Everton Thread - 2021/22

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The board are rotten. Owner has no idea. Rafa is a stubborn git. Some players need a good kicking. It is bad, very bad, and relegation is looming. It is all good and way saying Everton won't go down, but they can, and they will if nothing changes. This club has been run by idiots for years. We need someone who can come in and start clearing out the deadwood. Who? I have no idea. The calls for a younger manager may be correct as they will need time to sort this mess out. My fear is that it may be to late this season as we are sinking like a stone and could very easily be relegated. Of course, I will still go the home games and cheer them on.

Benitez will be gone by Monday I would assume. Duncan can stand in for a few games and may lift the players enough to grab a few much needed points. But no more has been players or managers coming for that final pay day. I would play some of the kids if I am honest as they will play for the shirt, unlike some of the so called pro's that we have.

Worrying times
Just looked at your board. There's Denise Barrett-Baxendale, who worked in the Education sector before becoming your CEO. There's Bill Kenwright, who seems to have some sort of Messiah complex, believing that Everton would fall apart without him there for guidance, There's Graeme Sharp, who was a good player but what exactly does he bring to the boardroom table? And there's Grant Ingles, the Finance Director.

That's a piss poor board to be honest, and very reminiscent of the one we had under John Wardle.
Just looked at your board. There's Denise Barrett-Baxendale, who worked in the Education sector before becoming your CEO. There's Bill Kenwright, who seems to have some sort of Messiah complex, believing that Everton would fall apart without him there for guidance, There's Graeme Sharp, who was a good player but what exactly does he bring to the boardroom table? And there's Grant Ingles, the Finance Director.

That's a piss poor board to be honest, and very reminiscent of the one we had under John Wardle.
Big Bad Bill...Dear lord, I despise him. Hangs around like a bad fart.

Sharpy has only just joined the board. No idea why? But he is a nice guy at least.
The board are rotten. Owner has no idea. Rafa is a stubborn git. Some players need a good kicking. It is bad, very bad, and relegation is looming. It is all good and way saying Everton won't go down, but they can, and they will if nothing changes. This club has been run by idiots for years. We need someone who can come in and start clearing out the deadwood. Who? I have no idea. The calls for a younger manager may be correct as they will need time to sort this mess out. My fear is that it may be to late this season as we are sinking like a stone and could very easily be relegated. Of course, I will still go the home games and cheer them on.

Benitez will be gone by Monday I would assume. Duncan can stand in for a few games and may lift the players enough to grab a few much needed points. But no more has been players or managers coming for that final pay day. I would play some of the kids if I am honest as they will play for the shirt, unlike some of the so called pro's that we have.

Worrying times

I think it is his stubbornness that will or has eventually cost him his job. Persisting with Rondon and others in the situation he is in is madness, we don't have time or confidence on our side. A decent result at Chelsea ( changes not made through choice) and he reverts back to old ways in the next game and again we lose.
Wait till the injured players return and we will improve he said, they returned and we never improved. The club is rotten and worrying to the core, we are still living in the 80s and football both on and off the pitch has moved on. The new stadium project gave us false hope, but only created a smokescreen from the real issues.
There should be a stewards inquiry into the game yesterday, both Norwich's goals looked very dubious.

What was Pickford doing? Especially for the first one.
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