Everton - Post match thread.

Pep bought Mendy to allow him to go 3-5-2. Mendy is out and Pep being just as stubborn as he was with Bravo. Sane looked as though he was in no mans land in the time he was on the pitch. Clearly wasn't sure of his responsibilities and so obviously will never be a wb. We need to play players in positions they know and the system that suite the player's on the pitch. When we have 2 quality wb then we can play 3-5-2.
First half crap. Sterling made the difference with his pace and direct running definitely deserves his place in the side.

Pep needs to ditch 3 at the back, not working we need Mendy for it to work.

We need another striker who can offer something different. Perhaps a Llorente type
What do people think of Ageuro and Jesus partnership?

Also what about playing KDB and Silva together?
We could and should have won but I'll take a draw.

Missed chances, again,cost us victory.

Special mentions to Ederson, Kompany, Otamendi & DeBruyne.

Thought all three subs made a positive difference. Bernardo & Danilo showed what they can offer us going forward. Sterling in flashes and a wonderful strike to get the equaliser.

Sane is not a left wing back. Not his best game but he willl come good. Aguero needs to find his shooting boots but he did work hard all evening.

We outplayed Everton even with ten men. Well done City.

Be clinical and play with higher tempo in the future.
Good post amongst some rather odd ones - we looked so much better with a back four - Bernardo is something special and I thought DeBruyne looked good when he went central.
We did well with ten men. I think just before their goal we were starting to turn the screw but conceding when we did altered things. The piss take of a decision to send Walker off didn't help.

However, missing chances is a massive problem. Its so bad, I'm surprised when Aguero actually puts a chance away. That sounds insane given his goal tally as a City player, but game after game he keeps mis kicking sitters or slipping at the vital moment, or taking too many touches when he should shoot. It's happening too often for it to be bad luck.

We could live with it and still win the league if he had regular goal scorers around him other than Jesus (who scores goals but misses chances as well), but we don't.

Sure plenty will disagree, but winning while being sentimental is quite difficult. I think we need to do everything we can to bring Sanchez in and if that means this is Kuns last season, we might end up being a more clinical and ultimately slightly better team for it. The line between winning and losing is too fine to continue persevering with a problem which is showing no sign of fixing itself.

Got to agree although it pains me to say it. I think you nailed it saying you're surprised when he scores now, it never used to be in doubt did it. If we get Sanchez I think we win the title this season, though I think Kun will still get us plenty of goals, just not as lethal or quick as he used to be.
Will The red for Walker be challenged? I haven't seen the game, only listened, so haven't seen the incident, but the commentators were a little confused where the ref saw a foul. Great to hear Trev Sinclair commentating, head and shoulders above most of the ex players, full of enthusiasm for any decent passage of play, from either side, (how the hell Danny Mills gets his monotonous droning agenda laden gob on the radio I'll never know)
Positives are we showed a great deal of heart to get the point, I think we deserved the 3 but it feels like a win.... Eddie Munster ain't half bad, is he @BillyShears, I bet you're glad we didn't take up the option on the back of Pickfords scouting report (; joking aside, Ederson is going to be mustered.... Bernardo silva?? Both KDB and David better watch out, when he's fit one of those is getting benched...

Negatives were pep leaving sane out to dry, he needs to be more proactive than that on making the decision... kun?? He'll make guardiola's decision easy if he carries on like that.

The ref was what I expected, a corrupt **** assisted by that twat Oliver, I mean wtf????

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