks back. Its gone from "oh yeah, City my second team" to "Fuck you City". Thats what we've seen, a bunch of turn coats and bitter bastards.

So now theres more of challenge for places up top, its not so easy anymore for "some" teams. So we get all the shit thrown at us, like ohhhh noooo we've spent £300+ million, we're ruining football, we're just another Chelsea, we have no history. Its bullshit plain and simple, they can't take it that ickle citeh have turned up and began to spoil the parteh.

Others comparing De Jong and Fellaini, just stop there. We'll decide who's good for us and who ain't. So keep sideshow bob, we're not interested. Nigel is a king around our parts. The thug with a degree in Economics and a successful business out side of football, the same player that is noticeably missed when he doesn't play for us.

Lescott comparisons are just bitterness. But if you want to compare Distin why not try compare him to VK. Don't even bother telling us how good Distin is, we watched him at ours for years and he is good, but not a whisker on our Kompany.

And as for being complimented by other fans, I'm sure there's a little irony in accepting praise off a set of fans that get to watch "your wonder kid" every single week.
i can spit bile like the next scouser in fairness, but there has to be a reason behind your argument. city have everything that we would wish- new stadium, world class players but who would be mad enough to invest in our club!!!! so a lot of the anger is directed, as we recognise city as being everything we could be. most blues i know are actually sound matchgoing people who love the club as dearly as you can. we recognise our limitations and dream of the europa league again ffs. i would never banter with a red from manchester as i know deep down there is an arrogance that comes with success. city fans are similar in many ways having had those awful years in lower leagues to ground you and make you appreciate the success that will come. have a conversation with a liverpool fan and see how long it is before they mention stevie geee lar, rafa, istanbul, or hillsborough....or a united fan who most likely goes the game on an annual basis, if at all. everton are a club in decline due too poor leadership off the pitch in the main, on the pitch we play to our strengths and every so often we get a half decent result.
shackattack said:
i can spit bile like the next scouser in fairness, but there has to be a reason behind your argument. city have everything that we would wish- new stadium, world class players but who would be mad enough to invest in our club!!!! so a lot of the anger is directed, as we recognise city as being everything we could be. most blues i know are actually sound matchgoing people who love the club as dearly as you can. we recognise our limitations and dream of the europa league again ffs. i would never banter with a red from manchester as i know deep down there is an arrogance that comes with success. city fans are similar in many ways having had those awful years in lower leagues to ground you and make you appreciate the success that will come. have a conversation with a liverpool fan and see how long it is before they mention stevie geee lar, rafa, istanbul, or hillsborough....or a united fan who most likely goes the game on an annual basis, if at all. everton are a club in decline due too poor leadership off the pitch in the main, on the pitch we play to our strengths and every so often we get a half decent result.

If you applied yourselves in the games against weaker opposition like you do in the games against the top teams then you would be challenging for top 4.It must be the biggest frustration....
shackattack said:
i can spit bile like the next scouser in fairness, but there has to be a reason behind your argument. city have everything that we would wish- new stadium, world class players but who would be mad enough to invest in our club!!!! so a lot of the anger is directed, as we recognise city as being everything we could be. most blues i know are actually sound matchgoing people who love the club as dearly as you can. we recognise our limitations and dream of the europa league again ffs. i would never banter with a red from manchester as i know deep down there is an arrogance that comes with success. city fans are similar in many ways having had those awful years in lower leagues to ground you and make you appreciate the success that will come. have a conversation with a liverpool fan and see how long it is before they mention stevie geee lar, rafa, istanbul, or hillsborough....or a united fan who most likely goes the game on an annual basis, if at all. everton are a club in decline due too poor leadership off the pitch in the main, on the pitch we play to our strengths and every so often we get a half decent result.
The biggest thing I would point to with Everton, or at least the starting point to your current situation, is Liverpool getting teams banned from Europe in the 80's. You couldn't go and push on from your ECWC win and show your minerals in the European Cup because of the banning order put on English teams due to them murdering fuckers. Had you gone and raised the profile of your club in the late 80's - at the same time as the dip in success of Lpool - would it have been Everton, after a good few years success, who would have been the first winners of the Premiership, not United? Things could have been different.

But then you also had a bit of luck with the Hans Segars affair. He was involved in match fixing and although he was cleared by the criminal courts he was banned by the FA for it and if you have a look back at that last game of the season when you were 2-0 down and tell me that wasn't one of the games Segars threw! You ended up staying up from that game n'all so you've got to take the rough with the smooth with that one ;) !

You're right about the Rags. They are absolute cunts! It's got to the point where I don't have any Rag mates at all because I just can't have a convo with them about football because they are so blinkered and just look at everyone else but themselves as a joke. They literally can't go two minutes without talking/singing/making signs/thinking about/dreaming about/obsessimg about City! Seriously! They've even made an iPhone app that they all buy that has a ticking clock showing our trophy drought. The ironic thing about that is that the Manchester record - held by them - is 37years. They just talk absolute shit or try and take the puss constantly.

I do, however, also stand by my points in this thread about Everton fans also. The Toffees have been the most bitter and twisted about City. There have probably been triple, quadrouple even, the amount of Everton fans giving us shit on every level (texts and emails to television and radio shows to be read out, phone-ins, City forums and at games) than of Villa, Spurs, Newcastle, Sunderland (all clubs of a similar size to City and Everton) put together. Some of the shit your fellow 'tonians have spouted is ridiculous and in some cases, frankly, laughable! So there's become this bit of hatred back towards your club from it.

Do you know what though? It's a good thing in my eyes! It's another rivalry to point to and look forward to. Maybe sometime soon our players will realise that even though you are mid table on paper, you actually have better players than a mid table side does, and maybe they'll turn up like they should do.

I'll look forward to our ongoing rivalry!
sadly the european ban affected us in many ways but we were not the only club that suffered. this year our players thought they only had to stroll on the pitch and we would get 4th. beckford is a poor prem player and is not the future of a club with any ambition. we have good players but in moyes we have a manager who does not allow them the freedom to play creative football. you only have to look at the fact he himself was a clogger to see he encourages this in his teams. the fact city have had money invested should not be a source of bitterness or anger towards the fans...no fans or club would turn down such an investment.
danburge82 said:
arthur said:
I know .... but then we'll all have our open bus tour to celebrate beating City again in " Our Cup Final " .... what a shit cup final it is though when everybody knows the result before the game kicks off . Face it ... it's cost you £350m just to equal what Everton have done with an annual spend of £3m for the last 10 years ,. None of you have got the grace or balls to admit that Everton have massively overachieved for the last 10 years and done it by hard work and spirit . We haven't bought our success and we are not in danger of financial implosion .Season after season we take points from all of the more affluent teams and quite often have finished higher than them in the league ..... Only 2 teams have fans who regularly try to belittle us yet we still carry on getting results from them ..... Liverpool and City ... we actually get praise from Utd and Chelsea fans . So when some of us bite back and point out a few obvious flaws after we beat you AGAIN , I'm not sorry you don't like it , or if it winds you up in fact we piss ourselves laughing .All the bitterness , vitriol and anger should be directed at your manager who still doesn't realise that the tired old lion that is Everton FC may no longer be king of the jungle but we've still got some very sharp teeth and maybe sometimes the young kittens might run rings around us for a while but try to knock us over and we'll bite yer balls off . We're here to stay , as determined as ever , might take us a while to wake up but when we do ... BEWARE !!!! :D
Very very WRONG! We are only retaliating to the belittling shit and let's just sit back for a second and have a think why...
We had all the radio stations on, we were on our forums, we bought the newspapers and had Sky Sports News on the day we were taken over by the Sheikh - it was a fantastic day. But on that very day, every now and again on the phone-ins or times when they read out texts and emails or in the gossip columns of the papers there were sour and bitter Toffees banging on about City not deserving it and it should have been Everton (again, very ironic considering you think we're a disgrace for being in this position but were bitching about it not being you). I remember one bloke on Wrighty's TalkSport (when it was a good station) show laughing at some ridiculously bitter Evertonian who was almost shouting down the phone about City's takeover. From then, and still now, i listen to the phone-ins, read the papers, watch SSN and come on Bluemoon and there pops up some bitter Everton **** from time to time trying to convince, well, himself more than anyone, that City are this shit club compared to Everton and we've got no history blah di fucking blah!

I wouldn't for one second dream about going on QPR's forums and start giving them shit about their situation. "i hope you go back down you shit club cunts, if you take over us while we're trying to get to the top i'll come down to Shephard's Bush and show my disgust at your undeserved wealth!" Not only do i not think that way but it just smacks of patheticness. And that's exactly what you sound like, and all your other shit **** fans. You bitter bitter wankers! Hahahaha you're laughable!

I couldn't ever hate any set of fans more than the Rags but you Everton fans are by far the most pathetic around!

I hate people who beat about the bush................ pmsl

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