everton v city match reaction thread PART 2.

EFC123 said:
Rubyappeal said:
How sad...Someone actually spent half an hour of their lives typing it,and you spent another half an hour looking for it.
Jealousy.Bitterness....fans that scream like children for every throw in,every "perceived injustice"......"it should've been us,we've got 'istree...we're more important then them...morals,pedigree,Dixie Dean....."

EFC,the fans and the club absolutely personified.Like an ex wife scorned,snarling,scratching...hatred.More concerned with "revenge" than looking forward.

Thank's mate.You've summed your club up in a way that none of us on here could.Victory to the righteous.
Self-righteous,that is.
Knowing full well that should it have been you in receipt of the sheik's generosity it would've simply have been "a grand old team" getting was was rightly deserved..

In other words-utter hypocrisy.A particular scouse trait.

Ask yourself why-for all the "istree," for all the self-righteousness,all the abuse of "judas" Lescott for daring to better himself after you stole him from Wolves in EXACTLY the same way...you are potless,skint,going nowhere....Blackburn Rovers have an investor,and Everton don't....

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your city is a mess and you are playing in a crumbling stadium,with no-one in sight...EVER.
But you're too full of hate,bitterness and envy to see it.

I pity you.I really do.


I feeeeeeeeelllll your anger, i really do.

Someone ban the troll please.
EFC123 Angry about what. This is why your club is smalltime you win the small battles but you NEVER win the war, so we lost aww dammit i was pissed off for all about 2 hrs until the spurs game ended and i realised we have europe and a cup final to look forward to while your season peters away to nothing as always.

You can smile tonight you must feel very smug about beating Manchester City but it only proves how small time you are if you could compete it would be just another game to you towards a greater goal as it is it means everything to you to us its just another game.

So tell me what are we angry about who you trying to convince you or us
Rubyappeal said:
EFC123 said:

I feeeeeeeeelllll your anger, i really do.

No anger my friend.Just sadness that you feel the need to come here and try and preach about "righteousness."
It's the same every time you beat us.No other set of fans does it...not even rags.
I've never seen a set of fans from a different city so fired up about getting one over on the oppo for totally non-footballing reasons.
Especially when their own club is swimming in concrete.

You should have a look at yourselves.You're in a mess,yet take a victory over City as some kind of religious event.

You're a joke.But you can't see it through all the hate and injustice.

Pity city.

You my friend are the one that brough up righteousness, not me, you.

You call us bitter? Have a listen to your manager after yesterdays game or read some of the shite written on here.

Your fans moan about us getting about you but the facts are YOU are the most dirty team in the league.

I read a comment on here that said "they are actually trying to injure our players!". Well i suppose that makes a change from YOUR players trying to injure YOUR players as we seem to read about every other week at the moment. Oh and remember Joey Barton?

Oh and "istree", remind me when you were last in the 3rd division?
wow our bogey team everton have summat to get excited about for a change


onwards and upwards for City :-)
ManCityX said:
City is a bigger game for Everton than Liverpool is now. It's a compliment I guess.

Not for the Everton fans but most definitely for Moyes and his players.

Its almost laughable to see his reaction yesterday after the final whistle and the fist pumping of his number 1 City hater, Chuckle!
Whatever we say we are fcking limping over the finishing line. Thank fck Spurs form has been shite in last few months and that Liverpool didnt appoint Dalglish a month earlier.
EFC123 said:
Rubyappeal said:
No anger my friend.Just sadness that you feel the need to come here and try and preach about "righteousness."
It's the same every time you beat us.No other set of fans does it...not even rags.
I've never seen a set of fans from a different city so fired up about getting one over on the oppo for totally non-footballing reasons.
Especially when their own club is swimming in concrete.

You should have a look at yourselves.You're in a mess,yet take a victory over City as some kind of religious event.

You're a joke.But you can't see it through all the hate and injustice.

Pity city.

You my friend are the one that brough up righteousness, not me, you.

You call us bitter? Have a listen to your manager after yesterdays game or read some of the shite written on here.

Your fans moan about us getting about you but the facts are YOU are the most dirty team in the league.

I read a comment on here that said "they are actually trying to injure our players!". Well i suppose that makes a change from YOUR players trying to injure YOUR players as we seem to read about every other week at the moment. Oh and remember Joey Barton?

Oh and "istree", remind me when you were last in the 3rd division?

Seriously now mate, you must be thinking when your club is gonna either go into liquidation or get relegated, or both. When Golom fuks off and your cash cow from selling your best players dries up then what are you gonna do then?

And as for 3rd division, remind me of the time when your horrible fans failed to show up pre-trophy years of the 80s, did'nt you get 9k for a top flight match?
I pointed out to the Mrs. yesterday that within about 5years, your rat infested igloo of a ground will have weeds and nettles growing where people once stood, thats how serious your future is mate and in reality, YOU ARE FUKD.

PS, shame that we are now your cup final, ah well it's a fly that we can swat away with a wave of a cheque book, you are a temporary irritant, a bit like a tummy bug, a mild cold or VD, not for long though as i posted above.


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