Everton Pre-Match Thread

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malg said:
The Light Was Yellow said:
lfc 18 + 5 said:
ur underestimating em hasnt sunderland vs u and vs chelsea and us today not teached u anything?? it'll b a hell of a task winning there still injuries or not. its game on after today.

I'll see your 'what' and raise to a 'what the fucking hell are you talking about'?

i`m all in, he`s got nowt
I am sh*tting bricks about this game, as Evertons home form has been brilliant recently (won 5 from last 6 at home), despite their recent wobble.

That said, it does feel very like the Newcastle game 2 years ago - if we win this then we will all (players included) be very confident.

Rather than being stressed, I'm going to try and just enjoy being in the race with three games to go, and the title being in our control. (Pfft - I've got no chance!)
We started the game yesterday with the right intent and Dzeko's goal illustrated how pumped up the players were to go and win that game. I think they will grow in confidence from that but we will need to perform for the whole 90 minutes. Our performance yesterday was professional and comfortable but we didn't play particularly brilliantly. We will need to control the ball a lot better - and in fact it will have been a good warm up against Palace because Everton will be similarly intense in their pressing of the ball. It is our opportunity to close the gap and put the pressure on Liverpool. Martinez' sides are generally about ball on the ground passing and movement and that is why I think we will beat them... we struggled because of Moyes' hatred of us after the Lescott affair. Everton look a little tired and weary from a long season pursuing 4th and it looks like they are ultimately going to miss out. Whilst they've beaten Arsenal and the Rags and Chelsea at Goodison, I think without Barry and Mirallas they are considerably weaker and they lost to Palace, playing 4-4-2 and Southampton who played slightly more direct. It is the kind of game that we will need to get stuck into but I am confident we can win it.
in a daft way, id rather be playing everton with martinez in charge than everton with super davey in charge, even though everton are a much better side under martinez, wee davey just knew how to beat us most of the time
bluevengence said:
Quicksilva21 said:
Kendall said:
Alright lids, just dropped in from the GOT (grandoldteam) forums to say i wish you nothing but luck next weekend, Arsenal are gonna slot 8 past Newcastle tomorrow anyways which means 4th is done and dusted for us, so you'll be playing in front of 38k City fans for the day next weekend, too bad you haven't got any players named Moses as i hope our defence parts like the red sea for ya.

Atm we have as well as the ones you list also Mirallas out injured btw as well, and baines picked a knock up vs Saints so hopefully we will need to 'rest' him for the Hull game the week after.

Love nothing better than you lot winning this thing after the media have proclaimed a torrent of rubbish portraying little old poor Liverpool as everyone's second team when their as repulsive a group of nobs as you will ever see. Plus the gifs of Gerrard will never ever get old if you can win this thing.

Anyways I'm rambling now, but good luck and hope we don't score too many own goals this week, 2 or 3 should do it ;)

and maybe remember us next season if we try to ask for Jovetic on loan

Now need to go and practice the words for Blue Moon as will need to know them for the weekend :)

PMSL!! Will be a weird atmosphere!

I'm hearing from my people (the internet) that Baines isn't too bad so expect him to play and then take as a bonus if he ain't.......

Any chance of the Everton boys and girls selling us all their tickets.....they all get £50 each to go to the pub and watch it whilst taking the piss at the Scandinavian and irish red shite...and we turn Goodison into an home game.

everyones a winner

I'd take one!!"

-- Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:18 am --

bowdonblue said:
I am sh*tting bricks about this game, as Evertons home form has been brilliant recently (won 5 from last 6 at home), despite their recent wobble.

That said, it does feel very like the Newcastle game 2 years ago - if we win this then we will all (players included) be very confident.

Rather than being stressed, I'm going to try and just enjoy being in the race with three games to go, and the title being in our control. (Pfft - I've got no chance!)

we were shitting ourselves before Newcastle last time, Ya Ya silenced the critics....

We can do this, Gerrard has let us back in......
we were very poor at southampton on saturday and defensively were abysmal and not much better in any other area of the park. in the past at goodison the crowd has been a big factor in raising our game against you. i think it might be an" interesting" atmosphere on saturday but people are assuming that liverpool will win at palace on the monday anyway. it's great how we have gone from the bitter mongrels of merseyside to them wanting us to do em a favour. when we nearly went down v wimbledon in 1994 we were sponsored by "one to one" and our loveable neighbours thought it would be hilarious to carry a coffin around with " gone to one " on it. add to this their hilarious antics in throwing socks on our pitch in reference to the kirkby move and kopite behaviour banners and i hardly think the fans will want us to do them any favours. the team however will be expected to think differently but if barkley and osman as local lads can score a few own goals apiece i will have no problem with that. in fairness in current form you should beat us comfortably but as we all know football does not always work out that way.
Blue Smarties said:
My Evertonian mate (ST holder) has offered to find me a ticket in their end (no chance of getting one in the away end). Can't decide whether to take up the offer, I doubt I could contain myself if we go on and win.
I wouldn't worry too much about this mate. my mate is also an Everton fan, and has got me tickets in their end for the last few seasons. ive never had a scrap of bother from the scousers. Be sensible, don't be jumping up and down and youll find the bin dippers are ok about you being a blue.... That's my experience any how.
Good luck !
No question this is our toughest game left and will probably decide the title.

It's all well and good that everton fans want us to win the league over the cheats, but this will not apply to the players or the manager.

A hard fought city win by a couple for me, gobshite brendan will then reap what he has sown with all his bile about how we are the ones under pressure.

Come on you blues.
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